"You know how to use a smartphone, so I won't teach you." Su Hao smiled and said, "I'll take the phone and give it to others."

  Su Hao found Zhou Xue and gave Zhou Xue a smartphone.

  Zhou Xue did not accompany him to visit the smartphone laboratory, but only learned about the advanced nature of smartphones from Su Hao and Li Rongrong.

  Now that she gets a smartphone, Zhou Xue loves it at all costs.

  Su Hao naturally seized the opportunity and taught Zhou Xue how to use the smartphone.

  Su Hao leaned close to Zhou Xue's ear, looking from a distance, Su Hao and Zhou Xue were almost close to each other, like a very happy couple.

  "Smartphones operate on a full touch screen, and the app store downloads APP software, but this requires an internet connection to operate."

  Su Hao patiently taught Zhou Xue how to use the smartphone.

  Zhou Xue was completely unaware that Su Hao took advantage of this opportunity, and listened to Su Hao's teaching very seriously.

  It wasn't until she felt the heat in her ears that Zhou Xue reacted and turned her head sharply.

  Zhou Xue turned her head this time, and in the next second, the air instantly stagnated.

  Since Su Hao was very close to Zhou Xue, Zhou Xue turned her head, the two were facing each other, and their four lips happened to stick together.

  The picture stopped, Zhou Xue and Su Hao were stunned.

  Five seconds later, Zhou Xue came back to his senses and pushed Su Hao away suddenly.

  Seeing Zhou Xue's unkind face, Su Hao said embarrassingly, "Zhou Xue, it was just an accident, you can't blame me."

  Zhou Xue stared at Su Hao coldly. She knew that it was an accident just now, but the accident was caused by Su Hao. If Su Hao hadn't gotten so close, this accident would never have happened.

  It was her first kiss just now, and her first time was gone. . .

  Zhou Xue felt very aggrieved and wanted to scold Su Hao, but she couldn't say it.

  "Don't look at me like this, it's weird." Su Hao smiled and said, "I can take responsibility for you, as long as you nod your head."

  Zhou Xue couldn't help but scolded, "I'm in charge of your big bastard."

  "Unfortunately, I thought the accident just now would make our relationship a lot further, but I didn't expect... sigh." Su Hao pretended to sigh.

  "Just play, I'll watch it quietly." Zhou Xue said coldly.

  "Hehe, do you want me to teach you?" Su Hao asked with a smile.

  "No need, I'll find out by myself." Zhou Xue refused without hesitation.

  Su Hao took advantage once, Zhou Xue would definitely not give Su Hao a chance to take advantage of the second time.

  "That's such a pity." Su Hao asked with a smile: "I have to say, the fragrance on your body is really fragrant, what fragrance are you using?"

  Zhou Xue heard the words, a red cloud flashed across her face, and reprimanded: "It's none of your business, I want to work, please leave."

  "Could it be body fragrance?" Su Hao continued to ask.

  "Are you going?" Zhou Xue couldn't stand Su Hao's cheeky face, and her face became even colder.

  "Okay, I'll go." Before leaving, Su Hao left a sentence, "Zhou Xue, don't make me wait too long, I want to have you sooner."


  After Su Hao left, Zhou Xue couldn't hold back any longer.

  This guy is getting more and more shameless, what should I do if it goes on like this?

  No, I have to talk to Ruo Meng when I go back, and let Ruo Meng teach him a lesson.

  Su Hao gave the smartphone to the top management of the group.The high-level executives were shocked when they tried the smartphone.

  6 month 5 number.

  The third batch of Huaxin computers was put on the shelves, and it was still [-] million units.

  This time, it was still sold out in less than ten seconds.

  "It took a few seconds to grab it all. When will I be able to grab Huaxin Computer?"

  "It's too difficult, I didn't get it, and I have to wait 20 days for the next time. It's too difficult for me."

  "I have already bought a Lenovo computer. I can't wait. The speed of the 3G network cable is really fast. I can't wait."

  "Hehe, I also bought other computers, and it's not bad for the money."

  "I haven't built a 3G network base station here. Don't worry, I will continue to wait for Huaxin Computer. I believe that one day I will be able to grab Huaxin Computer."

  "No matter what, I'll be waiting for Huaxin Computer. It's more than a thousand yuan, isn't it money?"

  "As a child of a poor family, I said that I can only wait for the Huaxin computer. I can't afford other computers."

  "I have to say that the 3G network cable is really fast, and the 4M network cable is really cool to play "Cross Fire"."

  "Playing "Audience" and "Adventure Island" is not stuck at all, haha."

  "Huaxin's high-end computer with Huaxin's 4M network speed is really cool to play games, haha."

  "You all shut up, I can't stand this irritation."

  "Have you heard? Haoyu Group developed a 3G mobile phone, have you heard of it?" Suddenly a netizen mentioned mobile phones.

  "I didn't hear it, who did you hear?"

  "That's right, why didn't I hear the wind at all?"

  "Has 3G mobile phones really been developed? I haven't heard the slightest bit of wind."

  "I'm from Donghai University, and my senior brother who works in Haoyu Group said that their group has developed a mobile phone, which they say is called a smartphone, and their senior management is already using it."

  "What? Smartphone? Are you sure you're not kidding?"

  "How is this possible, smartphone? Who is it?"

  "Maybe, there are also mobile phones labeled as smartphones, but they are not real smartphones, they are just selling dog meat."

  "I don't know, I just heard it. My senior brother said that their group's smartphone is a real smartphone, and it will definitely make a sensation in the world."

  "A sensation all over the world, is it that exaggerated?"

  "There is no picture and no truth. If you have the ability, you can directly upload the picture."

  Many netizens ran to the Huaxin mobile phone store and shouted that Huaxin mobile phone announced the news.

  Because netizens are looking forward to the so-called 3G mobile phone, this matter spreads very quickly, more and more netizens join in, and finally the whole network is discussing 3G mobile phones and smart phones.

  There are also more people on the Internet who broke the news, saying that Huaxin mobile phone really has a new mobile phone, and the senior management of Haoyu Group is already using it.

  After Su Hao knew about this, he decided to hold a press conference on Huaxin Mobile on June 6.

  After the news of the Huaxin mobile phone press conference was announced, it attracted the attention of the whole network.

  "Really, it's true, CEFC Mobile will introduce the world's first real smartphone at a press conference on June 6."

  "My God, a smartphone, the first smartphone in the true sense, Huaxin Mobile really dares to say it."

  "Huaxin Mobile is confident and looking forward to it, haha, what will a smartphone look like?"

  "Intelligent, the word sounds tall, haha."

  "On the 8th, there are still two days, soon, soon."

  "In any case, whether it's a smartphone or not, the Huaxin mobile phone will definitely be a 3G mobile phone, otherwise there will never be a press conference."

  "That is, Haoyu Group is so low-key. This is the first press conference. It is conceivable that this new mobile phone must be very good."

  "Can a smartphone be good?"

  Other big brands of mobile phones are disdainful of the press conference held by Huaxin Mobile.

  What kind of smartphone is not a routine to sell dog meat.

  6 month 8 number.

  ten in the morning.

  Dozens of domestic media reporters gathered at the press conference of Huaxin Mobile, and the audience was even larger.Not only people from Donghai City, but also mobile phone enthusiasts from other parts of the country are also curious.

  The press conference went straight to the topic, directly announcing that Huaxin Mobile has developed the first real smartphone.

  When the fully touch-screen smartphone was shown, the audience was shocked.

  After the data of the smartphone was released, everyone at the scene was stunned and speechless.

  The conference time was very short, less than half an hour. After introducing the various features and parameters of the smartphone, the conference ended.

  Huaxin Mobile did not give the media reporters a chance to ask questions at all, and directly announced the end of the press conference.

  "Smart phone, this is the real smart phone, my God, smart phone is amazing, full touch screen operation, you can watch TV, video call, play "Plants vs Zombies", this smart phone is so awesome ?"

  "I can't describe the greatness of smartphones in words. I just want to say that smartphones will definitely replace mobile phones on the market today."

  People on the scene are very fascinated by smartphones.

  Soon, the Huaxin mobile phone press conference was spread through the media, and the Chinese people were as shocked as the people on the scene when they saw the display of smartphones.

  On this day, the smartphone of Huaxin Mobile made a sensation in the whole country.

  Especially after the CCTV news report to the Huaxin mobile phone conference, the news of the smart phone spread to other countries in the world through the Chinese.

  Thank you [Chaos Wudao] for the monthly ticket and reminder ticket, I am very grateful, thank you! .

Chapter 229

  CCTV News gave a full three minutes to report the press conference of Huaxin Mobile.

  These three minutes are super publicity for a private company. Now Huaxin mobile phone does not need advertisements. People all over the country know that Huaxin mobile phone has developed a smart phone.

  In the news, the parameters and advanced features of the smart phone are listed one by one.

  Everyone who saw the news was shocked.

  There are no buttons, only two simple buttons at the bottom, full-screen touch-screen operation.

  3G network, you can make voice calls and video calls through YY, and it is not stuck at all.

  Memory 4GB and 8GB two versions.

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