If the three major operators start construction now, the research institute will only send two or three technicians to guide, and only one base station can be established.

  Faced with this result, the three major operators could only frown and send technicians to learn from the CEFC team.

  While studying, he also helped Huaxin Communications build 3G network base stations.

  This made the executives of the three major operators almost vomit blood.

  This Huaxin Communication is really a good abacus, but they can't do it with Huaxin Communication.

  In this way, the progress of Huaxin Communication's 3G network base station is advancing rapidly.

  With the construction of 3G network, major brand computer vendors have also cut prices.

  They can't afford not to cut prices, all kinds of small businesses have cut prices, and they have no way out if they don't cut prices.

  This has been well demonstrated in the past few days.In the past few days, many big brand computers are not only rarely ordered on Taotao.com, but also rarely bought in offline physical stores.

  As a last resort, many big brands had to cut prices.

  The price is more than a few hundred thousand more than a small business.

  Netizens are overjoyed to see the price cuts of big brand computers.

  "Haha, the high-end model of more than [-] has dropped to [-], and it has dropped by more than [-]. It seems that the big brands can't stand it anymore, haha."

  "It's strange that I can survive it. I heard that the orders of big brands are only a few orders these days, while those under the brand have at least dozens of orders, and most of them have hundreds of orders."

  "Is it only a few orders? No wonder the price will be reduced, even I can't stand it."

  "It's all thanks to Huaxin Computer, haha.".

Chapter 224

  "Huaxin Computer is simply our gospel. If it weren't for Huaxin Computer, those big brands would never have lowered their prices. Thanks to Huaxin Computer, you are the best."

  "Huaxin computer is great. Huaxin computer is the cheapest. No matter how long I wait, I will buy Huaxin computer."

  "Huaxin Computer, why don't you make a full-payment reservation. The full-payment reservation will be given priority to purchase. My wallet is already hungry."

  "What are you thinking, pay back the full payment for the reservation, rich people, please forgive me, my salary at the end of the month is just enough to buy a Huaxin computer, don't call me a full payment reservation."

  "Haha, I am also waiting for the salary payment at the end of the month just to catch up with the second batch of Huaxin Computer. Huaxin Computer, you must not book a full payment."

  Su Hao didn't pay any attention to the voice of the full payment.Su Hao's energy was all on Huaxin's mobile phone.

  After half a month of preparation, Su Hao established the Huaxin Mobile Phone Research Laboratory.

  When Su Hao explained the concept of a smartphone, hundreds of researchers at Huaxin Mobile were dumbfounded.

  They all know the word "smart", and they have heard that foreign companies are researching smart phones, but they have never heard of such a mature smart phone solution.

  According to Su Hao's concept of data, it is a mature smartphone.

  "Smartphones will definitely replace mobile phones on the market today, and our Huaxin mobile phone will become the world's first real smart phone. This great achievement needs to be created by all of you present."

  Su Hao spoke lofty words to encourage all researchers.

  "Young Master Su, we will definitely work hard." All the researchers were extremely excited.

  Smartphone operating system Su Hao took the lead in designing, and the operating system given by the system is extremely perfect.With Su Hao leading, the operating system is progressing rapidly.

  In terms of various parts of the smartphone, Su Hao has arranged teams, each team is responsible for one part, and professional researchers are responsible.

  As for the key chips, Su Hao directly established a lithography research institute.

  Su Hao went directly to the second elder and asked the second elder to introduce national talents and teams.

  Seeing the confident Su Hao, the second elder decided to help Su Hao.

  With the participation of national-level talents and teams, and the lithography machine technology rewarded by the system, the lithography machine research institute will have new technological breakthroughs almost every day.

  The lithography machine research institute and the smartphone research laboratory go hand in hand, and everything is developing in secret.

  The researchers of the two research institutes are the same as the researchers of the 3G Network Research Institute. With the more contacts, they all regard Su Hao as an idol.

  In their eyes, Su Hao is a super genius. No, it should be said that he is a super evildoer. A genius is no longer worthy of Su Hao. Only a super evildoer is worthy of Su Hao.

  3G network construction, smart phones, the progress is extremely fast.

  In order to keep secrets, every researcher Su Hao is screened by advanced insight technique to ensure that they are all researchers with good character.

  Coupled with the non-disclosure agreement, the news of the lithography machine and smartphone has not leaked out at all.

  At the same time, Su Hao vigorously develops Huaxin mobile phones, and the production lines for various parts of mobile phones are rapidly expanding.

  In a month's time, Donghai City has added a large mobile phone production line, which can be said to be the largest mobile phone factory base in the world.

  As long as there is a technological breakthrough in mobile phone parts, Su Hao will immediately let the factory start producing the parts.

  Huaxin Mobile's first-generation smartphone, Su Hao's goal is to sell [-] million units, so it must be produced in advance.

  It is best that the first generation of Huaxin smartphones can also be launched after the 3G network in the first-, second- and third-tier cities is established.

  Due to the construction of smartphones and CEFC's 3G network, Su Hao was so busy during this time.

  On April 4, the second batch of Huaxin Computer was put on the shelves.

  It is worth mentioning that the number of people who booked Huaxin Computer during this period has become more than [-] million, and almost exceeded [-] million.

  For the second batch of goods, 60 million Huaxin computers were put on the shelves, with 60 low-spec, 30 medium-spec, and [-] high-spec.

  The shelf time is [-]pm, which is to give everyone time to snap up.

  At [-]:[-], all Taotao.com users who booked Huaxin Computer received the information that Huaxin Computer put the second batch of goods on the shelves at [-]:[-].

  "Haha, I finally got it, [-] million units, this time I must grab one 々ˇ."

  "20 million units in [-] days, Huaxin Computer's production capacity is not enough. There are not [-] units in a day. When will it be able to meet the nearly [-] million people who book."

  "I have been outside the factory of Huaxin Computer. Huaxin Computer is rapidly expanding, and the production capacity should be able to keep up quickly. It should be available in half a year."

  "I'm not in a hurry, anyway, Huaxin Communication has not been built yet. I will wait for Huaxin Communication to build before buying a computer. At that time, I will just use Huaxin Communication's network cable."

  "I'll go, this move is fine. CEFC should be cheaper than the three major operators. Should I wait?"

  "Wait, buy it first and then talk about it. According to the current progress of Huaxin Computer, I will be able to use the 3G network in less than two months."

  "Haha, it's the same in my big capital. I'll buy a computer first, otherwise I don't know when it will be next time."

  "I'm like a big city, I'll buy a computer first."

  "Actually, I prefer laptops, and I hope Huaxin Computers can release laptops as soon as possible."

  "Same as above, I also prefer laptops. It doesn't matter if they are more expensive. The main reason is that they are easy to carry. Huaxin Computers will release laptops as soon as possible."

  "Let's talk as much as you like, I'll buy it quietly, hehe."

  "It doesn't start until seven o'clock, what's the hurry?"

  "That's right, it's only forty minutes now, there are still ten minutes left, no hurry."

  "Guess how long it will take for the [-] million computers to sell out this time?"

  "I guess for one minute, I'll bet on two packs of spicy sticks."

  "Bullshit, where is one minute, please be accurate to the second."

  "If you want a penny, I'll eat shit upside down."

  "I estimate that it will not take ten seconds. Almost [-] million people have booked, and there are only [-] million units. It will definitely be sold out in ten seconds."

  "Ten seconds, unlikely, right? Can you pay so quickly?"

  "Nonsense, this is the time to fight for hand speed. If you don't have hand speed, I advise you to give up obediently, lest you be more disappointed if you can't grab it."

  "That's right, it's more than ten seconds, and it's estimated that it will be robbed in five seconds."

  "The more you say it, the more outrageous it is. Five seconds, it's not that exaggerated."

  "If you don't believe me, see it in ten minutes."

  Those big brand computer merchants are all confused when they see these comments from netizens.

  Nima, a minute is a long time, ten seconds, five seconds, should we be so ruthless, [-] million computers in ten seconds, is this possible?

  Depressed at the same time, the big brand computer merchants are extremely envious. No matter how long it takes, the [-] million Huaxin computers will definitely be sold out very quickly this time.

  Small-brand computers are even more envious. They can't wait to replace Huaxin Computer and let those [-] to [-] million users snap up his computers.

  At [-]:[-], [-] to [-] million people poured into the Huaxin computer store, and so many people rushed in at once, causing Taotao.com to be a little stuck.

  "Nima, it's actually stuck, special meow, this Internet speed is not good."

  "My God, I'm stuck at this time, how can I grab it?"

  Seven o'clock sharp.

  Huaxin Computer officially launched [-] million computers.

  In less than three seconds, the Huaxin computer page indicated that it was out of stock.

  Many network card users are prompted that they cannot enter the page, and when they can come in, they see that it has been sold out.

  "Nima, do you want to be so ruthless? It only took a few seconds to sell out."

  "Oh my God, I got stuck and came in again, and the [-] million computers were gone."

  Huaxin Computer announced the news directly.

  [-] million computers were sold out in three seconds, thank you for your support.

  Everyone was dumbfounded when they saw the news.

  "Three seconds, only three seconds, what kind of immortal hand speed is this."

  "Nima, I've been single for 23 years and I haven't managed to get my hands on it. I'm so pitiful."

  "I haven't achieved the speed of being single for 25 years. What are you 23 years?"

  Users who did not grab it are extremely depressed.

  "Haha, I got it, haha."

  "Satisfied, I finally got the computer I like, haha."

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