There are Jiajiafu supermarkets and, and Huaxin Electric does not worry about sales at all. As long as the products are good, they do not worry about not being able to sell.

  "The purpose of Huaxin Electric is to focus on product quality and cost-effectiveness. We may not be the most luxurious, but we must be the most practical and the best cost-effective."

  After the establishment of Huaxin Electric, Su Hao began to develop Huaxin mobile phones.

  Before he made smart phones, Su Hao planned to make a lot of money by making a batch of fake phones, and he should also prepare for smart phones in advance.

  Zhou Xue was completely tired when she saw that Su Hao continued to set up the Huaxin mobile phone factory.

  It's so hard to meet such a restless boss.

  On March 3, the Huaxin mobile phone factory was listed with an investment of 10 million.

  So far, there are three less companies in the East China Sea, and three more Huaxin brand companies.

  The three companies of Huaxin Computer, Huaxin Electric, and Huaxin Mobile have been noticed by some people in the East China Sea.These people are puzzled by the unfamiliar brand of Huaxin.

  Is it the big guy who came in?But how can there be a big boss in the East China Sea?

  These people couldn't figure out who created the brand of Huaxin, and finally had to give up.They know that the truth will soon surface when the Huaxin brand engages in such a big battle.

  Also on this day, the 3G network made a major breakthrough.

  With Su Hao providing ideas and technologies, Professor Huang Zhenguo and his apprentices researched day and night, and finally made a major breakthrough.

  Su Hao rushed to the research institute immediately after receiving the call.

  Seeing Su Hao, Huang Zhenguo said with joy on his face: "Su Hao, fortunately, the 3G network has made a major breakthrough. It can be said that we have mastered the key technology of 3G network now, and I dare to say that our technology is better than that of foreign countries. Mature."

  "Haha, Professor Huang, I knew you could do it." Su Hao smiled proudly.

  "Where, Su Hao, all of this is your credit. We only conduct scientific research according to the ideas you provided. Many technical problems are solved by you. If it weren't for you, we would definitely not have achieved such a major breakthrough. It's your credit." Professor Huang Zhenguo did not take the credit.

  Not only Huang Zhenguo, everyone in the scientific research institute knows that the scientific research institute has achieved great results because of Su Hao. Without Su Hao, the scientific research institute would not have achieved today's success.

  "We all have credit, and your credit is the greatest." Su Hao didn't care about these credits at all.

  "The next step is to perfect it. After it is perfected, it can be put into commercial use immediately." Professor Huang Zhenguo said: "I have applied for all patents, and we should be able to win some patents."

  Su Hao said: "Well, the patent must be won. With the patent in hand, everything is easy to handle."

  "By the way, Su Hao, someone from the country will contact you soon. After all, 3G is related to the development of the country. I hope you will remember our dreams." Professor Huang Zhenguo reminded.

  Su Hao assured: "Professor Huang, don't worry, I have never forgotten."

  Thank you [Playing P Preserved Egg D] for the monthly pass of the boss, I am very grateful, thank you! .

Chapter 176

  With Su Hao's assurance, Professor Huang Zhenguo laughed like a child.

  The people next to them were full of curiosity, and wanted to ask Su Hao and Huang Zhenguo what their dreams were, but they dared not ask. Yuan Xuefei was also extremely curious.

  Afterwards, Su Hao and Yuan Xuefei went home together.

  On the way, Yuan Xuefei finally couldn't help but ask: "Su Hao, what dream did you and Professor Huang talk about?"

  Su Hao smiled and said, "Are you still curious about this?"

  "Of course, who is not curious about the dream shared by Professor Huang and you." Yuan Xuefei said, "Have you noticed that the people in the research institute are very curious, but they are too embarrassed to ask."

  "I really didn't pay attention to that." Su Hao sneered and said, "It's actually nothing, it's very simple. It is my dream and Professor Huang's dream to have 3G networks spread across every corner of the country."

  "The 3G network covers every corner of the country?" Yuan Xuefei was shocked and said, "How much will it cost? Can we do it?"

  "It's hard to say." Su Hao said softly: "At least [-] billion to start, and more ~ ​​[-] billion."

  Su Hao thinks of the signal towers that rose out of thin air, and the communication signal towers standing on the top of the mountain, and his heart is infinite - heroic.

  In this life, I must let the motherland use 3G, 4G, and 5G as soon as possible, and must catch up with the footsteps of foreign countries - to be the first in the world.

  "Ten billion, one hundred billion?" Yuan Xuefei's expression was even more shocked.

  "How can we have so much money?"

  Su Hao smiled and said: "These funds are not invested all at once. The 3G network construction process will take at least one or two years, and it may take three or five years. We don't have that much money now, and we will definitely be able to make that much money in two or three years. ."

  "Well, definitely, you are so powerful, you will definitely achieve your dream." Yuan Xuefei believed in Su Hao very much.

  "That's right, with your help, concubine sister, I don't think it would be difficult to make money, hehe." Su Hao smiled proudly.

  Yuan Xuefei gave Su Hao a roll of eyes.

  When he returned to Villa 20, Du Ruomeng was already at home.

  "Why are you smiling so happily? Is there something good?" Du Ruomeng asked suspiciously when she saw that Su Hao and Yuan Xuefei were both smiling.

  Yuan Xuefei replied: "Well, Xiaomeng, there has been a major breakthrough in the 3G network at the research institute, and it can be put into commercial use soon. Do you think it is good news?"

  "So fast, 3G network, that's really good news, Su Hao, you are amazing." Du Ruomeng was shocked, and at the same time very happy for Su Hao.

  "Haha, concubine, Ruo Meng, such a great thing, do we have to celebrate tonight?" Su Hao asked with a smile.

  Knowing what Su Hao was thinking, Du Ruomeng gave Su Hao a stern look, and said angrily, "Let's have a drink to celebrate."

  "I have to drink to celebrate." Su Hao readily agreed.

  Afterwards, Su Hao, Du Ruomeng, and Yuan Xuefei drank and chatted.

  This night was an extremely happy night for Su Hao.

  3 month 11 number.

  In the morning, Su Hao planned to go to school to find Zhang Mengqi.I haven't seen Zhang Mengqi for several days, and Su Hao misses her very much.It's also time to find a time for Zhang Mengqi's three daughters to meet, and then let Zhang Mengqi move into Villa 20.

  Such a delicate little flower as Zhang Mengqi, Su Hao was already ready to move and couldn't wait to pick it.

  After going to school with Du Ruomeng, Su Hao and Du Ruomeng separated and went to the classroom first.

  The students in the class were all stunned when they saw Su Hao.

  Su Hao's three good friends all warmly welcomed Su Hao's arrival.

  "Third, what's the wind blowing today, you actually came to class?" Hong Dabao teased.

  "Blowing the big treasure wind, the treasure wind will follow you all the way. I wonder if I will find any treasures." Su Hao joked back.

  "Come on, pick me up, I'm willing to be picked up by you." Hong Dabao said directly.

  "Go away, you can't afford this tonnage." Su Hao said rudely.

  "Haha, third child, you are right, Dabao's tonnage is really worth it." Li Weikang and Wang Yongjun agreed.

  "The third, congratulations to your YY for beating Penguin and's great success." Hong Dabao officially congratulated.

  Wang Yongjun and Li Weikang also sent congratulations.

  All three knew that YY was created by Su Hao.As good friends in the dormitory, the three of them are all envious, without a trace of jealousy.

  "Be quiet, I don't want to be too public." Su Hao reminded the three to be quiet.

  "Third, I despise you. You are obviously very high-profile, but you always act low-key. I despise you fiercely." Hong Dabao said contemptuously.

  "I will ignore your contempt and tell you, there are many beautiful employees in YY, do you want to be an intern at YY?" Su Hao threw out the temptation.

  "I think, of course I think, the third, you are my idol, you must agree to my little fan's little request, let me enter YY." Hong Dabao heard the beauty, his eyes gleamed cheekily.

· · 0 flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??

  "Forget it, you are only freshmen, you should learn more knowledge and talk about it when you are a junior." Su Hao didn't want the three good friends to leave school prematurely and contact the society. Ivory Tower Time.

  "That's good. I'll spend two more years in school, and I will be carefree in school. Next semester, there will be school girls. How good, haha." Hong Dabao still likes the carefree time at school. , especially looking forward to schoolgirls.

  "Where's Mengqi?" Su Hao didn't wait for Zhang Mengqi to appear.

  "The monitor is very busy and has very little time to come to class, just some important classes." Hong Dabao said.

  "That's fine, I'll go to the tutoring website to find her, and I'll ask you to give her a good meal when you're free."


  Su Hao left the classroom and quickly arrived at the tutoring website.

  After more than a month, the tutoring website is still the same, but it seems to be a lot busy.

  When the employees found Su Hao, they all said hello to Su Hao.Su Hao responded with smiles, and soon came to Zhang Mengqi's side.

  "Why are you here?" Zhang Mengqi saw Su Hao with unexpected joy in her eyes.

  "I miss you." Su Hao said directly.

  "You're going to die, be serious." Zhang Mengqi was still very thin-skinned, and couldn't stand the flirting in public.

  After chatting for a while, Su Hao directly stated his intention: "Meng Qi, have a meal with concubine Ruo Meng and the others in the evening."

  Zhang Mengqi nodded obediently.

  Su Hao then informed Yuan Xuefei and Du Ruomeng.

  In the evening, Villa 20.

  Zhang Mengqi stepped into Villa 20 for the first time.

  In order to make Zhang Mengqi feel more at home, Yuan Xuefei decided to eat at home.

  "Meng Qi, I finally waited for you." Du Ruomeng hugged Zhang Mengqi with a happy smile on her face.

  Yuan Xuefei also welcomed Zhang Mengqi's arrival, which completely dissipated the anxiety in Zhang Mengqi's heart.

  The three girls chatted hotly, and Su Hao seemed to be an outsider.

  Su Hao was not at all dissatisfied, but instead had a full smile on his face.The better the relationship between the three women, the happier he is.If the relationship between the three women is really not good, it will give him a headache.

  This night was a happy night for Su Hao and Zhang Mengqi.

  Thank you [One Meter Sunshine] for your monthly pass, I am very grateful, thank you!Ten thousand.

Chapter 177

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