"Wang Chan, in the next few days, we will make every effort to develop Dongfeng Express. This is an opportunity for Dongfeng Express. All the money that Taotao.com makes this time can be invested in Dongfeng Express, as long as Dongfeng Express develops rapidly." Su Hao said seriously.

  "¨'Okay, Master Su." Wang Chan nodded fiercely.

  "Zhou Xue, I'll leave Taotao.com to you. Wang Chan must focus all her energy on Dongfeng Express." Su Hao said to Zhou Xue.

  "Well, the event has ended, and Taotao.com has nothing to do with it. I'll help to keep an eye on it." Zhou Xue readily agreed.

  "There is still a lack of talent." Su Hao sighed.

  There is no shortage of ordinary employees, there is no shortage of middle-level employees, and there is a shortage of senior managers.

  Dongfeng Express took advantage of this opportunity to tell the operation, other express companies received a large order business is also a little cheaper.This made Su Hao secretly relieved.

  To be honest, Su Hao is really worried that other express companies will be in trouble at this time. If it is really like that, Taotao.com's [-]-[-] million express only depends on Dongfeng Express and doesn't know when it will be finished.

  Fortunately, there is no certain treasure at this time. Fortunately, the competition of express delivery companies has not heated up at this time. (Good Lee). .

  Thinking of the express delivery problem, Su Hao was a little scared, and felt that this event was not thoughtful enough.

  He should wait until the nationwide network of Dongfeng Express is completed before launching activities, so that even if other express companies stumble, he will not be completely unable to deal with it.

  Fortunately, there are no competitors. . .

  Su Hao didn't know that his competitor was about to appear.

  At the end of the event, Su Hao had a little free time and planned to take a good rest.

  Unfortunately, a phone call forced him to set off for Jingcheng Mai.

  At ten o'clock in the morning on the 25th, Su Hao received a strange call from the capital.

  "Hello. Who is this?"

  "Hello, Su Hao, I'm the secretary of the second elder. The second elder wants to see you. Please make a trip to the capital."

  "Number two?"

  Su Hao was shocked.

  Thank you for the monthly pass of the [Young Youth Heart Silence], I am very grateful, thank you! .

Chapter 170

  "Student Su Hao, don't doubt, no one dares to make fun of the second elder. If you can fly to the capital today, the second elder will not be available tomorrow."

  Su Hao came back to his senses and asked, "I don't know what the second elder has to do with me?"

  Su Hao said he was in a panic, the second elder suddenly looked for him, can you not panic?

  Is it being targeted by the state?Or is it too high-profile recently?The country is going to beat him?

  Su Hao had countless thoughts in his mind, looking forward to the good news from the other side of the phone.

  Second Elder Secretary: "I don't know, you will know when you see Second Elder, but you are the first young man specially summoned by Second Elder."

  Su Hao agreed: "That's fine, I'll fly to the capital soon."

  Can't tolerate Su Hao not agreeing, the second elder summoned, not agreeing?Is it possible, who would dare not agree, unless you don't want to mix in the country in the future.

  "Okay, this is my number, contact me in the capital."

  After finishing the call, Su Hao's face was still extremely shocked, and he couldn't understand why the second elder suddenly wanted to see him.

  Is it really too high-profile recently?

  First, the penguin was destroyed, and now there is a [-] billion turmoil. Is the country eyeing him?

  Is the state really going to beat him?

  The more Su Hao thought about it, the more headache he got, and his brows couldn't help frowning tightly.

  Seeing Su Hao's complicated expression, Zhou Xue couldn't help but ask, "Su Hao, are you alright?"

  Su Hao came back to his senses and said, "The second elder of the country wants to see me, what do you think?"

  Zhou Xue heard the words and finally confirmed that he heard correctly, it was really the second elder who wanted to see Su Hao.

  "Why do I want to see you?"

  Su Hao waved his hand and said, "I don't know, I also have a headache, maybe it's been too high-profile recently."

  Zhou Xuexiu frowned slightly.

  High profile?Have it?Breaking down Penguin, Taotao.com's sales of [-] billion a day seems to be quite high-profile?

  "Su Hao, will the country trouble you?" Zhou Xue asked worriedly.

  Su Hao said lightly: "I don't know, if I knew I wouldn't have a headache. I hope this summoning is a good thing."

  In front of the country, he Su Hao is just a small person. The country can crush him to death. If the country really hits him, the consequences will be extremely serious.

  "Yes, you are so good and talented, it should be because the country sees your talent, that's why they summoned you." Zhou Xue comforted.

  "Haha, beautiful lady, it's rare that you actually praise me." Su Hao laughed softly.

  "I don't want to see your sad face, it's ugly." Zhou Xue said directly.

  "How is it possible, I'm so handsome, I look handsome with a bitter face, how can I be ugly." Su Hao said cheekily.

  "I'm too lazy to talk to you, I'll take you to the airport." Zhou Xue was not in the mood to chat with Su Hao.

  Su Hao said softly: "Okay, this trip to the capital is unpredictable. Before I come back, keep a low profile."

  "You can't keep a low profile, the whole network is discussing the sales of Taotao.com, how can you keep a low profile?" Zhou Xue asked back.

  "Discuss with netizens, don't get involved." Su Hao said lightly.


  At eleven o'clock, Zhou Xue sent Su Hao to the airport.

  At [-]:[-], Su Hao boarded the plane and flew to the capital.Due to the lack of time, there were no more economy class tickets, so Su Hao bought a business class ticket.

  It's a pity that this time the business class still didn't meet a beautiful flight attendant, which made Su Hao slightly disappointed.

  Are all pretty flight attendants in first class?

  Looks like I'll have to experience first class when I come back.

  I haven't met a beautiful flight attendant a few times, and this problem has almost become Su Hao's obsession.Before meeting the beautiful stewardess, I am afraid that Su Hao will think about it involuntarily whenever he is on the plane.

  At two o'clock in the afternoon, Su Hao arrived in the capital.

  Su Hao called the second elder's secretary.

  "I've already arrived in the capital, where can I find you?"

  "Wait a minute, I'll go pick you up."

  "You're so busy, don't be so troublesome, you tell me an address and I'll go directly." Su Hao didn't dare to bother Second Elder Secretary, otherwise he would tell the other party the flight before boarding.

  The second elder secretary was not polite, and directly told Su Hao's address, "Nanzhonghai does not allow outsiders to enter, you call me at the gate, and I will go out and pick you up."

  Su Hao was slightly taken aback when he heard the three words Nanzhonghai, and then said, "Okay, I'll go right over."

  Nanzhonghai, that is the place where important leaders of the country work.

  Su Hao stopped a taxi.

  "Little brother, where are you going?"

  "Nanzhonghai." Su Hao reported the location directly.

  The taxi driver was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "Brother, are you planning to take a look at the gate of Nanzhonghai from a distance?"

  "Yes." Su Hao said casually.

  More than half an hour later, the taxi stopped ten meters away from the gate of Nanzhonghai.

  "Little brother, I can only park here. Do you want to get out of the car or just take a look at it from a distance?" The taxi kindly reminded: "Nanzhonghai is the center of the country, and strangers can't get too close."

  "I know, I'll get out of the car and have a look." Su Hao smiled.

  After getting out of the car, Su Hao called the second elder's secretary.

  When the taxi driver saw Su Hao calling, a look of doubt flashed on his face, why is this little brother calling?Didn't he just leave after watching it for a while?

  Forget it, or wait for him, this place is very difficult to get a car.

  A few minutes later, the second elder secretary appeared at the gate.

  Seeing Su Hao, the second elder secretary quickly walked up to him and said, "Hello, Su Hao, this is Chen Zhongping, the second elder secretary."

  "Hello, Secretary Chen." Su Hao smiled.

  "Let's go, I'll take you to see the second elder."

  Chen Zhongping and Su Hao entered the South China Sea together.

  The taxi driver was shocked when he saw this scene.

  My God, that little brother came to Nanzhonghai to find someone, and the one who came out to pick him up seemed to be the secretary of the second elder. Could it be that the younger brother came to find the second elder?

  The taxi driver's mind was wide open, and he thought about it, and it took a long time to come back to his senses.

  Su Hao didn't know all this.

  Su Hao followed Chen Zhongping into the South China Sea, enjoying the beautiful scenery of the South China Sea along the way and feeling slightly uneasy.

  Soon, after Chen Zhongping reported it, Su Hao saw the second elder.

  "Hello, Second Elder, I'm Su Hao." Su Hao's voice trembled slightly.

  The old man in front of him is the second elder of the country, and he controls the economy of a country. Seeing such a great man, Su Hao couldn't keep his calm.

  "Hello, Su Hao, I took the liberty to summon you suddenly, please forgive me." The second elder said kindly.

  Hearing this, Su Hao breathed a sigh of relief.

  The attitude of the second elder is definitely not to beat him. As for the real purpose of the second elder, he will soon know.

  "It's my honor to be summoned by the Second Elder. You are always my idol, Second Elder." Su Hao smiled.

  Thank you [134**1772] for the monthly pass, I am very grateful, thank you! .

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