The generals gradually felt the Penguin Pony's office, and saw the penguin Pony's silly appearance, and they felt extremely desperate.

  The entire penguin seemed to be shrouded in dark clouds, and no laughter could be heard, and all the penguin employees were extremely desperate.

  This time the penguins are really screwed. . .

  Penguin customer service completely stopped the bonus cashing, because they knew that there was no way to cash out, this activity is already a bottomless pit.

  Penguin users noticed the shutdown of Penguin customer service.

  "How do I feel like Penguin has stopped bonus cashing out?"

  "Is there? Isn't it cashing all the time?"

  "Is Penguin stupid? It's a bottomless pit, will he cash in?"

  "That's right, call and ask."

  Netizens called Penguin one after another.It's a pity that the customer service did not answer all of them, and then they couldn't get through.

  Penguin customer service knows that netizens will definitely call to ask, and they don't know how to explain it, so they simply don't answer.The phone rang for a long time, and the leader directly asked everyone to unplug the phone line.

  "Can't get through the phone?"

  "I was able to get through just now, but no one answered, why can't I get through all of a sudden?"

  "Busy line on the phone?"

  "No, it can't get through."

  "My God, who can tell me what the penguin is going to do, the phone can't get in, and the bonus won't be cashed. Is this a default?"

  "How is it possible to cash out? Let me make a rough estimate. In less than half an hour, at least [-] million people have successfully recalled ten friends to get a reward of [-] yuan, [-] million yuan and [-] yuan, that's [-] billion yuan, what does the penguin cash in? , we are destined to be busy for nothing."

  "Ten billion? There are so many? My God, there are so many. Penguins must have no money to cash in. Am I busy working in vain?

  "Penguin, I just believed that you are a reputable company. You must not default on your debt. If you dare to default, I swear that you will never use Penguin in this life."

  "Penguin, come out and say something. Will you cash out the bonus? You should come out and say something."

  . . .

  Penguin Pony Office.

  The general of the finance department couldn't help but said, "Brother Ma, we must make a decision as soon as possible. Now that the customer service has stopped cashing out bonuses, netizens will soon find out about this situation, and we must make a decision as soon as possible."

  Penguin Pony came to his senses.

  "What else can be decided? What can we do?"

  "Brother Ma, we must cancel the event of recalling friends immediately, and we will cancel the event first, otherwise the bonus will increase." said the general of the R&D department.

  "Cancel it." Penguin Pony agreed and said, "Send an announcement to cancel the activity of recalling friends. As for the others, we will make an announcement later."

  The General Manager of the R&D Department will call to arrange it immediately.

  Netizens were stunned when they saw Penguin's announcement and saw that they couldn't recall their friends.

  "I knew this event would be canceled soon. It's a pity. Now it's time to see if Penguin recognizes the account. If you do, you can earn [-] yuan. If you don't, you will block Penguin for the rest of your life."

  "It's just about canceling the Recall Friends event, and not about the bonus? Penguin, where's my bonus? You're right."

  "Te meow, who is in the Shenzhen market, go to Penguin with me and ask."

  "I'm in Shenzhen, let's go, let's go to Penguin and ask."

  "My [-] yuan, Penguin, if you dare not cash it, I will block the door of your company every day."

  Netizens rioted completely, scolding Penguin fiercely, and madly shouting Penguin to be accurate.

  The penguin pony and the generals are waiting for the data from the finance department.

  Five minutes later, the finance department sorted out the data.

  "Brother Ma, according to a rough calculation, [-] million people will receive a bonus of [-] yuan, and the total amount is [-] billion. We can't get this money at all."

  When everyone heard the figure of [-] billion, their faces were full of despair.

  "[-] billion, we sold our penguins for less than [-] billion. It's over, this time it's really over..."

  "Brother Ma, all users are calling us to explain." The general of the propaganda department is always paying attention to the wind on the Internet.

  "It's delivered, what can we explain, cash out the bonus? Is it possible?" Penguin Pony smiled wryly.

  The crowd was silent.

  "Everyone is talking about how to solve this problem." Penguin Pony said quietly.

  The crowd remained silent.

  The penguin pony said again: "Don't think about cashing out the bonus, we can't cash it, we must come up with a solution as soon as possible, the longer the delay, the worse it will be for us."

  The general of the publicity department said: "Brother Ma, this recall of new friends is a loophole. We directly announce that the recall of new friends will not count, so we don't have to cash out the bonus."

  "The big deal is that we return to the starting point, and we can make a comeback when there is a chance in the future."

  "What do you think?" the penguin pony asked the other generals.

  "Brother Ma, this is the only way to do it. We can't cash this money, we have to default." Everyone agreed.

  "Then go make an announcement." Penguin Pony said directly.

  A minute later, Penguin made an announcement.

  The announcement pointed out that more than [-] billion bonuses were generated due to the vulnerability. The bonus generated by this vulnerability is not counted, and all users will be compensated afterwards.

  Penguin users were stunned when they saw the announcement, and then they were full of anger.

  "Special meow, Penguin, you dare to default on your debts, you are cheating, you don't count any loopholes, all special meow is an excuse, special meow, I actually believe that Penguin is a reputable company, I am really blind."

  "Shameless Penguin, die for me."

  "Is there any brother in Shenzhen, let's go to Penguin Company to seek justice together, and we must not let Penguin take this account easily."

  Thank you [wangsai1994] for the monthly pass, I am very grateful, thank you! .

Chapter 161

  Netizens rioted collectively and denounced Penguin.

  Penguin users are even more manic, and users in Shenzhen have shouted to go to the door of Penguin to block the door to ask for an explanation.

  Some people led, and other netizens responded one after another. Not only the Shenzhen market, but even the netizens in neighboring cities also shouted to go to Shenzhen Penguin Company to block the door to collect debts.

  "Brothers, I'm leaving right now, is there anyone who will go with me?"

  "I'm going too. I've got [-] yuan to recall fifty, and I've worked so hard for so long. This account must be recovered."

  "I'm forty and four hundred yuan, and I'm going to get it back, too. My dear, Penguin is cheating. If I don't dare to give money, I'll be blocked at the entrance of Penguin Company every day."

  "I'll set off immediately, and the brothers behind will follow, but don't let me fight alone, I can't fight penguins alone."

  "No, I'll come out immediately. The brothers in Shenzhen must keep up. We must not let the penguins lose our hard-earned money."

  Netizens in Shenzhen have rushed to Penguin.

  Other netizens supported it.

  "The brothers who support the Shenzhen market come to collect debts, but unfortunately I am in the northeast, and if I want to be in the south, I have to go to the Shenzhen market to collect debts, special meow, my two hundred dollars, the brothers in the Shenzhen market, it's all up to you. "

  "I'm too far away from the Shenzhen market, otherwise I will support you too. Brothers in the Shenzhen market, I support you in spirit. You must be successful in debt collection. It is up to you whether I can get my [-] yuan."

  "Shit penguin, I knew that the penguin dog can't change to eat shit. How could the company that shamelessly copy YY be so kind. It was just a show before. I swear, I will never use penguin again."

  "Penguin is rightfully reneging on its debts. It's really disgusting. There is no need for such a shameless company to exist. It is recommended that the state take action against it."

  "Penguin is so shameless. I have never seen such a despicable and shameless company. I will use Penguin again in the future. My son has no asshole."

  Most of the netizens vowed not to use penguins anymore. They were really beaten by penguins shamelessly and didn't want to be trapped by penguins again.

  Industry insiders saw netizens riot and shouted to collect debts, and most of them were gloating.

  "Penguin is committing suicide. I'm afraid this penguin can't survive."

  "More than [-] billion, it is impossible for penguins to take out, and netizens cannot let penguins go without money. This is an endless cycle, and penguins will die."

  "If this matter becomes more and more troublesome, the country will also take action, and it will be difficult for the penguins to die."

  "YY's trick is too ruthless, it takes no effort to kill the penguins, YY is too ruthless." Smart people know that the so-called loopholes are YY's handwriting.

  Only YY will look for the loopholes of Penguin attentively, and only YY will make great efforts to promote the loopholes of Penguin.

  If it weren't for the loopholes that suddenly became popular on the whole network, the penguins would have time to react.

  If there are only one or two billion, Penguin can definitely plug this loophole. Unfortunately, with YY, Penguin is destined to be empty.

  Su Hao looked at the remarks on the Internet and felt extremely comfortable.

  "Beauty, if you want to laugh, laugh, how hard it is to endure." Su Hao saw that Zhou Xue kept laughing, and said directly.

  Zhou Xue gave Su Hao a white look, but did not smile.

  "This time we YY won. The [-] billion penguin hole will never be filled. Even if we sell the penguin, the penguin is doomed to perish, hehe."

  When Zhou Xue said the end, she couldn't help but laugh out loud.

  After many days of fighting, she finally ushered in victory today. Zhou Xue is really happy. The full sense of accomplishment fills her heart and makes her soul get a different kind of sublimation.

  "That's right, we're sure to win. Unless Penguin can spend [-] billion, we're all sure to win, hehe." Su Hao smiled brightly.

  "Su Hao, you are really amazing." Zhou Xue praised Su Hao fiercely.

  Su Hao smiled charmingly and said, "Can't you help but fall in love with me?"

  This time, Zhou Xue didn't immediately recover his cold face, but asked with a smile, "What, are you going to abandon your two girlfriends to chase me?"

  Su Hao said directly: "Wake up, stop dreaming, you can make a four-bedroom now, and you won't have a four-bedroom later."

  "Sifang? Don't you only have two girlfriends?" Zhou Xue blurted out.

  Su Hao said narcissistically: "I'm sorry, I'm very charming, I already have three girlfriends, haha."

  "Scumbag." Zhou Xue spit out two words directly.

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