Bang, bang, bang!

Several spiritual swords pierced into the body of the Red God Tiger, causing him to grit his teeth and feel a little pain. His face began to become ferocious, and it looked really scary in the eyes of outsiders. The purple-robed guardian on the other side saw that the Red God Tiger was still resisting stubbornly, and he couldn't help but sneer, then waved his hand, and countless spiritual swords pierced into the Red God Tiger's body again.

Ah, ah! Blood spilled on the ground.

The Red God Tiger touched the blood on his body, and his eyes began to become bloodshot and red.

Then the Red God Tiger roared at the purple-robed guardian, and the roar made the purple-robed guardian feel a little dizzy.

The Red God Tiger didn't want to taste the taste of tens of thousands of swords again!

The tiger body shook and rushed forward desperately, and the huge fist directly punched the guardian who had not yet reacted to the ground.

He said angrily:"Do you really think that this king is a soft persimmon? You can pinch it if you want, and you can't pinch it if you don't want."

Then the giant palm moved, and the spiritual power of the whole body swirled around and turned into a giant tiger of ten thousand feet!

"You forced me to use this move. Just listen to the wail of fate quietly!"

After the Red Divine Tiger finished speaking, the giant tiger roared and rushed towards the guardian on the ground. Behind it, there were flames, like a meteor falling to the ground.

"Oh no, this monster is counterattacking before dying. Damn it, I was careless!"

He quickly swallowed the healing pill, and after a breath, the purple-robed guardian's eyes flickered and murmured,"I don't know if I can block this move!"

Then his face turned cold, and he took out a defensive formation from the ring. The formation was activated instantly and surrounded the guardian's body, turning it into a series of spiritual shields. The ten-thousand-foot-long giant tiger rushed up and directly shattered the formation. The purple-robed guardian's face changed and wanted to escape, but it was too late!

Puff! He spat out a mouthful of blood.

His left arm was torn off fiercely, and before he could feel the pain, his whole body was surrounded by raging flames again. This flame went straight into the depths of his soul, making him unable to resist at all, and he couldn't even feel the pain in his arm.

But just when his soul was about to be burned, a figure appeared in front of him. The man moved his palm and used something unknown, and the flames on the guardian's body were instantly sucked away. The red tiger in the air frowned, because he felt the breath of the Yin-Yang Water Grade pointing directly at this person.

"Could it be that he is the person I am looking for?"

Without waiting for Chi Shenhu to speak, Qi Xiao below raised his head and looked at him, and then a voice resounded in Chi Shenhu's mind!

"Why do you have a familiar aura on you? Who sent you?"

The Red God Tiger was stunned, and immediately replied:"Are you called Qi Xiao? I am here to find you on the orders of Lady Chu Yulei!"

Yulei? Qi Xiao's face changed and he asked softly:"So, you are her man?"

The Red God Tiger nodded its huge head.

Seeing this, Qi Xiao couldn't help but smiled helplessly and murmured:"I didn't expect that we would get to know each other after fighting. I was wondering why I had a mysterious feeling?"

"It turned out that Yu Lei sent someone to find me!"

Seeing his expression, Chi Shenhu didn't say anything, as if he had thought of something. A small knife appeared in his hand and he threw it to Qi Xiao, then he said,"This is from the lord. He asked me to pass it to you!"

Qi Xiao took it with one hand, looked at the knife in his hand, his eyes lit up and he said in surprise,"This......This is the key to the Demon Emperor's tomb. I said so. It turned out to be in her hand!"

Then Qi Xiao looked at the guardian beside him and said,"He is the pet of an old friend of mine. It seems that we have met each other this time without fighting!" He patted his shoulder randomly and said,"You should go back and heal your wounds first!"

Hearing this, the guardian was slightly stunned and retreated without saying a word.

After the guardian left, the two chatted for a few more sentences. What they asked was nothing more than how Chu Youlei was? How was she doing recently? And so on and so forth!

And this fight was also seen by everyone in the Gu family who was in the bedroom, especially Gu Yuntian.

A hint of fighting spirit appeared in the depths of his eyes, because the move that the Red God Tiger had just performed was very powerful, at least in his eyes!

But he also believed that it was because the Red God Tiger's injury had not fully recovered, so this move was not fully exerted, otherwise the guardian would not be as simple as a broken arm.

Gu Yunfeng, who was standing aside, saw his brother's eyes, and couldn't help but smile and said,"Brother, do you want to fight him again?"

Gu Yuntian nodded and said,"Of course I do. After all, I can feel that my strength is about to break through. This feeling is very strong. Maybe I need to fight a battle to break through!"

Gu Yunfeng was shocked, showing a look of surprise, and said happily:"Brother, you mean that you are about to break through to the semi-saint realm!"

Gu Yuntian nodded and said,"Yes, I have felt it, the semi-saint realm is not far from me!"

This sentence made Gu Yunfeng excited and said,"That's great, my Gu family is about to produce a semi-saint strongman!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the Gu family looked at Gu Yuntian with shining eyes.

Seeing the expressions of the crowd and the surprised look of his father, he couldn't help but smile helplessly, sighed and said,"Yes, my Gu family is going to produce a semi-saint, but Hanhan can't see this scene!"

When Gu Yunfeng heard this, he looked at the people nearby, only to see that everyone in the Gu family showed a trace of embarrassment. After all, this was just acting, and Gu Yuehan was not really dead!

Gu Chidan glanced at Gu Yunfeng, smiled and nodded, indicating that he could explain the reason to Yuntian.

Seeing his father nodded to him, Gu Yunfeng did not hide it anymore, and said to Gu Yuntian with a stern face:"Brother, I want to tell you something!"

Gu Yuntian glanced at him and said:"Go ahead!"

Gu Yunfeng scratched his chin again, hesitating:"Actually...In fact, sister Hanhan is not dead!"

What? Hearing this, Gu Yuntian frowned.

Seeing his elder brother's expression, Gu Yunfeng knew that he would be beaten after telling it.

But he thought it was better to tell it.

He said in a deep voice:"Brother, actually we lied to you. Sister Hanhan is not dead. She has been traveling outside!"

"The reason we did this is because you are too loyal to the current king, and the king treated you like that, we couldn't stand it anymore so we came up with this solution!"

"If you want to hit someone, hit me!"

Then Gu Yunfeng closed his eyes.

Gu Yuntian really wanted to hit him, and even wanted to punch him. This lie made him shed so many tears.

I really thought my sister was dead, but now it's fake! He sighed helplessly and said,"Forget it, I know I was too loyal to him before, and I didn't listen to what you said. I was actually wrong too!"

He patted Gu Yunfeng on the shoulder, smiled and said,"It's okay if it's fake, no matter whether it's true or not, today's incident is over, yesterday is history, as long as Hanhan is okay!

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