"Please step back first and let me think for a while!" Qi Xiao waved his hand to the sturdy man.

"As you command!" The sturdy man turned around and returned to the space crack.

""Monster!" Qi Xiao murmured.

Then he shook his head:"Don't think about it for now, the most important thing now is to develop power!"

"Now my Black Building has lost nearly half of its forces before it even fought with others. We have to see what to do next!" Qi Xiao muttered to himself with his left hand behind his back.

Immediately, a space crack appeared in front of him and Qi Xiao stepped into it.

Xingluo City, Ancient Mansion!

In the majestic hall, a young man in a white robe held a feather fan in his hand and said to the middle-aged man sitting at the head with a smile on his face:"Uncle Gu, have you heard about the news that Xingyue City was destroyed?"

Hearing this, the middle-aged man's expression did not change and he said lightly:"Of course I heard about it, but the matter of Xingyue City has little to do with the conversation between you and me. I wonder what your nephew means by this?"

The young man in white robe smiled but said nothing. Then he threw a black stone. The middle-aged man raised his hand to catch it and then used his spiritual sense to probe it. Instantly, a series of images appeared in his mind.

After an incense stick, the middle-aged man opened his eyes and frowned. He saw his son fighting with a powerful monster. Although he won, the words and actions of King Xingyue made him start to worry. The middle-aged man's name is Gu Chidan. He is the current head of the Gu family, that is, Gu Yuntian's father.

Gu Chidan has two sons and a daughter. His daughter Gu Yuehan has been away from home for many years and only comes back once every few years. His two sons are Gu Yuntian and Gu Yunfeng.

Gu Yuntian's talent is a rare holy talent in a thousand years. At the age of ten, he activated his own physique, the Dragon Cloud Spear Body. He also relied on his own talent and physique to become a world-renowned genius in the Southern Region. Even the martial saints of the top holy lands in the Central Region came to accept him as their personal disciples after hearing about his talent.

But Gu Yuntian did not agree at that time.

In his eyes, he was a member of the Star Moon Empire.

How could he betray his country and go to He resolutely refused to take the Central Domain Martial Saint as his master.

In the end, the Martial Saint was not angry about it, but fell in love with Gu Yuntian even more.

Finally, under the soft and hard persuasion of the Martial Saint, he promised all kinds of benefits to the Xingyue Empire.

Gu Yuntian reluctantly nodded and agreed to become his disciple, but only a nominal disciple!

The Xingyue Empire was influenced by Gu Yuntian and eventually became the top empire in the Southern Domain. The power behind the Xingyue Empire was also the holy land where his master was located, and the isolation array of the Xingyue Empire was also given to him by Gu Yuntian's master, but Gu Yuntian gave it to the empire to show his loyalty, and Gu Yuntian was also named the first war god by the Xingyue Empire!

His younger brother Gu Yunfeng's qualifications were much worse than his own, but he also awakened the upper-grade qualifications. Although he was not as good as Gu Yuntian, he never gave up. With his own efforts and decades of experience and polishing, he finally reached the half-step martial honor, and at that time Gu Yuntian had already reached the seventh level of martial honor.

Although Gu Chidan did not do anything useful in his life, the only deed in this life might be that he and his wife gave birth to the genius Gu Yuntian.

"What do you want to say?"Gu Chidan frowned and looked at him.

"Master Gu, you have to understand what kind of people are managing the Star-Moon Empire now?"

"I believe you have also felt the attitude of the current king, right?" The man in the white robe smiled.

"If you are useful, he will use you. But if you are useless in the future, how will the king treat you? Doesn’t the head of the Gu family know this clearly?"

These three sentences made Gu Chidan stunned.

Indeed, the current king’s attitude towards them is indeed that kind, but he himself has no way to do anything. He knows his son’s character. He is too upright. No matter what he says, no matter how he persuades his son, he will still tell you that he will always be loyal to the empire.

A few years ago, Gu Chidan had already noticed it. At that time, he persuaded Gu Yuntian, but he was still unmoved. He only said, I will only be loyal to the country and will not betray the country!

Even his favorite brother Gu Yunfeng persuaded him, he still replied with these words.

So, it seems that Gu Yuntian is in the empire. Although his reputation has been rising, the king has actually always treated him as a chess piece in secret, a chess piece that can be used or discarded.

After all, the empire now has its own martial masters, and it does not need to encounter a big enemy like before, and trouble Gu Yuntian to deal with it.

Gu Yuntian himself, as a general, still has the power of the troops under him, but over the years, after the current king's layers of instigation and suppression, Gu Yuntian's military power has been divided into pieces by other forces, and only a few hundred veterans who have followed him for a long time have not left him.

Thinking of this, Gu Chitian nodded and said,"You are indeed right, but what can I do?"

""Yuntian's character is so stubborn that no amount of persuasion will be of any use?" Gu Chidan sighed and shook his head.

The man in white robe didn't care. He had thousands and tens of thousands of ways to sow discord between Gu Yuntian and the Star-Moon Empire.

What he was waiting for was just this sentence from Gu Chidan. Now that the words had come, he no longer concealed them and said bluntly:"Gu family, I have a way that will not only prevent your son from being loyal to the Star-Moon Empire, but will also make Gu Yuntian hate the empire because of it!"

Gu Chidan was shocked when he heard this, and then nodded, indicating that he should continue.

""Master Gu, how long has it been since your daughter Gu Yuehan came back?"

Gu Chidan heard this, thought for a while, and said,"It's been three years!""

Three years! Hearing this, the white-robed man smiled and said,"Master Gu, my idea is to let you spread the news that your daughter has been killed by the current king of the Star Moon Empire. Your daughter hasn't come back for three years. If Gu Yuntian knew the news, he would be furious. What will be your son's attitude then? You should understand, right?"

Gu Chidan frowned slightly and glanced at him, and said,"The method you mentioned is indeed very good, but it also has loopholes. Although Yuehan hasn't come back for a long time, sometimes he will send people to send some things back to make sure that his life is not in danger."

"And Yuntian also knew that this method could be easily detected by him!"

The man smiled and waved his hand, stood up, walked closer, and said softly:"Then it's up to you, the head of the Gu family, to come!""

I come? Gu Chidan raised his eyebrows, not understanding the meaning of this sentence, then thought about it for a while, his eyes lit up and he understood the meaning.

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