Qin Xuan waved his hand, and a space crack appeared in front of him.

"The system uses the Wu Zun Ten Second Card"

【Ding, Wu Zun's 10-second card activated.

The next moment, Qin Xuan walked into the space crack.

Swish! Zizizi!


A space crack appeared above Lin Tian, and a powerful pressure rushed towards the three people. The three people were directly pressed to the ground and could not move.

Ah!! Ah!

"What's going on?"Bai Yunfeng spat out a mouthful of blood and coughed slightly.

Chi Tian and Xiao Feng didn't say anything. This pressure had already made them breathless.

"You are very good, very good, how dare you touch my apprentice!"

A cold voice with murderous intent resounded in their minds.

The three people couldn't help but start to panic when they heard the voice. They didn't know that they had a feeling in their hearts that if they didn't leave, they would die here.

The three people hurriedly began to struggle, using their most precious treasures to escape from the pressure, and appeared on the top of a mountain.

They looked up and saw a handsome face, wearing a black and gold silk robe, long hair draped over his waist, and a pair of eyes that saw through the world staring at them coldly, as if what appeared in front of him was not a person, but a corpse, an ant.

Qin Xuan stepped slowly and walked towards them. With every step he took, the pressure would increase. They were pressed to the ground again, unable to move, and looked embarrassed. There was no arrogance and domineering look at the beginning.

"Senior, senior, I don’t know how we have offended you. We will admit our mistakes. Please don’t kill me!" Chi Tian knelt on the ground and kowtowed to Qin Xuan repeatedly.

Xiao Feng and Bai Yunfeng on the side also knelt on the ground in a pretentious manner and kowtowed continuously.

Qin Xuan did not speak, nor did he stop. The next moment, a giant hand of a hundred feet appeared in the sky in front of them.

Qin Xuan's cold voice rang in their ears again:"Give me a reason, a reason not to kill you?"

The three of them thought it was a good idea.

What they said at first, I can be your slave, be your subordinate, etc., was no different from nonsense.

But Qin Xuan's face remained unchanged, and he waved his hand slightly.

A hundred-foot-high giant hand fell from the sky.

With a bang, the hundred-foot-high mountain was instantly razed to the ground by the giant hand, and billowing dust and smoke rose up. The nearby mountains within a hundred miles were also completely shattered by the air wave, and some innocent monsters were directly killed by the air wave without leaving any bones.

The Wu Zun's ten-second card was just used up at this time.

The battle seemed to take a long time, but in fact it was only a few breaths.

Although Wu Zun's strength was gone, he could still walk around. In the sky, you can also use space cracks.

Now his strength has reached the level of Wuzong. With his own imperial skills as a supplement, he can still fight three with one, but Qin Xuan felt that it was too troublesome, so he directly used the Wuzun ten-second card to come.

That's right, if Qin Xuan worked hard and finally drew the peak strength of Wuzong, he also drew the imperial skills Cangqiong Potian Jue and the imperial martial arts Zhentian Palm!

Then Qin Xuan looked at the place razed to the ground by the giant hand and muttered to himself:"It is normal to fight and kill in this fantasy world. It is a life-and-death struggle. What you did is not wrong, and I am not wrong. The mistake is that the gap between our strength is too big."

The rule of the fantasy world itself is that small fish eat shrimps, and big fish eat small fish. This is unchanging.

Then he disappeared from the spot and appeared beside Lin Tian and smiled:"Okay, the three of them have been killed by the master, you don't have to pretend to be dead, get up quickly!"

Lin Tian heard this and hurriedly stood up and bowed:"Master, you are finally here. If you don't come again, your apprentice will die here."

Listening to Lin Tian's complaints, Qin Xuan patted his shoulder without saying anything. An eighth-grade healing pill appeared in front of Lin Tian.

Lin Tian looked at the pill and knew that it was a good thing given to him by his master. He could tell by the pill pattern on the pill. He did not hesitate and threw it directly into his mouth.

In an instant, all the injuries on his body recovered again. As for why Lin Tian was injured so badly again?

Time went back to half an hour ago.

"With this kind of strength, you still want to monopolize the emperor-level skills. Don’t you even look at your own strength!" Chi Tian looked at Lin Tian arrogantly and sneered:"Don’t think that you can fight with Wu Zun just because of your strong talent. How can you understand Wu Zun’s strength? In Wu Zun’s eyes, you are no different from ants."

Then he pressed his own pressure towards Lin Tian, and said sternly:"I tell you one last time, hand over the emperor-level skills, and I can consider sparing your life."

Lin Tian did not speak, and used his body to resist the pressure of the Wu Zun. The code is the real body of Xue Ling, and he, Lin Tian, will not hand it over even if he dies.

"If you don't accept my toast, you'll have to drink the wine for punishment." Seeing Lin Tian resisting his pressure, Chi Tian frowned slightly and was too lazy to continue playing.

He rushed forward and grabbed Lin Tian's neck with one hand, and threw him hard on the mountain without waiting for him to struggle.

Lin Tian was seriously injured again.

"He's really a tough nut to crack, why bother?" Chi Tian looked a little surprised. After all, he didn't know his own strength very well. He could easily kill Wu Zong with a casual blow, not to mention Lin Tian, who was only a Martial Emperor.

Wu Zun could kill anyone with a casual blow, not to mention that Chi Tian only used one-third of his strength in that blow, but Lin Tian was only seriously injured and did not die directly.

Just now in the cave, it was the same. He used seven-tenths of his strength in that blow, but Lin Tian still retained his breath and did not die.

Bai Yunfeng on the side didn't think too much about this situation. He walked up to him and said sarcastically:"Lin Tian! As long as you hand over the skills obediently, I can plead for you, otherwise you will be tortured to death, which is very painful!"

Lin Tian still didn't speak, and tried his best to use the Tianxuan sword technique.

But because of his strength, the Tianxuan sword technique was no different from tickling when it hit the three people.

"Still want to struggle? I am too lazy to fight with you."

Chi Tian condensed a fireball with his hands and shot it at Lin Yun's head. He still didn't believe that he would not die from this move.

With a bang, Lin Tian's head did not explode in the dust, and he lay there intact, only because he was blocking an old man when he was alive, and this man was Yan Ling. When

Bai Yunfeng saw this man, a trace of disdain appeared at the corner of his mouth and sneered:"Oh~ old thing, you dare to come and block, aren't you afraid of death, you want to stand out with such a waste of strength."

Yan Ling snorted coldly, and black mist began to emanate from all around

"You old thing, do you really think that this little black fog can fight me?"

Chi Tian looked disdainful, and appeared behind Yan Ling in a flash. The spiritual power in his hand turned into a fireball and hit him.

Yan Ling was instantly hit by the fireball, piercing his chest and falling to the ground.

"Senior Yan!"Ling Tian, who was lying on the side, saw Yan Ling spit out a large mouthful of blood and shouted.

And the injury suffered by Lin Tian came from this, and in the end, Qin Xuan stepped on the space and came here, directly killing the three masters.

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