
Half a month later.

A huge spiritual boat appeared above Tianyuan Mountain.

"After half a month, I'm finally back to the sect!" Li Qingxuan said happily while looking at the familiar mountains around him.

Wu Huai came over and couldn't help but smile as he felt the wind blowing through nature:"Yes! There were so many troubles in recruiting disciples this time."

Hearing this, Li Qingxuan laughed and said:"But this incident also allowed us to witness the demeanor of the strong, didn't it?"

Wu Huai nodded:"That's right, this is the first time I've seen a battle at the Martial Honor level in my life, and it's fulfilled my lifelong wish."

Just as the two were chatting, a childish voice came!

""Brother, brother, what are you talking about?"

Li Qingfeng, who was looking at the scenery on the other side, jumped in with his short legs and asked in confusion.

Li Qingxuan touched his head and smiled.

"Nothing, just telling about what we encountered in Wuyuan Ancient City"

"By the way, how is your martial arts practice going recently?"

When Li Qingfeng heard this, his big eyes lit up and he touched his head and said,"Martial arts! I have already practiced to the third level!"

Oh~! Seeing Li Qingfeng said that he had practiced to the third level of Tianxuan Jue, Li Qingxuan showed a surprised expression:"So amazing, faster than your brother, worthy of being my younger brother." Li Qingxuan smiled dotingly.

Li Qingfeng straightened his chest and said arrogantly:"Of course, this martial arts is not a small matter for me."

When Wu Huai and Li Qingxuan heard this, they looked at each other and laughed one after another!"Hahaha."

Tianxuan Sect.

Tianxuan Hall

""Master, Master!"

A disciple in a green robe ran into the hall at a quick pace.

Qin Xuan, who was practicing, frowned, opened his eyes, and asked,"What's the matter?"

""Master, Master Xiao Feng and Elder Ling have returned." The disciple bowed and said.

Oh! Qin Xuan raised his eyebrows and stood up:"Really? Then you can pass on the order of this sect and lead the elders to receive them."

"Ah, Master, you are not going?" The disciple hesitated.

Qin Xuan did not answer when he heard this, but closed his eyes and waved his hand, indicating that he should leave!

Then a voice resounded in the disciple's mind.

"Just go and finish what I asked you to do first, I will come later!"

"Oh, well, then the disciple will withdraw first."

The disciple did not ask too much, but he was a little confused.

After a while,

Qin Xuan opened his eyes and disappeared.

Outside the gate of Tianxuan Sect, the Tianxuan Boat stopped in the air. Ling

Gu, who was on the spiritual boat, nodded to Xiao Ran beside him, looked at everyone, and then appeared in the sky and waved his hand!

Buzz buzz buzz!

Ninety-nine spiritual power steps appeared from the air and connected to the ground.

Then, under the guidance of Wu Huai and others, everyone stepped on the steps in an orderly manner and walked towards the ground step by step.

Several elders and disciples who were waiting below looked at them with smiles on their faces, as if their parents were looking at them. Son-like expression.

Half an hour later.

Everyone gathered and walked towards the sect square under the leadership of the gray-robed elder.

From time to time, disciples of the sect would look at them with a smile and greet them.

This wave of enthusiasm also made them put aside their fear and timidity.

After all, anyone who comes to a strange place will always have a little bit of this feeling.

At this moment, hundreds of disciples in white robes have gathered in the sect square.

Qin Xuan, the sect master, also appeared in the sky, and his dark eyes kept scanning the people below until he heard the voice of the system.

【Ding, the son of luck is found!】

【Song Chizhou]: Son of Luck (God's own son)

Skill: Holy Dragon Heavenly Heart Technique (Emperor Level)

Realm: Martial King Level 1 (Realm hidden)

Qualification: Middle Grade

【Ding, the son of luck is found】

【Yun Feng Yi]: Son of Luck (God's own son)

Skill: Nine-turn Phoenix Art Realm

: Martial King Seventh Layer (realm hidden)

Qualification: Top Grade

Qin Xuan, who was standing in the sky, heard two voices from the system, raised his eyebrows and murmured,"I didn't expect that there would be two sons of luck this time?"

"This is going to be fun!" Then he smiled again.

Qin Xuan's figure was not seen by everyone. It seemed that he was standing high in the sky, but in fact he was hiding himself.

Yun Fengyi, who was standing in the crowd at this time, did not know that he was being stared at by Qin Xuan.

"Is this the Tianxuan Sect?" Yun Fengyi frowned and looked around and murmured

""Miss Yun, do you think it is a good or bad thing for us to join the sect?" A fat man patted him and asked softly.

Yun Fengyi heard the voice behind him, turned his head to look at him and shook his head:"I don't know, anyway, I'm already here, let's take a look first!"

Oh, hearing Yun Fengyi's reply, the man looked a little lonely, but Yun Fengyi did not notice his expression.

At this time, Xiao Ran came to the center of the square and stood in the first position, because in the entire sect, except Qin Xuan, no one had more power than him, and only Ling Gu could be compared with him.

Then he looked at everyone with a serious expression, and said in a loud voice:"Everyone, my name is Xiao Ran, and I am the master of the Alchemy Peak of Tianxuan Sect. You can call me Master Xiao"

"I believe you may have some questions when you come here, but these are not important. What is important is that this is the place where you can decide your destiny."

"Maybe you were weak before, ridiculed, and suppressed by others, but it is different here. You can get endless resources and better mentors and seniors to lead you to a higher path."

"But I have one thing you all need to remember. In the sect, everything is based on strength. If a weak person is bullied, don't blame others. Blame your own weak strength."

"But I would also like to remind you that sect disciples can duel in the arena, but they must not kill their fellow disciples excessively. If this happens, at best their cultivation will be ruined, and at worst they will be killed!"

"I have also counted, there are more than 1,300 of you in total, I hope you can do your best to improve your strength."

After saying this, Xiao Ran stopped smiling and looked at the expressions of the crowd, only to see that they were all thinking with their heads down.

He nodded secretly and continued:"And do you know who these people standing in the center of the square are?"

Everyone looked at each other and shook their heads, indicating that they didn't know.

"Sitting in front of you are your senior brothers and sisters. They were once as weak as you, but what about now?"

"Look at your brothers and sisters, how strong are they now?"

Everyone looked up when they heard this. They saw that their brothers and sisters were releasing their auras, almost all of them were in the Wuling realm. Although their strength was only at the level of warriors, they still knew how terrifying the pressure of the Wuling realm was.

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