Several people immediately engaged in battle.


"I didn't expect you to be so strong!"

The leading man was surprised to see that his moves did not cause any harm to Wu Huai.

Wu Huai twisted his shoulders and sneered:"Huh, you are just a bunch of trash who rely on elixirs to get by, and you want to fight with me!"

"Humph, so what? Can't the five of us Martial Emperors beat you?"

Wu Huai was too lazy to talk nonsense with them, he just raised his fist, condensed his spiritual power and hit out!

""Iron Mountain Fist!"

A yellow fist shadow rushed towards the five people.

With a bang, the five people took three steps back.

This result made the young man behind dissatisfied and he cursed:"Are you trash? This young master has raised you for so long, and you can't even deal with him?"

Seeing their young master scolding them behind their backs, they could only smile bitterly.

There was no way, their strength was only the seventh level of Martial Emperor, and they were no match for Wu Huai, who was at the peak of Martial Emperor, not to mention that they relied on elixirs to accumulate.

Seeing that they couldn't even block one of his moves, Wu Huai couldn't help but sneer.

To be honest, with their strength, Wu Huai could make them vomit blood with just one move.

Let's not talk about realm suppression first, just take Wu Huai's own fighting skills.

Wu Huai was at least ranked in the top five in the Sky Empire in terms of Martial Emperor strength.

What kind of strength did the Martial Emperors he met have? They are all peak powerhouses of the same realm, and any one of them can beat the current five people

"You guys are really weak, can you come up with something serious?" Seeing them so vague, Wu Huai challenged them directly.

"Humph, kid, don't be so complacent."

The man glared at Wu Huai, took out a pill from his arms and swallowed it directly. In an instant, the man was surrounded by flames. The next moment, the man walked out of the flames. Now he was covered in flames and had a single horn on his head. He looked like a legendary demon.

""Go to hell!" the man shouted in a hoarse voice, and then rushed forward.


This time, Wu Huai retreated five steps like the man.

"This guy has become stronger!"Wu Huai frowned.

Now this guy's strength is almost the same as Wu Huai's.

"What kind of elixir did you take to make yourself so strong?"Wu Huai was a little confused.

Just as Wu Huai was wondering, the man said provocatively with a contemptuous smile

"Didn't you say you were strong? How come you couldn't even take a single blow from me?"

"Humph, you took a pill and you want to fight me!"

Seeing that he was provoked, Wu Huai didn't bother to think about it, and rushed forward and started fighting again!

Bang bang bang!

The two of them fought for hundreds of rounds in an instant.

From the ground to the sky.

Bang bang bang!

Wu Huai stepped on the air and couldn't help but let out a burst of gasps.

"Damn, what did this guy eat? He is so strong!"

Seeing that Wu Huai had to use all his strength to tie with him, the man started to laugh!

""You are so weak that you can't even tickle me. Since your strength is just like that, I have no interest in playing with you!"

Then he signaled to the four people below with his eyes.

The four people understood what he meant and opened their hands. A blood-like force flew directly from the four people into the man's chest.

This force made the man laugh like a ghost.

"Ah! It feels so good, it's the feeling of strength!"

The man clenched his fists, feeling the strength in his body. At this moment, he seemed to be able to fight Wu Zong.

Wu Huai, who was in mid-air, felt the momentum nearby and frowned.

"No, this guy has become stronger. I can't deal with him with my current strength."

"Unless I break through the Wuzong or reach the half-step Wuzong, I can fight him!"

When this thought came to his mind, Wu Huai seemed to have made up his mind.

He took out a pill from the space ring.

Looking at the pill in his hand, Wu Huai swallowed it directly without hesitation.

In an instant, a large amount of spiritual power wrapped around himself.

What Wu Huai is doing now is to force a breakthrough.

But he has no choice. Instead of dying, it is better to give it a try.

But how can the man do as he wishes?

"Want to break through? Humph, you have to get through me first!"

The man immediately sprouted blood claws and grabbed Wu Huai's chest.

Seeing this, Wu Huai had no choice but to stop the breakthrough.

The two fought again, but this time, Wu Huai didn't withstand the second blow and was knocked down by the man, and finally thrown to the ground.

From the perspective below, Wu Huai fell like a meteor.

If he really fell, Wu Huai would be dead or seriously injured.

But at this moment, a stream of light instantly flew to Wu Huai's side and caught him.

"Hey, are you okay? Are you dead or not?"

Wu Huai opened his eyes and looked at the man, who was Linggu who had rushed back.

Linggu had long anticipated that something might happen after they left, so he suggested rushing back immediately.

Now the time is just right.

Wu Huai coughed slightly and said,"Not dead, just half of your life is gone."

Linggu smiled and said,"It's good that you're not dead. As long as you still have a breath, you can live."

Then he put it on the ground and looked at the figure in the air.

"How dare you, a thing that is neither human nor ghost, hurt my people so badly? You are courting death."

The man was disdainful!

"Humph, old man, if you have the guts, fight me first!"

Hearing this, Linggu sneered and said,"You don't really think that your current strength can defeat Wu Zong, do you?"

In Linggu's eyes, this person is really ignorant. Wu Huang and Wu Zong are not in the same league at all. Take the power of space for example. Wu Huang can only move in the air, but cannot control the power of space. This is the difference between the two.

Linggu flashed and appeared in front of him in an instant, and directly pinched his neck with his hand. With a puff, a large amount of blood flowed down like a waterfall.

The process was very simple, and the man was killed instantly.

This scene shocked the young man below, and he froze in place.

He opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say. It wasn't until Linggu looked at him that he realized that something seemed to be wrong with him.

Without waiting for him to kneel down and beg for mercy, Linggu directly used space to move in front of him, and then used the power of space to grind him into minced meat.

"Humph, a person with a little power dares to be so arrogant, I really don't know how your parents taught you."

Looking at the pile of broken corpses, Ling Gu sneered.

At this time, Xiao Ran and others also rushed over

"It seems that the battle has been resolved!"

Ling Gu glanced at Xiao Ran and nodded.

"I didn’t expect that something like the Blood Spirit Pill has already come out!"

A voice said in Song Chizhou’s mind.

Blood Spirit Pill? Song Chizhou asked with some confusion:"Master, what is the Blood Spirit Pill?"

"Disciple, did you see that demon-like person just now?"

Song Chizhou nodded:"I saw him!"

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