The next morning.

The sun rose high in the sky, illuminating the entire Tianxuan Sect!

Flocks of birds and cranes began to fly back and forth among the mountains!

The mountains were completely bathed in the golden sunlight, filling the entire land with the breath of life!

In the sect!

Qin Xuan's residence!

Shangguan Xuanfeng was waiting obediently in the hall early!

A moment later, Qin Xuan's figure appeared at the head of the hall!

"Disciple greets Master!" Upon seeing Qin Xuan appear, Shangguan Xuanfeng bowed and saluted.

Qin Xuan looked indifferent and nodded, saying,"Get up!""

"It’s Master!"

"How is it? You should have practiced the technique yesterday, how did it feel?" Qin Xuan asked.

Hearing Qin Xuan's question, Shangguan Xuanfeng nodded and replied:"Reporting to the master, I have read this technique last night, and I have barely practiced to the first level!"

Qin Xuan raised his eyebrows. He didn't expect this girl to learn so fast, and couldn't help but admire her! She is worthy of being a top-notch talent!

"Well, since you have already learned it, there is no need for your teacher to say anything more!"

"If you don't understand anything, you can ask your master!"

Yes! Shangguan Xuanfeng nodded and then said:"Master, I don't have anything to ask. I just want to know why this place is so big and looks like a sect!"

Hearing this, Qin Xuan chuckled!

"Girl, this is the sect!"

Shangguan Xuanfeng shook his head and asked in confusion:"Disciple doesn't understand, with Master's strength, there should be no need to establish a sect, right?"

Qin Xuan shook his head and said:"Master, I will tell you the truth, my strength has indeed reached the peak of the Martial Emperor, even surpassing the realm of the Martial Emperor, but I was seriously injured in a war tens of thousands of years ago. I fell into a deep sleep soon after the serious injury, and it was not until now that I recovered one ten-thousandth of my strength!"

"The master you see now is not my real body, but just a clone. My real body is still recovering from injuries and cannot show up for the time being. I can only use the power of the Martial Emperor by staying near my real body, so I built a sect here!"

"When will Master's strength be restored?"

Qin Xuan shook his head and said,"I don't know, maybe thousands of years or even tens of thousands of years!"

"It takes so long. Is there anything a disciple can do to help the master?"

"Let's talk about it when you reach the realm of martial saint!" Qin Xuan glanced at her and waved his hand.

"Now you just need to practice well, don't worry about the rest!"

Shangguan Xuanfeng lowered his head and murmured:"Weak strength! Yes, my current strength is too weak, I can't help Master!"

"No, my life was saved by Master, I must help Master!"

【Ding, the host is really good at lying.

Qin Xuan was acting and praising himself as a big boss, and the voice of the system sounded in his mind!

Qin Xuan was speechless. He didn't expect the cold system to speak like this.

Qin Xuan's face turned black and he directly blocked the system voice!

Then he said to Shangguan Xuanfeng:"Okay, you don't need to think too much. The master created this sect just for the future retirement. Whatever happens, it will be what it should be!"

Shangguan Xuanfeng asked:"Then is there anything that Master needs from his disciple?"

Qin Xuan thought for a while and said:"Now, the entire sect is extremely empty. It's really boring to be alone with you and me. You can go to Qingshan City nearby to find a few junior brothers with decent qualifications!"

"Yes, Master, I will definitely complete this mission!"

Qin Xuan nodded, and then instructed Shangguan Xuanfeng:"Remember, your master is not by your side, so you must be careful. You only need to find a few disciples with decent qualifications on this trip!"

Shangguan Xuanfeng was moved and bowed to Qin Xuan and said:"Master, don't worry!" After seeing her leave, Qin Xuan prepared to walk around the sect and familiarize himself with it!


At the gate of Qingshan City, a woman wearing purple cloud plain brocade clothes and with a cold face appeared here. This person was Shangguan Xuanfeng. It took her three hours to get here from the sect to Qingshan City!

In fact, with her strength, it only takes half an hour to get here, but in order to complete the task assigned to her by her master, she walked and stopped along the way, using the spirit stone to measure whether there are people with better talents on the roadside. Unfortunately, all the talents are ordinary!

Looking at the three big characters on the wall, Shangguan Xuanfeng slowly exhaled, her red lips slightly opened and murmured:"I hope I can meet a few good seedlings here!"

Then she released the breath of her martial spirit realm and walked towards the city. The soldiers at the gate did not dare to stop her, and their eyes were full of respect.

Shangguan Xuanfeng came to a restaurant unimpeded. After entering, Shangguan Xuanfeng asked the waiter in a cold voice:"Waiter, I want to release the news, where should I go?"

The waiter had never seen such a beautiful woman, and was instantly fascinated by Shangguan Xuanfeng's beauty!

But he still knows himself! Smiling:

"Fairy, if you want to publish any news, you can come to our restaurant!"

"What I want is for everyone in Qingshan City to hear it, can your restaurant do that?"

Shangguan Xuanfeng looked at him suspiciously!

"Fairy, of course it's okay, but you need this...this!"

The waiter had a hesitant expression on his face. Anyone with a discerning eye knew that he was asking for a benefit!

Shangguan Xuanfeng was also a man who had been in the underworld, so he naturally understood!

He threw out a bag of silver, looked at the waiter and said,"Is that enough?"

The waiter looked at the bag of silver with shining eyes, picked it up and shook it. There were at least six or seven taels, and he said happily,"Enough, of course it is enough!"

"Well then, inform everyone in the city that our Tianxuan Sect has started recruiting disciples at Tianyuan Mountain, thirty miles outside the city. Anyone interested can come!"

""Okay, fairy, leave it to us!" The waiter nodded and bowed.

""Wait!" An old man staggered down from the second floor!

Just as Shangguan Xuanfeng was about to leave, an old voice suddenly called her.

Shangguan Xuanfeng looked up, only to see that this man's cultivation had reached the same level of Wu Ling as herself, but Shangguan Xuanfeng was at the third level of Wu Ling, while the old man was only at the second level! He frowned and said coldly,"What do you want?"

The old man asked with his hands behind his back,"I haven't heard of any sect called Tianxuan Sect nearby. Girl, can you tell me the name of the leader of your sect?"

Shangguan Xuanfeng looked indifferent and angrily retorted a few words!

"Why should I tell you the name of my clan leader? Do we know each other? What's more, I don't even know the name of your clan, and you still want me to tell you?"

"Haha, it seems that I am impolite!"

The old man laughed!

"The name of my sect is Lijian Sect, and it is one of the three major sects in Qingshan City!"

"Now can you tell me the name of your clan leader, Wei?"

"The leader of our sect is named Qin Xuan!"

"Qin Xuan!" The old man frowned, he had never heard of this name! After thinking for a while, he asked again:"Then I wonder what position the girl holds in the sect?"

Shangguan Xuanfeng glanced at him with a little impatience. This time he came to find a disciple, not to chat with others, and this person was not familiar with her!

Then he waved his hand and said:"Sorry, I have something else to do, so it is inconvenient to talk more!"

Then he walked out the door!

But when she reached the door, the figure of a big man blocked her!

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