"Where are the ten realms?" Qin Xuan asked curiously with a puzzled look!

【Ding, host, it is useless to tell you the ten realms now. You will naturally know when your strength reaches a certain level.

Okay, Qin Xuan accepted what the system said. He was indeed too weak!

"It seems that we have to complete the construction of the sect as soon as possible!"

Then he looked at the people below and said seriously:"From now on, you are members of the Shadow Palace!"

"And you are the master of Shadow Palace!"

Qin Xuan pointed at the black-robed leader and said

"Your current name is Shadow Demon, and the names of the ten people behind you are Shadow One to Shadow Ten. Do you understand?"

"We understand!" The ten people bowed their heads and accepted the order.

"Now I have a task for you!"

"Master, please speak!" Shadow Demon said respectfully.

"My apprentice Shangguan Xuanfeng's family was destroyed by the Sky Empire. She has gone to seek revenge on them, but her current strength is too weak and something might happen!"

"So I need you to go and protect her secretly, and come out directly when necessary!"

"Yes!" The shadow demon's scarlet eyes flashed with murderous intent.

""Back off!" Qin Xuan waved his hand to the crowd.

In an instant, the eleven people in the hall seemed to disappear!

"It's good to have subordinates, and I don't need to do anything!"Qin Xuan smiled as he watched the people disappear.

As for why Qin Xuan established the Shadow Palace, it was because he saw that the eyes of the 11 people were full of murderous intent, and they were too violent. They felt like murderous demons without any humanity, so Qin Xuan did not appoint them as elders of the sect!

If their murderous intent affected the disciples of the sect, it would be bad!

"Therefore, we have to cultivate strong people ourselves. Although the system people are reliable, they lack humanity!"

"By the way, it seems that I have also drawn a blue dragon cub, let it out and have a look!"

The next moment, a little fellow with a unicorn head, a long beard on his face, a pair of deer horns on his head, five claws on his four feet, a snake-like body and a fish-like tail appeared in the hall and looked at Qin Xuan with bright eyes!

"Is this the legendary Azure Dragon? Why does it feel not so domineering enough?"

【Ding, host, that's because he hasn't grown up yet. You will know when he grows up.】

"I'm not blind, of course I know he hasn't grown up, isn't it necessary for me to just complain about his appearance?" Qin Xuan said helplessly.

Xiao Qinglong came over and touched Qin Xuan's hand with his face!

"Is it time to eat?"

Then, Qin Xuan took out ten spirit stones from the system space and placed them in front of the little green dragon! The little green dragon's eyes lit up when he saw this scene, and he immediately sucked all ten spirit stones into his mouth and started chewing!

After eating, the little green dragon swam on Qin Xuan's body like a snake, as if he was not full just now and wanted to eat more.

Not full yet? Qin Xuan was a little surprised, then took out ten spirit stones from the system space and placed them next to the green dragon's mouth and whispered:"This is a top-grade spirit stone with very good quality, eat it!"

The little green dragon's tail kept wagging, as if to express his happiness!

"This little guy is too greedy, isn’t he?"

He couldn’t help but ask the system,"How long will it take for the system to feed the little blue dragon?""

【Ding, report back to the host】

【The Azure Dragon is a divine beast and a spiritual beast. They love spiritual things the most.】

【Top-grade spiritual stones have little effect on Azure Dragon, only immortal stones are useful】

【Otherwise, even if the host gave him all the spirit stones, it would be useless. For him, these spirit stones would not be enough to fill the gaps between his teeth.】

"What is fairy stone?"

【Immortal Stone is something that people who become immortals cultivate. This thing is beyond the host's current strength.】

【So the system suggests that the host just feed him ten low-grade spirit stones every day.】

【Ten low-grade spirit stones are enough for Xiao Qinglong to use for a day.]

Qin Xuan understood what he said, and then he looked at Xiao Qinglong and said,"Little guy, you can't eat too much!"

"Now you can only eat ten low-grade spirit stones a day, so you have to eat sparingly!"

Upon hearing this, Xiao Qinglong stopped eating, and looked at Qin Xuan with eager eyes, looking very pitiful!

This look made Qin Xuan angry and amused!

Touching Xiao Qinglong's head, he said:"Little guy, this pitiful look is useless to me!"

Xiao Qinglong looked a little lonely, and then turned into a stream of light and flew towards Qin Xuan's body!

Looking at the blue dragon pattern that appeared on his left hand, Qin Xuan touched it and asked in confusion:"System, what's going on?"

【Ding, report back to the host】

【Qinglong has recognized you as his master. He can enter your body at any time. It will not do you any harm, only good.】

"So what are the benefits?"

【Ding, the benefit is that it can improve the host's qualifications to the best.]

What! Qin Xuan asked in a surprised tone:"Why is this?"

【There is no reason, just because Xiao Qinglong is a divine beast】

"Well, divine beasts are different!"

The scene changed.

The Sky Empire - the capital.

An old man and a young man were sitting on the second floor of a restaurant drinking tea.

These two people were Shangguan Xuanfeng and Ling Gu who had recovered from his injuries.

"Elder Ling, how is it!"

"The success rate of eliminating the royal family this time is less than 50%!"

"Why, didn’t you say 70% before you came here?"

Ha! Ling Gu smiled helplessly and replied:"I am a little overconfident. There are twenty people in the entire imperial capital who have the aura of Wu Jun that I can sense, not to mention the Wu Huang in the dark!"

"Moreover, there are patrol teams consisting of hundreds of martial spirits near the royal family!"

"Every ten patrol teams are led by a martial king!"

Looking at the crowd outside the window, Ling Gu shook his head and sighed,"Maybe we are too late. The royal family must have received some news and knew that we might come for revenge, so they prepared early!"

"this...Then why don't you take revenge?" Shangguan Xuanfeng looked a little lonely.

She didn't blame Linggu. After all, it was very good to invite Linggu this time. She only hated that she was not strong enough.

Linggu looked at her and said,"It's not that there is no chance. I heard the news that the royal family is going to hold a banquet soon, and the senior members of the Wang family will go!"

Hearing this, Shangguan Xuanfeng's eyes showed a glimmer of hope again.

"This banquet is an opportunity. As long as I ambush the Wang family convoy halfway, find the location of their clan leader and kill them instantly, it will be fine!"

Although I can't kill the entire Wang family, I can at least kill their clan leader. After all, the clan leader is Wang Ding's father, Wang Wuyun.

"Then, Elder Ling, how sure are you?"

Ling Gu thought for a while, stretched out six fingers and said,"Sixty percent is about right!"

As the first family in the imperial capital, the Wang family must have a powerful Martial Emperor to stop him.

He heard from Wu Huai that in addition to him, there is another powerful Martial Emperor in the Wang family!

This person's name is Wang Yuangang, and his strength has reached the peak of Martial Emperor. It is rumored that he once challenged the leader of the Blood Sect and survived three moves under the hands of the Blood Sect leader!

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