In the main hall of Tianxuan Sect!

At this time, Qin Xuan returned to the sect and was listening to what Xiao Ran had encountered in managing the sect these days!

"You said that my disciple was seriously injured and his family was destroyed?" Qin Xuan frowned with anger. Xiao

Ran standing below replied:"Yes, Sect Master, the day after you left, Elder Ling brought Shangguan Xuanfeng back and told me clearly what they encountered during the few days they were away!"

"So how did you deal with it?"

"Sect Master, my current strength is too low and I can’t help them in any way. I only took some pills from the sect’s treasury and gave them to them!"

"Also, I have lent them the Martial Emperor puppet that the Sect Master gave me last time. I have refined a large number of Yuan Ling Pills, which should be enough for them!"

Qin Xuan nodded, knowing that Xiao Ran had done a very good job this time. Although he had thousands of years of experience in his previous life, there was no way to restore his strength immediately!

Not to mention him, even Qin Xuan, who had the system, could not do it, unless the system was merciful and gave him the ability to restore his cultivation.

Then Xiao Ran seemed to have thought of something and said,"By the way, Sect Master, Elder Ling brought back a Martial Emperor. His name is Wu Huai. I gave him a position to make him a guest elder!"

""Martial Emperor!" Qin Xuan hesitated for a moment, and realized that Ling Gu probably felt that there were too few powerful people in the sect at this stage, so he helped him get one back from the outside world!

Qin Xuan nodded, and then continued to ask if there was anything difficult in the sect!

Finally, Qin Xuan asked him how the sect competition was going.

"Sect Master, everyone performed very well in this competition, but their strength is a little low at the moment, and it was all fights between warriors!"

Qin Xuan nodded, there was nothing he could do. With his low strength now, there was no best way to maintain the sect. He could only rely on the items drawn by the daily lottery of the system!

He also drew better things in the past few days!

Then he asked him,"How did you do with the disciple's promotion ceremony?"

Xiao Ran shook his head and said,"Sect Master, I will postpone this matter. You have to do it yourself!"

"What reward do you want?"

Xiao Ran was stunned, thinking in his mind:"Didn't you give me the array stone last time? Now there is a reward?"

But he still refused:"Master, you have already given me the array stone last time, I don't need any reward this time!"

Qin Xuan smiled:"That won't do, that piece of stone is not worth anything, I have always been clear about rewards and punishments!" He took out a knife from the system space. This knife was the ghost knife that was pulled out of the system before, a top-grade earth-level spiritual weapon, and handed it to Xiao Ran!

"The top-grade earth-level spiritual weapon, this sect master is so generous!"Xiao Ran was surprised by the ghost knife in his hand.

"This thing is useless to me, so I give it to you!"

Xiao Ran suppressed his excitement and bowed to Qin Xuan, saying:"Thank you, Sect Master!"

Although he had never taken the earth-level top-grade spiritual weapon seriously in his previous life and regarded it as trash, this life was different. Getting this thing would greatly improve his current strength, and even killing enemies of higher levels would not be a problem!

"No problem! You have made contributions to the sect, so I will naturally give you some good things!"Qin Xuan smiled and waved his hand.

Then, Qin Xuan asked again:"By the way, did Xuan Feng and the others go to the capital of the Sky Empire?"

Xiao Ran nodded:"Yes, Sect Master, are you going there in person?"

Qin Xuan thought for a while and then said:"I will send a strong man to take care of this matter. Now my strength has not recovered, so it is useless to go there!"

Strong man! Xiao Ran was a little confused. There were no strong men in the sect at this stage, but he still didn't ask too much.

"You step back first!" Qin Xuan waved at Xiao Ran!

"Yes sir!"

"System, how long will it take Li Qingxuan and Li Qingfeng to reach the sect?"

【Ding, report back to the host】

【Li Qingxuan and Li Qingfeng were 50 miles away from the sect】

"Then I have to go there myself!"

Using space teleportation, he appeared fifty miles away from the sect!

This scared the two people who were on their way!

"" Brother, who is this?"

Li Qingxuan seemed to know that this person was not ordinary, and quickly covered Li Qingfeng's mouth, bowed and clasped his fists and said:"Senior, we two have no bad intentions passing through here!"

Qin Xuan turned his head and looked at him and smiled:"Why, I saved your lives a few days ago, and you don’t recognize me so soon?"

Ah! Seeing this, Li Qingxuan slowly raised his head and glanced at Qin Xuan, and said in surprise:"Senior, it’s you!"

"Of course it is me!"

"Senior, do you know that the two of us will be here today?"

""Of course I know. I also know exactly how much you eat and how much you walk every day!" Qin Xuan pretended to be profound.

Qin Xuan has the system, so of course he knows!

"I gave you the map before just to test your perseverance, and now you have passed my test!"

"Senior, do you want us to become your disciples?"

Qin Xuan raised his eyebrows and said angrily,"Why? Don't you want to be my disciple?""

"No, no, no, of course I do!"

Finally, he pulled Li Qingfeng up and they both knelt on the ground and kowtowed three times!


When the master called out, the system's voice also sounded!

【Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the top-level qualification Li Qingxuan and the holy qualification Li Qingfeng】

【A special reward for one strong person from the Alchemy Peak, Refining Peak and Martial Sect】

【The host has obtained additional holy qualifications to complete the next stage of the task】

【Special reward, Martial Emperor cultivation, one space gem, and ten Martial Emperors pledged allegiance]

Qin Xuan was stunned by the sound of several systems, and then he was happy!

Of course, they are strong. Although Martial Emperors are not strong, they are at least not weak!

Qin Xuan suppressed his happiness and helped the two of them up!

"From now on, you will officially become my third and fourth disciples. Above you, you will have a senior brother and a senior sister!"

"We still have senior brothers and sisters?" Li Qingfeng said with his eyes wide open.

Qin Xuan smiled and nodded to indicate yes.

""Brother, did you hear that? We still have brothers and sisters! I thought it was just the two of us, but now we have brothers and sisters!" Li Qingfeng said loudly to Li Qingxuan, as if they were not brothers and sisters, but their family.

""I heard it, of course I heard it!"

Looking at the happy expressions of the two, Qin Xuan stretched out his finger and tapped each of them from the center of their brows!

Instantly, the Tianxuan Jue and Tianxuan Sword Technique appeared in their minds.

""Master, what is this?" Li Qingxuan asked in confusion.

Qin Xuan smiled and said to the two of them,"These two books are the skills and martial arts of my Tianxuan Sect. Both are heavenly-level skills!"

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