"Sure enough, so many days have passed, and I've been reborn into a fantasy world, and there's still no system. Isn't it said that there will be a system whether you travel through time or rebirth?" A figure sat on a boulder, looked up at the sky and sighed.

That's right, the protagonist of this figure is not from this world. His name is Qin Xuan, and he was reborn from the distant Blue Star. In his previous life, he was one of the top martial arts masters on Blue Star!

The reason is that Blue Star was invaded by foreign evil demons. As a martial arts master, Qin Xuan went there bravely. After three years of resistance, the evil demons were repelled!

But that battle also left Qin Xuan seriously injured, his meridians were destroyed, and his cultivation level directly regressed to the extreme. Because of this, his most beloved woman Mi Zhu betrayed him, and when he was seriously injured, he joined forces with other strong men to kill him. Because of his regress in cultivation, he was no match for several people, and finally had no choice but to use his trump card, the Star Bead!

This treasure is one of the ten ancient artifacts, and was found in a mine when Qin Xuan was weak!

He never told anyone about this treasure, including his loved ones, because he knew that letting other people know about such a treasure would surely cause turmoil, and then there would be no family affection, because there is no family affection in the face of absolute interests!

But it was also this treasure that made him a top martial arts master!

Mi Zhu didn't know that Qin Xuan had a magic weapon like the Star Pearl. When she found out, it was too late, and she couldn't escape!

Qin Xuan sacrificed himself without any hesitation, and his body dissipated, turning into pure spiritual power!

The Star Pearl exploded with a bang after being injected with powerful spiritual power! A thousand miles around was instantly reduced to ashes, including the trajectory of Qin Xuan's life with her and any feelings he had for her!

Qin Xuan felt mixed emotions when he recalled these! His face showed a bitter look, and he wanted to give himself a few big bastards.

He shouldn't be so infatuated with a woman.

【Ding Dong! Feel the host's mood, whether to bind the sect system! 】 A warm voice sounded in Qin Xuan's mind! Qin

Xuan smiled stiffly and said:"System, you are finally here, do you know how I have been these days!"

【Please rest assured, host, the system may be late but never absent.

Hearing the system say this, Qin Xuan covered his face and said helplessly,"Bind!"

【Ding, the sect system is binding. 10%, 30%, 60%, 80%, 100% binding is successful! Start looking for the sect blessed land】

【Ding, the search is successful, the sect is beginning to be established]


As soon as the voice fell, a sound of a mountain crumbling in the distance resounded in Qin Xuan's ears!

Qin Xuan's eyes condensed slightly, and when he looked up, he saw the majestic palace group on the mountain not far away!

Before Qin Xuan could react, the system said again!

【Host, please confirm the name of the sect.]

Qin Xuan came back to his senses and thought for a while, then said,"Then let’s call it Tianxuan Sect!"

【Ding, the name is confirmed successfully.

Qin Xuan glanced around and stepped over!

He saw three big characters"Tianxuan Sect" written in a dragon-like and phoenix-like style on the mountain! When

Qin Xuan looked at the handwriting, he felt the arrogance and freedom from any constraints!

Qin Xuan secretly admired it and joked,"Good handwriting, it seems that the system is a master of calligraphy."

Immediately, another voice came, and the terrain of the sect began to change. The eight surrounding peaks slowly surrounded a ten-thousand-foot mountain in the middle!

But...This is not over yet!

Then sixteen small peaks began to surround the eight peaks, and each peak showed a road two people wide!

At the entrance of the mountain, ninety-nine steps appeared directly connected to the square of the sect that could accommodate tens of thousands of people!

This scene made Qin Xuan slightly surprised!

Then, the voice of the system came from his mind again!

【Ding, since the host has just bound a special gift package, do you want to receive it?

Qin Xuan came back to his senses and immediately said:"Receive it!"

【Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the Heavenly Grade Technique, the Mysterious Jue, the Detection Eyes.

As the name suggests, the Detection Eyes are a pair of eyes that can see through other people's cultivation, aptitude, etc.!

Then Qin Xuan looked at the words"Heavenly Grade Technique" again, and asked doubtfully:"Is the Heavenly Grade Technique the system of this world?"

【Ding, that's right, the levels of the skills are divided from top to bottom: Emperor, Heaven, Earth, Xuan, Huang]

Qin Xuan nodded slightly after seeing it, and then followed the instructions of the system and began to practice Tianxuan Jue!

Half a quarter of an hour later, Qin Xuan felt a spiritual power accompanying him, wandering like a little snake, but it was indeed very weak!

Although it was weak, it gave Qin Xuan a sense of security!

"At least I am not a mortal anymore!" Qin Xuan said to himself, and then asked:"System, what functions do you have?"

【Ding, report to the host. This system has three functions: mall, lottery and task.

Qin Xuan nodded, and it took him nearly half a day to finally understand the usage of the system, etc.!

Qin Xuan has seen the mall of the sect system. It requires a lot of task points, which he can't afford at all!

As for the lottery system, you can draw a free lottery once a day, and the rewards are random! The tasks are randomly distributed by the system. You can get rewards after completing them, and there is no penalty for failure! Qin Xuan thinks this is very good!

Then Qin Xuan thought of something and said to the system:"Can I draw a lottery today?"

【Yes, host】

"Well, let's draw the lottery!"

After the words fell, a large turntable appeared in front of Qin Xuan, with all the grids with question marks on it. The turntable slowly turned!

Qin Xuan looked expectant when he saw it start to turn. He didn't know what good things would come out. Qin Xuan hoped to get an emperor-level or heaven-level martial arts, which would be great!

However, an emperor-level technique was impossible, but a heaven-level technique was not necessarily the case!

After a breath, the turntable stopped at the bottom grid, and the system's voice sounded!

【Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the Tian-level advanced martial arts Tianxuan Sword Technique.

Qin Xuan was a little disappointed to see that it was not the Emperor-level, but he was very happy in his heart.

"Let's go for the Heavenly Rank! Even if I can't draw the Emperor Rank, I don't believe I won't be able to draw it in the future!"

After the voice fell, a piece of ancient yellow paper appeared in front of Qin Xuan. As expected, this was a martial art!

However, Qin Xuan had no intention of practicing. Instead, he put it in the space attached to the system and stepped into the Tianxuan Sect.

Inside the sect.

What caught his eye was a mountain that was thousands of feet high, standing majestically. On the top of the mountain, the palace complex with a faint golden light made people look like the legendary Heavenly Palace!

It was surrounded by eight mountains, as if it represented that this mountain was the owner!

At the same time, the voice of the system came along!

【Ding, congratulations to the host for becoming the leader of Tianxuan Sect, and reward the sect privilege: the leader of a sect】

【Sect's spiritual energy rises tenfold, host's cultivation rises to Wuling】 As soon as the voice fell, a strong spiritual force suddenly erupted from Qin Xuan's Dantian, boom! His strength has reached Wuling!

Qin Xuan clenched his fists, feeling full of strength, and nodded with satisfaction!

Then he looked at the leader of a sect? He saw that his strength, which had originally stayed in the Wuling realm, suddenly rose straight up, and the next moment!



The surrounding void instantly cracked, and the space shattered!

The spatial turbulence flowed in the sect like a river!

The surrounding mountains floating in the air were all shaking slowly because of the strength emitted by Qin Xuan, and it seemed that they would collapse in the next moment!

Seeing this situation, Qin Xuan secretly said that it was not good!

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