Heiwu showed a hint of surprise, it was the first time he met such a person who was not tempted by power, but this kind of person was also the easiest to be tempted!

Not tempted by money and power, he must have feelings in his heart, and Heiwu only needs to use this to control him firmly!

His expression was quickly hidden, his eyes staring at Shen Mengyou, and he said playfully:"Really? Don't you want to avenge that group of people? Revenge for your brothers, elders and others? Or do you want to be an ungrateful person?"

Shen Mengyou glanced at him coldly, his face unmoved, he knew that this person was provoking him!

But Heiwu didn't really care, and continued:"You know, with your current talent, how long will it take to become a Martial Emperor? Thousands of years, tens of thousands of years or more......?"

"Will you still be able to take revenge at that time? You must know that time can destroy everything and change everything. Even the true God cannot stop it!"

"Maybe they are gone by then? What will you do then?"

Hearing this, Shen Mengyou's face condensed, a little flustered, but still suppressed it, revealing a hint of hesitation!

What this person said was not wrong. With his talent, it would take at least tens of thousands of years or even longer to become a martial emperor, but what would it be like by then? Would that group of black-robed people still exist on the Tianxuan Continent?

The questions in his mind began to emerge one by one!

Black Mist saw Shen Mengyou's hesitation and smiled grimly, knowing that it was already done. His eyes flickered slightly, and a black light appeared in his palm!

This thing is called a ghost, anyone As long as he gets a little bit of it, all the desires and thoughts in his heart will burst out without reservation!

Looking at the thing in his hand, the dark eyes of the black mist looked at Shen Mengyou and threw it towards his forehead!

With a whoosh, the ghost directly entered Shen Mengyou's forehead. Within a few breaths, his expression changed from hesitation to self-blame and sadness. The next moment, he was extremely sad!

Scenes appeared in his mind!

Shen Mengyou looked dazed, staring at the sky in a daze!

That was the scene of his closest elders and his senior and junior brothers being killed by those black-robed men!




An old figure covered in blood leaned against his ear and whispered,"Meng You, this is all I can do for you. You have to rely on yourself for the rest of your life."...!"

Before he could finish his words, a dark blade pierced through his chest. Just like that, he fell down with a look of reluctance on his face, and fell heavily to the ground!


"cloud..."Uncle Yun, please don't!"

Shen Mengyou couldn't hold back any longer. Tears flowed down her cheeks and fell to the ground!

She started to cry loudly!

"Ahhh!!! Ah——! Uncle Yun, Elder Feng is...It was me who harmed you. If it weren't for me, how could you become like this? I will avenge you!"

After saying this, Shen Mengyou stopped crying and became firm. He wiped away all the tears from the corners of his eyes one by one. The hatred in his heart emerged again, and this time it was more intense than before. He clenched his fists, and his sharp nails pierced into his flesh. The blood flowed from his flesh like water to the ground, but he did not show any pain, but an expression of hatred!

Afterwards, Shen Mengyou's face gradually turned cold. He looked at the black fog and nodded in agreement,"Okay, I want to get this power. I want to avenge them. I want to cut those black-robed people into pieces, let them fall into hell forever, let them taste the taste of life worse than death and never be reborn!"


Hearing this, Black Mist laughed heartily, but his laughter was so terrifying, as if the devil in hell was roaring. It is conceivable how happy and excited he is now!

His goal has been achieved!

After speaking, Black Mist looked at Shen Mengyou with his dark eyes, and said in a low voice:"Okay, come and accept it, and enjoy the pleasure brought by power!"

The next moment, streams of black spiritual power appeared in the boulder, and then turned into traces of law power and flew into the center of Shen Mengyou's eyebrows!

Huahuahua! Ah——!

Shen Mengyou let out a scream!

His body was seen floating in the air, his own black mist constantly enveloped his whole body, and traces of purple lightning flashed in it. His face was hideous, and veins on his neck popped out. It was not difficult to see that he was suffering great pain!

Looking at this scene in front of him, Black Mist explained aloud:"Don't worry about accepting this power. The pain is only temporary, but the pleasure after gaining power is something you will never enjoy in your life!"

Shen Mengyou didn't say anything, his whole body's skills kept running!

The power in his dantian was suppressing his own spiritual power, as if to determine who was the master of this body!

Unfortunately, how could it fight against the power of law? Strength is the ticket to the world! He couldn't hold on for a breath, and was swallowed by the power of law, and then it spread to Shen Mengyou's limbs. This was the power of law transforming his body, otherwise this power would not be able to withstand with his current strength! The transformation process was very long, and it took half a day to complete the transformation!...

A pair of scarlet bloodshot eyes opened, and the black eyeballs in them kept beating, looking like a black hole from a distance!

Just one look would make people feel cold and terrified!

He was the transformed Shen Mengyou!

A strange pattern emerged from his brow, as if it was his third eye!

The dark purple light emitted from the pattern added a sense of mystery and confusion to it!

And on his back grew two hundred-meter wings, with dark golden lines emitting from them, making people look as if two sharp blades were inserted into his back!

Shen Mengyou's complexion gradually changed and became cold, and there was no emotion in his eyes. The robe that was originally stained with blood also gathered on his body at this moment, and blood-colored meridians emerged on his arms, chest, and limbs!

The robe also turned into a long blood-red robe, which tightly covered from head to toe, adding a sense of weirdness!

Only a pair of blood-red eyes were exposed!

Shen Mengyou looked at his hands, twisted his neck, clenched his fists, and said with satisfaction:"What a powerful force, worthy of being a Martial Emperor. The gap between me and the Martial Emperor is like the difference between the earth and the sky!"

A golden light flashed in his eyes, and he laughed arrogantly:"At this moment, I am afraid that I can punch through mountains and rivers and shatter the continent! Hahaha, it should be more than that. It is no problem for me to break through the entire void and destroy the Martial Emperor, even the one in the Heavenly Palace!"

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