"Come to the main hall!"

Shui Ruyu's face changed, and he showed a trace of respect. His body turned into a bubble and disappeared!

The main hall of Jiange!

An old man wearing a snow-white robe, with white hair and beard, and a vicissitudes of life was seen standing there with his hands behind his back!

The aura he exuded was like a majestic sword intent that scattered everywhere, and the nearby void was cut open by him.

At this time, Shui Ruyu had already arrived at the main hall. Looking at the old man's back, he bowed his head and said,"Master, I wonder what you want to tell me by calling Ruyu here?" The vicissitudes of life old man turned around, and a pair of turbid eyes flashed with a gleam of light, as if he had seen through the future!

"Have you heard about the recent uproar caused by the Soul Palace and the Shadow Palace in the Central Region?"

Shui Ruyu nodded:"I have heard about it. Could something have happened?"

The old man nodded:"Yes, my disciple Shen Mengyou was attacked by the Soul Palace and the Shadow Palace in Tianya Valley. All the elders and disciples who accompanied him died. Only he stayed in the bottom of the valley. If I hadn't left my breath in his body, I would not know everything about his current situation!"


The old man glanced at him!

"My status is not suitable for this mission, and the other elders have to deal with many important matters in the pavilion and have no time, so I can only trouble you to rescue my apprentice!"

Shui Ruyu frowned and did not agree to this matter immediately!

Instead, he asked:"Are the Soul Palace and Shadow Palace so arrogant? Aren't they afraid of arousing public anger and being attacked by those forces?"

The old man shook his head:"Those attacking forces have long been secretly controlled by the Soul Palace and the Shadow Palace. Who dares to go and attack? No one dares to step forward. Those who stepped forward have long been killed by them. What's more, we don't even know the specific locations of the Soul Palace and the Shadow Palace. How can we have the ability to attack it?"

The old man sighed slightly, with a trace of sadness on his face!

"I also felt a sense of crisis coming. That mysterious feeling told me that my Sword Pavilion would face the catastrophe of extinction. If I could get through it this time, my Sword Pavilion would soar into the sky, but if I failed, it would become a ruin and disappear from this world!"

"It is precisely because I felt this breath that I let you go. After all, you are not the one in trouble at this time!"

Shui Ruyu lowered his head, and when he heard what the old man said, his eyes fell into deep thought and he began to hesitate!

He did not have 100% ability to deal with the strong men of the Soul Palace and the Shadow Palace. He might be in danger of death if he went to Tianya Valley this time!

After pondering for a moment, he looked at the old man and nodded,"I understand. Leave the matter of saving your apprentice to me!"

Good! The old man nodded.

Then a golden light flew from the old man's body into Shui Ruyu's eyes!

Looking at Shui Ruyu's puzzled expression, the old man explained:"This thing is Hongyun, it can save your life in your critical moment!"

"But I want to remind you that you must not use it before you meet a Martial Emperor!"The old man warned with a serious expression.

Well! Hearing this, Shui Ruyu carefully put it away, then bent down and bowed and retreated!

After Shui Ruyu left, the old man looked into the distance of the hall, his turbid eyes became a little lonely, shook his head and sighed:"It's a troubled time!"

After speaking!

Tianya Valley!

This place is covered with thick fog, and it is full of pungent poisonous gas everywhere. Those who are lower than the Martial Emperor will die if they smell it!

And from time to time, there are terrifying monsters walking in it. Without exception, the breath they exude is above the Martial Lord, and even there are many half-saints!

And under the thick fog!

Dozens of corpses were lying on the ground in all directions. Each corpse had become rotten, and the stench of corpses and blood was spread throughout the valley, and this group of monsters was attracted by these stench of corpses and blood!

Tap tap tap!

A sound of footsteps with a terrifying demonic sound resounded in the valley. Everyone who heard it All the monsters that heard the footsteps covered their heads, their faces showing pain, their eyes full of bloodshot!

As if they were enduring some great pain!

Until they let out a strange cry, they fell to the ground and died!

The owner of the footsteps appeared in the thick fog!

His face was indifferent, but his eyes had a hint of evil charm, as if his expression was always like this no matter what he encountered!

He was wearing a black dark gold robe covered with all kinds of strange patterns. If you look closely, you will be fascinated by the mystery until you become a puppet.

Looking at the dead monsters nearby, the man's eyes flickered slightly, and he murmured:"Where did that kid go? I have been looking for him here for a whole day and didn't find him. I wanted to fish to see if he would appear because of this? As a result, after a few hours, all that came out were these beasts!"

The evil man couldn't help but sigh!



A space crack appeared in front of him, and a man in a black robe walked out of it. There was a big word"Soul" written on the black robe, which also represented his identity!

The black-robed man immediately knelt down on one knee when he saw the evil man for the first time, and bowed his hands respectfully and said:"Protector Tianmei, I have brought people to search the entire valley, and even some small holes. I checked carefully, but in the end, no trace of that person was found!"

Seeing this, the evil man nodded, and was not angry because of it. He glanced at him sideways and waved his hand and said:"This protector knows, step down!"

"Yes!" The black-robed man paused, bowed and retreated!

After the black-robed man left, the evil man showed a hint of sneer on his face, and said calmly:"This kid is really good at hiding. I couldn't find you for several days!"

Then he clenched his palms and snorted coldly:"But how long can you hide? Anyone who is targeted by my Soul Palace, no matter where you are, can you escape from our clutches?"The evil man laughed, and his figure turned into black mist and disappeared here!

The scene changed!

At the bottom of the valley!

The black mist here is endless, like a silent night!

From time to time, there are sounds of dripping water around, but in this underground, the sound of water is like the sound of ghostly footsteps, enough to make others panic!

And in the center of the underground, a dark lake is flowing quietly!


A man's figure is lying next to the lake. He has a painful face and a pale look. His body is covered with wounds, and the blood has not stopped flowing out until now. The originally white robe is already bloody, and there are dried bloodstains everywhere on the ground!

After a full half a minute, the man got up staggeringly, touched his fainted head, and looked around with a pair of dark eyes!

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