Seeing that his master finally began to show a serious expression and answered the previous words seriously, the young man nodded heavily and showed a bright smile. He didn't want Shui Ruyu to show that look again!

He was really scared and afraid that he couldn't bear it!

Then, the two began a discussion that lasted for half an hour!

"What I mean is that your swordsmanship is very rigid and not as graceful as yours, is that what you mean?" Shui Ruyu asked with a frown!

"That's right!" The young man nodded. He didn't understand what was going on. He had learned swordsmanship from his master, but he felt that his swordsmanship was very rigid and had low lethality. He couldn't produce the murderous feeling of Shui Ruyu!

Shui Ruyu pondered for a while, her eyes looking at the cranes in the blue sky and white clouds in the distance. She had encountered this situation before!

At that time, her cultivation was similar to that of her disciples!

After a moment, she said:"Master also encountered your situation in the past, but I can only give you some advice and can't help you too much!"

"Because in a situation like this you can only rely on your own willpower to solve it, there is no other way!"

Hearing this, the man looked a little lonely, he thought his master had some way, but in the end he still had to rely on himself!

Looking at Shui Ruyu, he nodded and said:"Then Master, what should I do?"

But Shui Ruyu did not answer him!

"I think it's better for you to go out and gain experience!"

Ah! The young man was shocked when he heard this, and said with a sad face:"Master, I don't want to go out. It's too dangerous outside. What if my life is lost?" That expression was so pitiful.

Seeing this, Shui Ruyu covered her mouth and smiled lightly,"Master will only give you two choices. First, go out and gain experience. Second, challenge Shen Mengyou, the eldest disciple of the Sword Pavilion Master!"

Before the young man could speak, Shui Ruyu said again:"Why is it him? Because this person's swordsmanship is extremely superb, without the slightest drag. The master has also observed him carefully and found that before Shen Mengyou performed his swordsmanship, he would be surrounded by a strong murderous aura!"

"This evil spirit is also called sword energy. Everyone has his own sword energy, and the sword energy he practiced is the sword energy obtained from thousands of corpses!"

"This kind of sword energy is extremely strong. If you are not careful, the evil spirit in it will enter your body and be firmly controlled by it, turning you into a sword demon who knows how to kill people. However, he has firmly controlled it and used it!"

"The credit for this goes to both himself and his physique!"

"His physique is very special, it is the Blood Demon Sword Body. It is this physique that prevents him from being controlled by sword intentions that are full of blood, murderous intent and evil spirit!"

""It was very lucky that the Pavilion Master chose him as his disciple. If you want to break through that bottleneck, you must find him, because no one else in the Sword Pavilion is suitable for you!"

After hearing this, the young man's eyes fell into hesitation. He knew that Shen Mengyou also knew his terrifying talent and strength, which was not something he could fight against now!

But his master said that only he could help him break through that bottleneck, so he had no choice!

After hesitating for a few breaths, he nodded in agreement! He had no idea of going out to train!

Although he was talented and could endure hardships, he also had a character flaw, which was that he was afraid of death!

Especially what the Shadow Palace and the Soul Palace had done in the past few days!

Every time he heard the disciples in the sect talk about their horror, he would tremble with fear all over his body, so he didn't dare to go out to train at all!

In fact, Shui Ruyu gave him the choice because she wanted to test the young man!

She didn't want her disciple to be a person who was afraid of death, because even if such a person eventually became a top powerhouse, it would be useless for the girl to break through to the next level!

Besides, a person who is afraid of death can't become a top powerhouse. If you want to become a top powerhouse, you must break through yourself and can't be afraid of death!

Seeing that the young man had made his choice, Shui Ruyu said softly:"You have to think it over clearly. The Pavilion Master's eldest disciple Shen Mengyou's swordsmanship has reached the point where he can do whatever he wants. If you want to find him to break through the bottleneck, you will be beaten, or even die!"

"I also know about Shen Mengyou's habits. Once he fights, he will not show any mercy. Instead, he will kill you right away, regardless of who is behind you or what your background is. Are you sure you have thought it through?"

Originally, the young man was a little scared when he heard the word death, and he showed a hesitant expression. Later, he thought that Shen Mengyou would not kill him. After all, his talent is so strong. Wouldn't it be a pity to kill him?

I believe that even the Pavilion Master would think so!

As for what Shui Ruyu just said, he didn't take it to heart at all, because she felt that this was the master scaring her, and she must go out to experience it herself!

Then his eyes became firm, looking at Shui Ruyu, patting his chest and confidently said:"Don't worry, Master, I won't lose to him. Since we have to break through the bottleneck, why should we be afraid of death!"

Shui Ruer didn't speak, knowing that the young man didn't take what she said before to heart, she couldn't help but sigh!

A pair of beautiful eyes looked at the thousand-foot mountain not far away, and after a moment, she slowly said:"Since you are so determined, then the teacher doesn't need to persuade you, just do what you think, and I can only teach you so much!"

The young man looked at Shui Ruyu's extremely beautiful face, nodded slightly, took a step, turned around and walked towards Jiange Square, because he wanted to challenge Shen Mengyou in public!

Feeling that his disciple was walking out, Shui Ruyu came back to his senses, and a trace of worry appeared on his face. He shook his head and sighed slightly.���His own figure turned into a bubble and disappeared on the spot!

After saying that!

I saw the Jiange thousands of miles high in the sky!

This place was shrouded in clouds and mist, exuding a trace of spiritual mist, just like a fairyland on earth!

Suddenly a space crack opened here!



Two powerful and indifferent figures stepped out of it!

The breath emitted by itself made the sky unable to bear it, and a crackling sound was made!

Even the nearby void began to break, revealing a space turbulence that could not be seen at a glance!

These two people were Gu Yu and Fang Ming!

I saw their eyes looking down!

Looking at this majestic Jiange that exuded the sword intent of the sky, Gu Yu's face actually revealed a trace of disdain!

Only Fang Ming, who was standing aside, saw this scene with a trace of solemnity in his eyes, as if he saw something threatening!

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