A moment later, two mysterious figures appeared in the center of the hall!

They were handsome and dressed in blue robes!

They exuded the temperament of a great man!

They didn't look like a martial emperor, but a scholar who had been in the academy for a long time!

Qin Xuan couldn't help but smile, but quickly hid it!

Looking at the cold faces of the two, Qin Xuan said in a deep voice:"I will give you two a task. The sects and families that control other martial emperor forces in the Central Region must be firmly controlled in their hands!"

"Do you understand?" Qin Xuan looked at the two of them seriously!

Hearing this, the two of them looked at each other with burning eyes and a hint of determination on their faces. They nodded and bowed their hands and replied:"Gu Yu, Fang Ming is determined to complete this task and will not let you down, Master!"

As soon as the voice fell, the figures of the two turned into a bubble and disappeared in the hall!

Looking at the disappearing figures of the two, Qin Xuan's eyes began to fall into deep thought!

After a few days!

Only the figures of the two were constantly shuttling between the major forces in the Central Region. They checked many ancient martial emperor forces, but they did not invade these forces because they were not easy to control!

These forces have a large number of martial saints and a large array to protect the sect. No matter how strong they are, it takes time to break the large array to protect the sect!

Until the two came to a place called Yunxiao Palace!

Gu Yu and Fang Ming stood in front of the mountain!

This place is surrounded by clouds and mist, and the mountains are lined up!

It is full of the scent of birds and flowers everywhere, and from time to time you can see a white-robed man flying with a sword passing by here!

Everyone's expression showed happiness, and all the troubles seemed to be invisible to them!

Until they saw the figures of the two on the top of the mountain, they all showed a trace of doubts at the same time, as if they didn't understand who these two were, and they had never seen them!

But without exception, everyone consciously did not go up to ask, but watched this scene from a distance!

Because they had a feeling that if they got close to the two figures, they would be beheaded!

About half an hour later, a trembling old man, out of breath, walked slowly over!

The two looked up!

They found that the old man exuded the breath of being buried in the ground, as if he would die in the next moment!

But the two did not let down their guard, because in their eyes, although the old man walked unsteadily, as if he would fall down in the next moment, his back was very straight, like a long stick!

Especially the old man's eyes!

The eyes exuded a faint golden light, but But sometimes it is turbid!

It was the old man 's eyes that made the two feel a sense of crisis, so they did not let down their guard!

Although the old man's eyes were turbid, they could not hide the ferocity and viciousness in them!

The two of them have not seen this yet!

Because the old man hid it very well!

This also seems to represent that when the old man was young, he was a hero who traveled the world.

His ferocity and viciousness determined everything!

I saw a smile on the old man's wrinkled face.

He looked at the two of them and bowed, saying:"I don't know what kind of big deal it is that made two martial emperors come to my small Yunxiao Palace!

" The old man asked.

Hearing the question, the two looked at each other, and Gu Yu on the left said:"It's nothing big.

We two came here because we have something very important to tell you!

" The old man's heart trembled, and he felt a bad premonition in the dark, but he still said with a stiff upper lip:"I don't know what it is, can you tell me in detail?" Seeing this, Gu Yu smiled and said in a low voice:"That means from now on, all the disciples and elders of your Yunxiao Palace must obey the orders of this emperor.

Whatever you say is what it is, and you cannot refuse anything that this emperor issues!

" Before he finished speaking, the old man's smiling face froze, his eyes revealed a hint of murderous intent, and just a glance was as if they were in a sea of blood and corpses!

Even the disciples who passed by here felt the pressure and pain coming towards them!

Because this kind of gaze points directly to the depths of a person's soul, once you have seen it, you will never forget it.

This can also be said to be a torture!

However, this kind of soul-like attack is useless to the two of them.

The two of them always kept a calm face in this situation, as if this breath was no different from the wind to them!

Until he became a little impatient, Fang Ming moved his body, stepped on his left foot, boom!

The breath was directly shattered, and the old man's figure retreated dozens of steps, and then he spit out a large mouthful of blood!

The old man's face showed a trace of paleness, and the law emanating from his body was very weak, and it could even be said that it was destroyed!

But I still gritted my teeth and persisted!

"Have you heard of the Soul Palace and the Shadow Palace?"

Gu Yu looked up at the old man and asked.

Hearing this, the old man paused, adjusted his breath, and paused for a moment before saying:"Could it be that you two are from the Soul Palace and the Silver Palace?"

After hearing this, the two laughed and nodded! Their expressions were so disdainful.

The old man only saw this scene, his eyes were burning, and he seemed to have understood the purpose of the two people!

His face showed a trace of sadness, and he sighed long and long!

"It seems that my Yunxiao Palace can never escape! Forget it!"The old man shook his head, as if he had let go of something!

His eyes regained their former majestic golden light!

"I am old now, and my strength is not as strong as it used to be. I have heard of you, and I also knew that my Yunxiao Palace might have such a disaster, but I didn't expect it to come so soon!"The old man showed a trace of self-mockery at the corner of his mouth

"Perhaps this era is no longer the era of this old man, and I have been eliminated!"

At this point, the old man looked at the two of them again:"But you are not eliminated, because now is your era, an old man like me should hide in that coffin and never show up in the world!

" After the old man finished speaking, he bowed deeply to the two of them and said:"My Yunxiao Palace will be handed over to you two from now on.

I especially hope that you two can treat our Yunxiao Palace well.

After all, it is also the result of my life's hard work, and the disciples inside are all grown up under my care!


"I don't want them to be used as cannon fodder and die because of anything, after all, they are still children~!"

The two smiled at each other and said softly,"Don't worry, I won't do anything to your Yunxiao Palace. I said you just need to obey my orders, and you can manage other things secretly as usual, as long as it doesn't hinder me from using you!"

"But I won't ask you to be some kind of death warrior, because the mission I received is just to control the minds of all your forces, and I won't kill them all. You just need to do your own thing with peace of mind, and do whatever you need to do in the remaining time, don't think too much!"

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