As soon as the voice fell!

I saw dozens of ten thousand feet high mountains in Tianxuan Sect rising directly from the ground, all floating in the air!

At this time, the disciples in the sect square saw this scene and were shocked. They hurried to report to the elders, wondering if a strong man had come!

But it was just a false alarm!

Qin Xuan had already told the elders that if anyone panicked, all your disciples must be informed!

So the law enforcement elders would come out from time to time!

"What's going on? Why is the sect floating in the air?"A man asked, and said to the person next to him.

The person next to him shook his head and said,"I don't know! I was scared by the vibration just now. I thought it was someone's eunuch coming over!" There were countless whispers in the Zhongmen Square, and everyone's facial expressions were full of confusion and puzzlement!

Until this time, an old man in a green robe came to the square and coughed heavily!

Cough cough!

Hearing the cough, everyone looked over and found the figure of the old man. Those who were more careful knew who he was and hurriedly replied,"I remember that this person is the law enforcement elder Su Mo, and his own strength has reached the semi-saint realm!!

Seeing this, everyone hurriedly stood up and bowed,"Greetings to the law enforcement elder. It's not that the elder is here, but do you have any instructions?"

But the old man in the green robe did not reply to him directly.

He just nodded slightly, then looked at everyone and said,"Don't panic, everyone. I believe you have all seen the current situation of the sect. This was done by the sect master!"

"The reason for this is that the Sect Master has heard your inner thoughts. Didn’t you say that you really wanted to go to the Central Region? Now the Sect Master has given you the opportunity to start moving out of the Tianxuan Sect!"

"There is no need to panic too much, just wait slowly. When the time comes, the sect master will use the power of the law to take us to the Central Region, so you just need to do what you should do and don’t worry about other things!"

After hearing the words of the green-robed old man, he nodded repeatedly without refuting anything! As soon as the words fell!

Two disciples in white robes were seen talking to each other!

When the conversation was almost over, he immediately asked the green-robed old man:"Elder, elder, I wonder if what you said is true? Is the sect master really going to take us to the Central Region?"

"Would I lie to you?" The old man in green robe glared at the man and said

"No, no, no, how could the elder lie to us!"The person who asked the question waved his hands and laughed.

Humph! The old man in green robe snorted coldly, then returned to his residence with a wave of his sleeves!

After the old man left, everyone started talking again!

Among them, the most talked about was how good the Central Region was. Not only did it have many top geniuses, but it also had many top powerhouses and so on!


The entire Tianxuan Sect suddenly shook and began to shake!

Suddenly, in the air!

A colorful spirit bead floated in the sky!

It exuded a terrifying and mysterious aura!

Qin Xuan in the hall also opened his eyes at this time and appeared in front of the spirit bead, looking at this The spirit bead, Qin Xuan's palm shook, and began to wave. The power of the law controlled by Qin Xuan himself was continuously injected into the spirit bead!

The next moment, the bead slowly turned into a vortex, and the entire sect was instantly sucked into it!

This thing is the realm, which was drawn before!

I thought it was useless, but the task issued by the system just met this need!

Qin Xuan has already made plans and is ready to move to the Central Region. There is no room for development in the Sky Empire. Only the Central Region can make the Tianxuan Sect grow rapidly!

Seeing this, Qin Xuan held the spirit bead in his hand, he A space passage appeared in front of him, and then Qin Xuan took a look at this place, chuckled, and walked into it without hesitation!

The space closed!

The Central Region!

A quiet place with birds singing and flowers blooming, seven towering, steep and steep mountains that pierce the sky stand here!

The seven tall peaks are like giant pillars that reach the sky. The peaks are slowly surrounded by clouds, making it difficult to see the true and real appearance of them. You can only see the seven huge rocks that appear and disappear from afar! The seven peaks are also called the Seven Holy Peaks!

It is rumored that seven top geniuses were born here. After hundreds of years, After years of hard work, they finally became top martial saints one by one, and left their own legends in the Central Region, so this place is also called the Seven Holy Peaks!

Then, a huge space crack appeared out of thin air in the middle of the seven peaks!



A man in a black robe, with a handsome face and a terrifying aura came out!

This man was Qin Xuan!

He had never been to the Central Region, so he didn't have a designated place, and he just used his strength to find this place!

Looking at the seven huge peaks around him, Qin Dian raised his eyebrows and murmured,"Where is this place? Not only is the environment beautiful, but the spiritual energy is so abundant!"

"This place deserves to be the headquarters of my Tianxuan Sect!" Then, Qin Xuan smiled again.

He took out the beads and released them towards the middle of the seven peaks!

With a bang!

In the middle of the seven peaks, a palace complex with more than a dozen peaks instantly appeared! Seeing the flat headquarters of the sect, Qin Xuan nodded and looked at the other peaks around him. He held his chin and said,"These seven peaks can't be wasted. Anyway, this place has been occupied by me. Why not make these seven peaks my sect's peaks!" After the words fell, Qin Xuan did not hesitate and did what he said!

The mountains that were originally covered with trees and monsters suddenly turned into a group of magnificent palaces!

A formation was also arranged here!

This formation also happened to need seven stone pillars for assistance, and this place happened to have���Seven peaks, can be used!

This formation can withstand the full force of a high-level martial emperor!

It can also be regarded as a great formation to protect the sect!

The disciples in the Tianxuan Sect Square have already felt that the spiritual energy nearby has become more intense, and they all opened their eyes, got up and hurried out!

Lin Tian, who was in his own courtyard, also felt the difference in the spiritual energy, and walked out of the sect with Xue Ling! Outside the sect gate!

The Tianxuan Sect has changed greatly at this time!

Seeing the unfamiliar scene outside, Lin Tian frowned and murmured:"Did the master do something?"

Xue Ling, who was next to him, saw this scene, leaned on Lin Tian's shoulder, and whispered:"I felt it carefully, this should be the Central Region you often say, now we are not in the territory of the Sky Empire!"

"Why is he gone? Could it be that the master wants to do something?"Lin Tian asked with a puzzled look on his face.

Before he could say anything else, Qin Xuan's figure appeared in front of the two of them!

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