Seeing the five people using powerful martial arts to attack him, Chu You was not afraid. His face was calm. He did not feel panicked because of the five people joining forces!

On the contrary, the people of Tianxuan Sect in the courtyard saw this scene and couldn't help but secretly sweat for Chu You! He shouted in his heart:"You must hold on!"

And Xiao Ran, who was sitting on the table and chair, saw this scene and murmured with his hands behind his back:"I don't know if he can withstand the siege of five martial emperors. I hope your strength will still surprise me!"

I saw the five people's terrifying moves hit Chu You, and a roar sounded instantly!


Dust and smoke rose up, and the void was shattered!

Countless space turbulence appeared, and the hot sound of shattering continued!

The five people took a breath and looked at this scene with indifferent faces. It seemed that Chu You was destined to be wiped out under their attack!

There was no possibility of survival!

But...Is this really the case?

"Is this all your strength? Too weak!"

A voice rang in the ears of the five people. The voice was not loud, but it hit the hearts of the five people directly!

His face suddenly changed, and he stepped back a few steps, looking at Chu You in the dust in disbelief!


A black shadow appeared in front of the five people in an instant. It was Chu You. There was no sign of damage on his robe, as if the attack just now did not touch him!

He was surrounded by several spirit swords, which emitted a dark light!

The next moment, several spirit swords seemed to have eyes and attacked the five people directly!

Bang bang bang!

Chu You also attacked the people who were resisting the spirit swords at this time!

His own law system kept rushing towards the people, and the people fought back again and again. With every collision, the surrounding void would slowly break because they could not bear it!

It took half an incense stick of time before it stopped!

At this time, the five people showed fear on their faces. Color, gasping from time to time, a trace of cold sweat!

The battle of the spirit swords just now has already injured everyone. This is just the attack of the spirit sword. Chu You has not made a move yet. From this point of view, if he makes a move, his people will die directly because they can't stop it! The five people began to feel a little weak in the legs, but because they are the clan leaders, they also have to save face. If they escape in such a mess, how can they face everyone and their own disciples!

This is dying for face and suffering in life!

And on the spirit boat behind the five people!

All the clan disciples saw this embarrassing scene of their family and let out exclamations and confusion. They really didn't understand why their clan leader didn't kill the man in black robes, but was beaten by him alone!

It seems that if the fight continues, the five people will die!

"Didn't the clan leader reach the level of Martial Emperor? How could he not defeat this person? Aren't the other clan leaders here too? Why couldn't he defeat him? What was going on?"A clan disciple raised a puzzled question.

Several people beside him also heard it!

One person told ten people, ten people told a hundred people, and it spread throughout the entire spirit boat!

There was constant discussion in the field.

There were doubts, beliefs, and disappointment!

Listening to the noise behind them, the five people looked a little helpless!

The gap between their strength and Chu You's is a bit big!

In the realm of the Martial Emperor, each small section is extremely difficult to cross. The strongest among them is the man who just made a move, and the strength of the rest is the initial and middle stage of the Martial Emperor!

But it can be made up, with more people to defeat fewer people!

The combined strength of the five people can fight back and forth with a mid-level Martial Emperor, but the current situation is indeed being suppressed by Chu You!

Looking at the embarrassed figures of the five people, Chu You made another move!

I saw that the law aura around him kept twisting, and the next moment, a man who looked eight points like him appeared behind him! The shadow's eyes shone with a gleam of light, and then he waved his hands, and a burst of The ball, which was emitting red-yellow golden light, was aimed at the five people!

The golden light was raging, and its own blazing golden light had already shone on the faces of the five people!


Seeing this, the five people hurriedly set out to prepare for it!

The power of their own laws was constantly waving, and then the five people joined forces, and all the power of the laws turned into a shield, directly blocking the attacking ball!

The ball collided with the shield in an instant, and the five people couldn't stop it, and were repelled again. This time, they were hit directly on the ground! The ten-mile area was directly smashed into a cave!

Fortunately, no one lived here, otherwise someone else would die innocently!

In the cave!

The five people were covered with their own blood, half-kneeling on the ground, looking at Chu You with a little fear in their expressions!

The people of Tianxuan Sect in the courtyard saw that Chu You blocked the joint attack of the five people, and directly released a big move to seriously injure the five people, making them unable to get up and fight again! They couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief!

Xiao Ran saw this scene and sighed slightly!

"The Martial Emperor sent by the sect leader is indeed no ordinary person. His record of fighting one against five is truly brilliant. I believe that it won't be long before his name will resound throughout the Central Region!"

Looking at the five people falling in a pool of blood, Chu You's expression did not change at all from beginning to end. He did not feel arrogant and insolent for fighting five people alone!

Instead, he was always alert, for he was afraid that the elders of the Heavenly Palace would suddenly attack at this time!

After a careful investigation, he found that there was no such thing, and he breathed a sigh of relief!

Then, his eyes looked at all the clan disciples in the hundreds of spirit boats in the air!

At this time, the clan disciples on the spirit boats saw that their clan leader was actually beaten to the ground by Chu You without any resistance!

Their expressions began to panic, and they did not have the seriousness and fiery fighting spirit at the beginning!

They all began to be afraid!

Seeing Chu You's eyes looking here, everyone's expressions showed a trace of fear, and their bodies could not help but step back half a step.

The other leaders of the five major clans did not know what to say when they saw this scene. They were afraid themselves, let alone others!

Tianxuan Sect!

In the hall!

Qin Xuan naturally saw this scene as well, and could not help but nodded and praised:"It is worthy of being summoned by the system. The record of fighting one against five is enough to stand out from the crowd here, and it is equivalent to completing half of the task!"

Afterwards, Chu You did not attack the hundreds of spirit boats, but appeared in the cave in front of the five people!

Seeing the expressions of the five people, Chu You moved and directly used the power of the law, wanting to kill them directly!

Seeing this, the five people immediately resisted, but unfortunately, their resistance did not work at all!

Within a few breaths, the expressions of the five people began to become painful, as if they were experiencing something terrible!


After another half a quarter of an hour, the five people turned into a wisp of green smoke and disappeared!

Only their robes were left!

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