After the three of them left, Ling Gu started talking with Xiao Ran and Wu Yu!

On the other side!

The three of them walked side by side in the courtyard. They were going back to the room and began to digest this trip to the Tianxuan Secret Realm!

Huo Yi also talked to the two of them from time to time!

Then after a while, there were several footsteps behind them!

They were the disciples of the Tianxuan Sect in the courtyard!

And the leader was Guangqian!

Xue Xi glanced at them and knew that they came to ask about the Tianxuan Secret Realm!

Xue Xi looked at Yun Fengyi, who nodded coldly. Seeing this, Xue Xi looked at Huo Yi in front of him and said,"Yun Fengyi and I still have something to deal with. You can talk to Guangqian and the others!" As soon as the words fell!

Without waiting for Huo Yi to reply, the two disappeared from the spot!

Only Huo Yi was left standing there with a dazed expression!

"I haven't agreed yet!" Huo Yi sighed helplessly.

Then Guang Qian walked in front of Huo Yi, patted Huo Yi on the shoulder, and asked,"Brother Huo Yi, tell us what you encountered in the Tianxuan Secret Realm? For example, monsters or magical treasures!"

"Yes, yes! Brother Huoyi, can you tell us?"Several disciples on the side echoed.

Huo Yi wanted to cry but had no tears, and he touched his forehead helplessly!

Then he answered for several people!

They talked for half a minute before they were willing to leave.

After that!

Huo Yi yawned, stretched, tapped his sore shoulders, and went back to his room.

He wanted to go back and have a good sleep, although as a warrior, he didn't need to sleep, because once mortals embarked on practice, they no longer needed to participate in the daily life of mortals, and sleep was naturally included!

Huo Yi just wanted to review that it is also good for warriors to sleep, which can restore their mental strength.

After that!

In the void!

Several figures gathered here!

It was the people of Tianxuan Sect!

The leader was Qin Feng, and Qi Kui, Lei Wutan and others stood beside him, and behind them were the masters and elders of the major peaks!

At this time, they all looked serious, as if they were discussing something big!

Qi Kui looked at the people behind him and said in a deep voice:"The Tianxuan Secret Realm is over this time, but we have also caused some trouble!"

"I believe you also saw the facial expressions and actions of the three great priests of the Heavenly Palace just now, right?"

Everyone nodded when they heard this.

"So we have to start guarding against these three great priests, to prevent them from retaliating against our Tianxuan Sect because of anger and humiliation. No matter they are really going to come to us or not, we must be on our guard!"

That's right! Lei Wutan on the side nodded and said:"Maybe as the great elder said, the Heavenly Palace will never give up, and in a few days, they will definitely come to trouble our Tianxuan Sect!"

At this point, Qi Kui looked at Qin Feng, who was in the lead. He knew Qin Feng's identity, and his face was respectful. He bowed and asked:"Master Qin Feng, does the sect master have any news to pass on to you?"

Hearing the question, Qin Feng turned his head without changing his expression, raised his eyes to look at everyone, and said in a calm voice:"Of course there is, the sect master also knows the importance of this matter!"

"In a few days, a Martial Emperor-level warrior will come to the Central Region, and the Soul Palace and Shadow Palace will also come. You just need to guard the Heavenly Palace in an orderly manner, and the rest will be handed over to the warrior sent by the Sect Master!"

Hearing this, everyone nodded!

"So what should we do now? Should we continue to hide in the void, or show up near them?"Lei Wutan asked.

Qin Feng glanced at him, his eyes slightly thoughtful!

After a while, he said:"Hide in the void, and discuss it after the strong man comes over. I will explain it to you then!"

Lei Wutan nodded, and everyone did not ask any more questions.

After that!

The scene changed!

I saw a magnificent, magnificent and magnificent palace standing above the clouds!

This place is surrounded by clouds and mist, and the scenery is beautiful. From time to time, there are flying birds and birds flying around, just like a fairyland on earth!

And below the clouds, there is a layer of lakes like a galaxy!

The lake is very wide, and there is no end in sight!

All you can see is the galaxy spread over the lake!

The lake is very bright, like a shooting star!

This lake is called Forget Worry Lake!

It means forgetting sorrow and not missing the past!

This It is the name of the current Palace Master of the Heavenly Palace!

I saw a palace above the clouds!

There are two big characters"Dragon Flying Phoenix Dancing Emperor Palace" written on the top of the palace!

And from time to time, there are powerful people with strong aura passing by here. Without exception, they are all disciples or elders of the Heavenly Palace. Every time they pass by here, they will show respect on their faces!

It seems that there is a powerful person in this palace who is enough for them to serve!

Inside the palace!

Eight white stone pillars are straight into the sky!

There are several patterns of flying birds and running birds engraved on the stone pillars! And in the center of the palace, there is a red carpet leading directly to the top of the palace!

Looking up Looking over, I found a peerless beauty, a fairy-like woman sitting on the throne!

Her skin was whiter than snow, and her hair was draped to her waist. Her eyes were as bright as the starry sky. She was wearing a flowing cloud robe that clung to her skin, revealing her proud figure. Her pair of white and slender legs were exposed, enough to make people's blood boil!

The aura she exuded was enough to make the peak martial emperor bow his head for her. She was the current Tiangong Palace Master Li Ziyun! You could also call her Fairy Ziyun!

And below her, a man with an indifferent face and folded his arms was standing quietly. Standing quietly in the center of the hall!

He is Gu Ao, one of the four emperors of the Heavenly Palace! He is also the strongest one!

His status is second only to the current Palace Master of the Heavenly Palace!

His cultivation is the best in the entire Tianxuan Continent, and the women who love him are enough to line up from the Central Region to the Southern Region!

There is a hint of playful smile in his expression, but the indifference and indifference in his eyes are like clouds and mist, covering the most sincere expression in his eyes, making it impossible to see through and guess.

And next to him, there is an old man in a white robe with an old face and white hair and beard, standing there respectfully, looking like he is reporting something!

""Are you saying that Zhuo Hu and the others died in the Tianxuan Secret Realm?" Li Ziyun frowned and asked!

Hearing this, the old man hurriedly bowed and replied:"Yes, Palace Master, the three elders have been waiting there for several hours and have not waited for Zhuo Hu and the others to come back. On the contrary, the disciples of other sects and those powerful forces have all returned safely. Only my Tiangong disciples did not go out. So if it is not unexpected, Zhuo Hu and the other two may have died in it!

"The three elders also speculated that the culprit might be the Tianxuan Sect that shone so brilliantly in the Five Regions Competition!"

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