A sense of horrifying and suffocating pressure descended upon the hall.

Yun Fengyi's expression changed, and before she could make any move, she felt as if she were being pressed down by a mountain, unable to move at all.

""Damn it!" Yun Fengyi cursed inwardly.

In the crystal coffin, the man sat up, stretched slowly, yawned, then touched his blurry eyes and turned to look at Yun Fengyi in front of him.

The clear and bright eyes suddenly flashed slightly, and he bowed and said softly:"Thank you, girl, for helping me wake up from my deep sleep, otherwise I would have to spend ten thousand years here again!"

Hearing this, Yun Fengyi's face was puzzled, looking at the man, and said:"You are alive? Where is the little thing just now?"

Hearing Yun Fengyi's question, the man's mouth curled up a mysterious smile, and said:"It's me, girl, don't you know? Or did the girl not understand a word I said to her before?"

The man tilted his head and looked at Yun Fengyi with a puzzled look.

Hearing the man's reply, Yun Fengyi's face looked a little ugly. She actually endured the pressure and said in a cold voice:"In that case, you brought me here just now to let me help you wake up. You didn't listen to any of the words I said to you?"

At this point, Yun Fengyi's face became even colder, just like the ice cave at the beginning! Seeing this

, the man couldn't help but shuddered, and quickly spread his hands and laughed:"Haha, girl, I lied to you!"

Then a figure appeared above the man's head. It was the little thing that just disappeared.

The man pointed his finger at his head:"Look, this little thing is actually a pet I adopted back then. When I was sealed up, it accidentally escaped. Its personality is also a bit strange. If it has offended you, I hope the girl will forgive me!"

The man smiled, and his smile was very sunny, without any trace of deception.

Yun Fengyi was also affected by the man's smile, and gradually calmed down, nodded, and said nothing more!

It seemed that he thought of something again, looked around himself and said:"Then can you put away your pressure?" When the man heard this, he was slightly stunned, and couldn't help but smiled awkwardly. With a light wave of his hand, the sense of pressure on Yun Fengyi's body disappeared instantly.

""I'm sorry, I just woke up and didn't notice this!"

The man showed a trace of apology on his face.

Seeing this, Yun Fengyi slowly shook her head to indicate that it was okay.

Then she asked again:"Can I ask you, who are you? Why did you appear in this hall?" She completely forgot that she was dominated by the man's terrifying strength just now.

The man didn't seem to notice this and explained:"I am the ruler of the Thunder Cloud Pavilion in the Central Region back then. My name is Wu Xu. I don't know how long I have been sealed here!" The man shook his head.

Yun Fengyi was shocked, and looked at Wu Xu in surprise and said:"You said you were the ruler of the Thunder Cloud Pavilion back then?"

Seeing Yun Fengyi's surprised expression, Wu Xu was a little strange, but still nodded.

"What's wrong? Don't I look like that?"

Yun Fengyi waved her hands quickly and shook her head, saying,"Nothing, I just feel a little surprised!"

"Surprised? Why are you surprised?"

Wu Xu looked a little puzzled.

Hearing Wu Xu's question, Yun Fengyi said:"Because as far as I know, the leader of Leiyun Pavilion at that time was not called your name, but Tianqi!"

"So, I was a little surprised when you said just now that you were the leader of Leiyun Pavilion!"

"It seems that your Leiyun Pavilion also had some unspeakable scandals in the past!"

Yun Fengyi showed a hint of curiosity.

Hearing what Yun Fengyi said, Wu Xu's expression sank, his brows slightly furrowed, and he said:"You mean, the leader of Leiyun Pavilion back then was Tianqi?"

Yun Fengyi glanced at him and nodded.

Seeing Yun Fengyi nod, Wu Xu's expression showed a hint of anger, and his palms clenched into fists

"It seems that I am regarded as a fool by others, haha!"

"At that time, I thought what they said was false and they were trying to trick me. I didn't expect that the one who really got the position of Pavilion Master was Tianqi, not me, Wu Xu. No wonder I couldn't control the power of the sect back then! It's really a big joke!"

At this point, Wu Xu sighed again, waved his hand and said,"Forget it, forget it!"

Then he looked up at Yun Fengyi and said,"Is Leiyun Pavilion still there now?"

Yun Fengyi shook her head and said,"It's not there."

"Tens of thousands of years have passed. Even the most powerful force will be worn away by time!"

Wu Xu laughed at himself and nodded, saying,"Yes! Tens of thousands of years have passed. Even the most powerful force will eventually be worn away by time!"

Then, as if he had thought of something, he looked at Yun Fengyi and asked,"Are you here to find a way out? Or...?"

Yun Fengyi looked somewhat helpless, shook her head and said:"I am not looking for a way out, but looking for the fellow disciples who came with me!"

Sect! Wu Xu pondered for a while, nodded and said:"Are they still in this secret realm?"

"Still here!" Yun Fengyi nodded.

"That's easy to find!"

Hearing Wu Xu's words, Yun Fengyi frowned and said,"Do you have a way?"

Wu Xu nodded and smiled,"Of course there is. After all, this Tianxuan Secret Realm you mentioned actually belongs to me. I am the owner of this secret realm. As long as I am in the secret realm, I can find your fellow disciple!"

Hearing this, Yun Fengyi's face changed, and she was a little surprised. She thought to herself,"Is it his? That means the news that the group of people outside said is still false!"

Then her expression was a little embarrassed again. After all, she had never asked others for help!

The main reason was that she couldn't pull down his character.

Wu Xu seemed to see Yun Fengyi's difficulties. He smiled and said,"Girl, you actually helped me wake up, so in return, I should naturally help you. So, let me help you find the fellow disciple you want to find!"

Hearing this, Yun Fengyi was stunned, nodded, and said thank you softly.

The voice was very low, but Wu Xu still heard it.

Wu Xu smiled and glanced at her, slowly closed his eyes, his body floated in the air, and his whole body seemed to be integrated into this secret realm!

After a few breaths, Wu Xu opened his eyes and waved his hands slightly.

A water mirror image appeared in front of the two of them.

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