Qin Xuan said nothing more, and his figure disappeared. Qin Feng, who was standing at the same place, moved his cold face.

The void in front of him was torn into a human-shaped hole. Qin Feng's eyes moved, and he stepped in without hesitation.


The space crack closed.

The scene changed.

South Region.

Since the death of the king of Xingyue Empire, the ancient clan, under the leadership of Gu Chidan, has taken over the remaining forces and property of the empire. All the powerful forces who dared to resist were killed.

Even Qi Xiao of Heilou began to lead everyone to leave here. The current Xingluo City is no longer suitable for their development. Qi Xiao also noticed this crisis!

Xingluo City, in the ancient mansion covering an area of 10,000 acres.

Gu Yuntian, dressed in casual clothes, was playing with a gun. The gun was constantly evaporating like thunder. Every time he stabbed, the space was inevitably torn apart by the gun wind.



Outside the ancient mansion, a carriage pulled by a martial emperor-level monster stopped outside.

A servant in yellow jumped out of the carriage in a hurry.

Outside the mansion, two guards recognized the servant and did not stop him, letting him go in.


Hearing the hurried footsteps behind him, Gu Yuntian put away his spear, glanced at the person behind him, and asked,"Why are you in such a hurry!"

When the servant heard someone calling him, he turned around and hurriedly bent down and said,"Young Master, the list of the Five Domains Competition is out, and I am here to report to him at the order of the clan leader!"

Oh! Gu Yuntian raised his expression, walked to the servant and picked it up, and took a look at the list.

His eyes showed shock!

First place: Bloodthirsty, an inner disciple of Tianxuan Sect

Second place: Xuanmen Saint, Zhang Xuanyi

Third place: Yun Fengyi, an inner disciple of Tianxuan Sect

Fourth place: Huo Yi, an inner disciple of Tianxuan Sect

Fifth place......

He exhaled slowly, looked at the servant and asked in confusion:"What kind of power is this Tianxuan Sect? Why haven't I heard of it?"

The servant shook his head and said:"Young Master, I don't know much about it. I only know that this Tianxuan Sect is an ancient hidden sect, and it came into the world for this Tianxuan Secret Realm!"

""An ancient hidden sect?" Gu Yuntian touched his chin, his eyes showing deep thought!

He waved to the servant, asking him to leave.

The servant bowed and ran to the hall.


Another round of footsteps came from behind Gu Yuntian. It was his younger brother Gu Yunfeng.

""Brother, what are you doing? Aren't you going to practice with your spear?"

Hearing the familiar voice behind him, Gu Yuntian came back to his senses and looked at him and said,"Have you heard about the rankings of the Five Domains Competition?"

Gu Yunfeng nodded and said,"I heard about it. When I heard the news just now, I was a little surprised!"

"Could it be that, brother, you were in a daze just now, thinking about this?"

Gu Yuntian nodded, his face somewhat helpless, and said:"Yes, this news makes me feel a little sorry. I thought that the rankings of the Five Realms Competition this time would be the same as the previous times, and those forces of the Heavenly Palace would be ranked. I didn't expect that a hidden sect would appear this time. If I had known, I would have gone to watch it!"

"It's a pity indeed. I also want to see how bloodthirsty the Tianxuan Sect is killing people everywhere!" Gu Yunfeng looked regretful.

Just as Gu Yuntian was about to say something, the servant just now walked up to the two of them, bowed and said:"Two young masters, the clan leader wants you to come over and said that there is something important to tell you!"

When the two heard this, they looked at each other and nodded.

Then they walked to the hall.

In the hall.

Gu Chidan sat in the first seat, his brows relaxed, his face leisurely, picked up the tea on the table and took a sip!

Just then he heard footsteps coming from outside, Gu Yidan looked up and found that it was his son who came. He quickly got up and said with a smile:"Come on, Dad, I have good news for you!"

Hearing this, the two of them couldn't help showing curiosity and asked:"What good news, father?"

Gu Chidan didn't say anything, but pulled the two of them in front of him before saying:"I think you all know the rankings of the five-domain competition this time, right?"

Yes! The two nodded to show that they understood.

Gu Chidan smiled and said,"Your father has joined a force called Soul Palace. I heard that the master behind them is the leader of Tianxuan Sect!"

The two were shocked and a little unbelievable, and said,"Father, are you serious? You haven't been deceived by this force, have you?"

"We haven't heard of this Soul Palace yet?"

The two of them were a little unconvinced.

""Hey~" Gu Chidan heard this and hit the two of them on the head twice, saying,"You still don't believe in dad?"

Er Er hurriedly shook his head and waved his hands, saying,"No, no, how could we not believe in you, father!"

Then he smiled sincerely.

Gu Chidan laughed angrily and said,"I'll take you to see someone!"

Hearing this, the two looked at each other and nodded. After the words fell.

Led by Gu Chidan, the two brothers walked into an underground cave deep in the ancient mansion.

The cave was extremely dark, with only a faint light illuminating their way forward!

But the two didn't think it was a big deal, they also knew all the cave entrances in their tribe.

After walking for half an incense stick, several people came to a cave with a large space.

I saw a man in a black robe standing there with his back to them, exuding the aura of a strong man from head to toe.

Hearing the footsteps behind him, the man in black robe turned around and smiled

""The Gu clan leader is really trustworthy!"

Gu Chidan smiled and said,"Of course, don't you want to see my two sons? They are here now!" As soon as he finished speaking, Gu Chidan stepped aside.

Seeing this, Yuntian and Yunfeng were a little confused.

Just as they were about to ask, the man in black robe said,"I guess you two are the genius spear masters Gu Yuntian and Gu Yunfeng who are famous in the southern region!"

The two frowned, did not speak, but nodded.

The man in black robe did not mind, and laughed,"Don't worry, I came here with no ill intentions, otherwise your father would have died in my hands long ago!"

Hearing the words of the man in black robe, Gu Yuntian's face changed.

The man in black robe seemed not to see it, and started���"I guess you two have heard from your father about joining our Soul Palace, right?"

Gu Yuntian frowned, clenched his fists, and said,"Yes, I wonder if the force behind you is the Tianxuan Sect or your so-called Soul Palace?"

The man in black robe just smiled and did not answer him. He turned his back to them.

This made Gu Yuntian look puzzled. He didn't understand what this man was selling.

The next moment, a space vortex appeared in front of the man in black robe.

The man in black robe glanced at the two and said,"I will take you to see someone. When you get there, you can ask any questions you have!"

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