"Squad leader, if you are chosen in advance, you may be the focus of training in the future!"

"Yes, that's right, we can't compete, we can only go to ordinary units!"

Zhao Bo and Yang Jianguo talked to each other, and the words they said were all good.

Of course, we are all adults, and no one really believes this "I didn't prepare for the exam, and this is going to be really bad."

Chinese politeness often means lifting up the other person, putting down oneself, and expressing modesty.

This is what Zhao Bo and Yang Jianguo are doing now.

Of course the four members of the Epoch Times will not say "Yes, that's it".

Ji Yuanhai said: "With our school and our major, how can it be possible to go to an ordinary unit? You four, don't be humble. We will all take care of each other when the time comes. Who will help whom in the future?"

Yang Jianguo smiled and said: "Anyway, like Yang Dongsheng and Xiao Jianye, I won't interfere with them if they have trouble."

Yang Jianguo couldn't stand Yang Dongsheng's snobbery and petty advantage.

As for Xiao Jianye, he is a person with strong self-esteem. He has a strong dialect and local accent, and he is sensitive to self-esteem when communicating with others. Sometimes he glares at his classmates and is anxious. Yang Jianguo once almost got into a fight with him over a trivial matter, which annoyed him.

Ji Yuanhai has a good relationship with his classmates, but even so, while everyone is willing to listen to him, conflicts between them are inevitable.

Just like Yang Dongsheng, many people look down on him because of his greed for petty gains.

Probably few people would have thought that when an opportunity suddenly came, Yang Dongsheng with such virtue could actually seize it, and he might do better than more than half of the classmates in the class in the future.

Ji Yuanhai persuaded Yang Jianguo, but he didn't care whether Yang Jianguo listened or not.

He asked another thing: "Lao Bai, Arita, and anyone in our dormitory or our class who needs money?"

"After all, some of us have registered residence in other places and can only move to the provincial capital after graduation. Some of our classmates have families and families. This cannot be solved by the work dormitory. Living in separate rooms may also be a special situation. It cannot be solved at once, so we can only Let’s rent a house for now.”

"Old Bai, let's take you as an example. After graduation, your wife and children will come to the provincial capital. Has the housing problem been solved?"

Bai Chengzhi smacked his lips and said, "It's really hard to tell. I'll go ask the company."

"If it doesn't work...I might really need money."

His wife and children will definitely come to the provincial capital to live together. If the unit dormitory arranges a family, then a special room must be allocated, and then the rooms will be allocated equally.

However, if the room allocation does not go smoothly and the dormitory arrangement at the work unit does not go smoothly, then it is really a helpless situation and the only choice is to rent a house first.

Although the possibility was extremely small, Bai Chengzhi did not dare to be blindly optimistic and said everything.

"Well, if you need anything, come to me when the time comes." Ji Yuanhai said.

Zhao Youtian said: "I...I don't have to worry. After graduation, I can just live in the dormitory of my work unit first."

Bai Chengzhi smiled and said: "Arita, after you graduate, pick and choose and find a suitable one. Then it's time to get married!"

Zhao Youtian was a little surprised when he heard this.

Zhao Bo and others cheered: "What do you like?"

Zhao Youtian couldn't tell, so he looked at Ji Yuanhai for help, but unexpectedly, Ji Yuanhai was also an accomplice this time, and asked with a smile: "Youtian, tell me about your concept of mate selection? Maybe we can help introduce it to you!"

Zhao Youtian opened his mouth and whispered: "As long as you look upright and know how to live a good life, that's fine."

Ji Yuanhai and others all laughed. Zhao Youtian's request was a bit too low.

"Arita, don't be too eager to get married. When you meet a female colleague of about the same age, you will feel rushed..." Zhou Heng said, "There is knowledge here."

Zhao Youtian looked at Zhou Heng in confusion.

Zhou Heng put his arm around his shoulders and taught him his experience in a low voice: "Think about it, if you find a leader's daughter who has connections in the family, how many detours can you avoid in the future?"

"If you find a colleague from an ordinary family, and you two get off work, complaining to each other about your incompetence, and you will never be able to climb up, how terrible would that be?"

Zhao Youtian said: "I feel that there is no need to think so much, just find the one that I like."

Zhou Hengxin said that he was quite naive, but after thinking about it, he couldn't persuade her much: "You are right to say that. If you don't like it, getting married will be troublesome enough."

"After all, you are still different from me."

Zhao Youtian looked at Zhou Heng doubtfully: What's different about this?

Ji Yuanhai reached out and patted Zhou Heng on the back, and Zhou Heng's mood became inexplicably lower.

The couple complained to each other that they were incompetent... Is this what Zhou Heng himself had experienced?

Thinking again about Zhou Heng's painful experience, Ji Yuanhai already understood the truth.

Some people have a happy childhood, while some people suffer from the pain of childhood throughout their lives and can never let it go.

On Tuesday, continue working.

His colleagues at Ji Yuanhai still greeted him with smiles. Although they were not overly enthusiastic, the atmosphere was friendly, simple and relaxed.

On Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, Ji Yuanhai quickly understood how to assist Yue Feng in handling some documents under the leadership of Tan Aijun, Cheng Lihua, and Wu Dagang, and was basically competent at the job.

To say that he is proficient and able to deal with emergencies is not yet possible.

After all, saying it is one thing, understanding it is another, and actually applying it is another. Some files must be handled before you know how to deal with them. Some things are difficult to become fully familiar with without experiencing them.

Before getting off work on Friday, Yue Feng stopped Ji Yuanhai.

"Yuan Hai, are you going to Fangcaoxuan tomorrow?"

"Well, let's go take a look around." Ji Yuanhai said, "The property rights of that place no longer belong to me, and my wife is doing the actual management. I just want to take a look around."

Yue Feng smiled and said to himself that it was really hard to find fault with what he did.

"Is it over there at Hollyland too?"

"Well, yes, Brother Yue, it's basically finished over there." Ji Yuanhai replied.

"Then you will have more free time on Saturday. I will go visit an uncle with me this Saturday." Yue Feng said.

Ji Yuanhai was surprised: "Shall I follow? Is this okay?"

"There's nothing wrong with it." Yue Feng said with a smile, "We understand clearly that there is no need to hide it."

"Well, then I'll listen to you, when will we go?" Ji Yuanhai asked.

"At nine o'clock in the morning, I will pick you up at Flower and Bird Street."

Ji Yuanhai nodded, but secretly wondering who the uncle Yue Feng was taking him to see could be, and what his relationship was with the Yue family.

After returning to the dormitory, Ji Yuanhai received three more invitations.

Zhou Heng wanted to have dinner with him tomorrow, and Bai Chengzhi happened to have something to do with him.

In addition, Yang Dongsheng tried to invite the class to attend a work party in advance, also tomorrow.

The things that Ji Yuanhai has to face suddenly become quite many.

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