Rebirth begins with marrying a female educated youth

Chapter 112 A sensation in the whole family

In August, Ji Yuanhai and Lu Heling were waiting for their admission notices and were learning new professional knowledge.

Do you need to study hard to enter university?

It has been spread by some people and schools in later generations that you don’t need to study too much in college, you just have to play until you graduate and find a job.

But in fact, the threshold for college graduation is very low; the invisible threshold for truly achieving success in college is very high. It is so high that some people become outstanding talents after graduating from college, while some people have difficulty finding a job after graduating from college... This It requires strong self-control and strong learning ability.

Of course, whether the teachers in the relevant majors are experts is equally important, and may even affect the upper limit of success.

Today's era is different from that of later generations, but the logic within universities is the same.

If you just want to graduate and then find a job, this is a relatively low-level thing; in the era of guaranteed distribution, students from the Department of Political Science and Law of Ji Yuanhai, a provincial university, were directly locked into jobs in certain fields in advance when they graduated.

But it is very difficult to be appreciated by others and have outstanding abilities.

They are all students who studied hard and passed the exam. Who is worse than the other? Why do you stand out?

Of course, Ji Yuanhai and Lu Heling studied on the one hand to be fully prepared for school; on the other hand, they also studied to enrich themselves and pass the time.

In this era without entertainment, the two of them did not participate in labor, so they might as well learn to read to pass the time.

Tired of studying this day, Ji Yuanhai looked at the pond in the courtyard and saw that there were no fish, and said hello to Lu Heling: "Shall we go fishing in the Yuejin River today? To relax?"

Lu Heling nodded in agreement.

The two of them didn't need to pack anything, so they got on their bicycles and headed for Yuejin River along the country road.

The members of the production team were still working in the fields, and occasionally they would look up and see the two of them.

"Yuan Hai, are you going out?"

"Well, get out!" Ji Yuanhai replied.

"Yuan Hai, how did you do in the exam? Can you go to college?"

Ji Yuanhai waved his hand, did not stop talking, and rode his bicycle forward.

Arriving at a crossroads in the field, Seventh Uncle Jibota and Captain Ge were sitting and smoking under the shade of a tree. They stopped Ji Yuanhai and Lu Heling and asked the same question.

Ji Yuanhai stopped his bicycle and told them: He should be able to pass the exam, it just depends on whether the notification letter comes.

Captain Ge said: "Yuan Hai, you are about to go to college. You have a good brain. Let me ask you something."

"Captain Ge, tell me." Ji Yuanhai replied.

"Do you know what the production team will be like in the future? Has it been mentioned in the newspaper?" Captain Ge asked.

Ji Yuanhai glanced at the seventh uncle Ji Baotian.

Jibota chuckled, holding a cigarette in his mouth and saying nothing.

"The newspapers didn't say anything. It's hard to say what will happen in the future." Ji Yuanhai said, "Anyway, I heard that there are already two or three pilot sites in our county, and they are all good."

Captain Ge nodded and said no more.

Jibotian said: "Yuan Hai, you and He Ling go about your business, we still have to work."

"The work in this crop field is endless all year round."

Ji Yuanhai nodded: "Then let's go, Uncle Seven and Captain Ge."

Saying hello, he left the farmland area of ​​Xiaoshantun and followed the canal to Yuejin River. When we arrived at the Yuejin River, we saw many children taking a bath with their buttocks naked, cheering and shouting constantly. There were also baskets for cutting grass on the bank. It was obvious that some children were going to be beaten when they returned home.

Ji Yuanhai and Lu Heling couldn't help but feel funny.

"He Ling, shall we go back?"

"Let's just take a walk along the river embankment." Lu Heling said with a smile.

Originally, it was not necessary to eat fish. The more important thing was to study all day and go out to relax.

The two pushed their bicycles and walked slowly along the river embankment along the woods.

Lu Heling talked about the news that Wang Xiaohong went to live with Liu Xianglan in the county seat, and also talked about Liu Xianglan's hard work and thoughtfulness, which Ji Yuanhai would never forget.

"The environment here is more natural and more vibrant than the parks in the provincial capital." Lu Heling said, "I used to be tired of this vibrant feeling, mainly because I was tired every day, it was difficult to eat and drink, and there were ingredients issues. , the future is unclear.”

"Everything around me feels meaningless and terrible."

"Now that I calm down and look at it, in fact, purely in terms of scenery, rural and provincial cities have their own advantages and disadvantages. Natural freshness and exquisite tailoring are equally pleasing."

At this point, Lu Heling smiled self-deprecatingly: "Yuan Hai, do you think I am a very shallow person? Only when I have enough food and drink, and someone around me to warm me, can I have the mind to appreciate the scenery?"

Ji Yuanhai couldn't help but laugh.

Lu Heling looked at him: "Why are you laughing?"

"I laugh at your question." Ji Yuanhai said, "Who can really appreciate the flowers and green trees when they are hungry, tortured, and mentally confused? This is something no one can do, at least they have to wait. Only when you have a full meal can you have leisure and relaxation.”

"How can you attribute all the commonalities of human beings to the shallowness of you alone?"

Lu Heling thought about it seriously: "Well, what you said makes sense."

When Ji Yuanhai saw her expression, as if she was discussing academic matters with him, he couldn't help but laugh again, and reached out to pinch her straight nose.

Lu Heling looked at him blankly: "Yuan Hai?"

Ji Yuanhai leaned over, sealed her mouth, and kissed her.

Lu Heling didn't understand why at first, but her face turned red quickly and she looked around hurriedly, fearing that others would see her.

After confirming that no one was there, she breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Ji Yuanhai: "Yuanhai, you were holding me back just now."

"I don't believe it." Ji Yuanhai said.

"Really, how can anyone hold their noses and then kiss them?" Lu Heling complained softly.

"I don't believe it." Ji Yuanhai said, putting away the bicycle.

He put his arms around Lu Heling's waist and kissed her again.

After a while, he asked: "Aren't you going to hold it back this time?"

Lu Heling was a little confused by his kiss: "Huh?"

Ji Yuanhai leaned his head over again, and Lu Heling finally reacted, stretched out his hand to block it, and looked at him angrily: "It's so embarrassing to be here."

Ji Yuanhai smiled, pushed his bicycle again, and walked slowly along the tree-lined path along the river embankment.

"He Ling, we just talked about the provincial capital. We should go to the provincial capital soon to go to school."

"Tell me about your past."

Because Lu Heling's past has always been a pain for her, Ji Yuanhai never inquired about this matter to avoid making her sad.

But seeing that he was about to go to the provincial capital, Ji Yuanhai still wanted to ask.

After Lu Heling heard this, she no longer wiped away tears or cried, or was stunned.

In the past year, she spent the past year with Ji Yuanhai as a newlywed wife, as a student preparing for exams, and as an accountant in Xiaoshantun... It was very fulfilling and rich, and her heart that was scarred at the beginning has healed.

A heart is tied to the husband in front of her.

Now that I think about those past events, I finally no longer have that heartbreaking feeling.

With just a sad smile, Lu Heling spoke calmly: "You know my last name, my age, and my zodiac sign."

"In terms of family background, my father was originally the son of a wealthy gentry in a provincial capital. He later specialized in studying Chinese and foreign literature. My mother was also a lady who attended a girls' school."

There is no doubt that the couple had serious problems in the past, and Lu Heling's father still obtained a welfare house allocated by the state for studying Chinese and foreign literature. Now a storm came, and he was in bad luck.

Fortunately, after struggling for many years, when Lu Heling got the news last year, the couple had already passed away for a long time.

Lu Heling only knew the name of a farm and nothing else.

Ji Yuanhai nodded: "The state must have taken back the national welfare housing allocation. There is nothing to say about it. Can your parents' relics and inheritance be recovered?"

Lu Heling shook her head: "I never thought about it."

"At that time, I just felt that living was meaningless. If you hadn't persuaded me, but someone else had asked me to marry, then I would have simply died."

"Where are your parents' relatives?" Ji Yuanhai asked again.

"My dad didn't have much contact with the Lu family, and he wasn't very close. I heard that he seemed to have completely broken up with the family and ran away from home a long time ago. Later, he married my mother and had me."

"If we follow the style of the wealthy gentry of that era, he should have gotten married very early, had children, and inherited the family business."

"My mother's relatives came and went a few times a year, and I had some impressions, but it was quite sad later. My father's students, my mother's friends, and my mother's relatives all seemed to have taken the wrong medicine. They were pointing fingers at my parents."

"They used to have smiles on their faces, but at that time they were extremely ferocious..."

There is no need to talk about these bad memories.

Ji Yuanhai could tell that Lu Heling should be in a state of being without any relatives in the provincial capital, or in other words, if he had any relatives, he was basically in a state of complete separation.

Provincial cities are different from rural areas. After you lose your relatives, no one will come up to you and mutter about your rights and wrongs.

Therefore, unless relatives really intend to win Lu Heling back, Lu Heling has no relatives.

"Provincial capital, do you have any friends?" Ji Yuanhai asked again.

"I have a very close classmate. When I went to the countryside, she joined the army. I don't know what she will do now." Lu Heling answered.

Ji Yuanhai was a little surprised after hearing this.

To use a line from the movie "Wreaths Under the Mountain" a few years later, that is, "When you need to go to the countryside, you join the army, and when the war really comes, you have to go back to the rear." This is not an operation that ordinary people can do. .

Lu Heling was pretty, good at studying, and quiet and aloof. It was only natural that she could make friends with such a classmate.

However, this is probably the only time they have been together for a while.

Ji Yuanhai knew that the further back they went, the more completely different they became.

With Lu Heling's quiet personality, who doesn't strive for fame or fortune, it is even less likely that she will take the initiative to contact her old classmates, and she has no intention of running away from others.

After asking about things in the provincial capital, Ji Yuanhai chatted with Lu Heling again: "Besides you, among our educated youth in Xiaoshantun, are there any from the provincial capital?"

Lu Heling replied: "Cao Jianhong is, so is Cheng Weiguo, and everyone else is not."

Ji Yuanhai nodded: "Cao Jianhong, that little-eyed female educated youth who always wants to say something mean to you? Ever since you married me, she wanted to laugh at you. Later, when you became an accountant, she didn't dare."

Lu Heling nodded.

Cheng Weiguo and Ji Yuanhai were also impressed.

Mainly I remember that there was a guy named Ma Bin who was stupid and fell for Wang Laoer's trick. Although Cheng Weiguo was also fooled, he didn't take the lead; and later he offered to help Ji Yuanhai deceive some information about the Wang family in exchange for his return. City proves.

It can be said that the person who is not too stupid has some thoughts.

There is a huge crowd in the provincial capital, and you may not be able to meet them.

Even if they meet, can they still be treated warmly based on their original "friendship"? It would be nice to say hello.

After returning from the river embankment, Ji Yuanhai and Lu Heling continued to read and study, and had nothing else to do.

Ji Yuanhai's grandfather and father were both a little anxious. They called Ji Yuanhai back to Ji's house and asked him how many points he had scored in the exam and whether he could go to college. Why was there no movement at all...

If you can't go to college, you have to make plans early. You should earn work points and earn money. You can't stay at home like this day after day.

Seeing that they were anxious, Ji Yuanhai also told them the truth. He and Lu Heling had very good grades and were guaranteed to go to college, so they were just waiting for the notification.

The whole Ji family is happy and relieved.

Ji Yuanhai also looked at his little nephew Ji Kaocheng, who was just one month old. The little guy was white and tender, with his little eyes narrowed, and he was quite cute.

Ji Yuanhai continued to read and study every day. From time to time, Ji Yuanhai went to the county to visit the flower and plant shops. He also occasionally walked around with Wang Zhuyun, and went to Wang's hometown to sit and talk.

Uncle Dong and Uncle Zhao who sold popsicles, Ji Yuanhai also chatted with them several times. When they heard that Ji Yuanhai was admitted to college, he was waiting for the admission notice. The two uncles were very surprised, and they were a little proud when they said it.

Uncle Zhao said that if Ji Yuanhai becomes a big shot in the future, his face will also be bright.

After all, big shots have eaten the popsicles sold by Lao Zhao, so why are they selling like crazy?

Ji Yuanhai also laughed when he heard that he said it was interesting: "Uncle, if one day I am able to do so, I will help you sell popsicles well!"

Uncle Zhao also joked with him: "Okay, okay, after you go to college, we will push the cart and sell popsicles."

After saying that, he burst into laughter.

One day in mid-August, it had just rained heavily yesterday, and there was no way to work in the fields.

The postman rode a bicycle with a solid green canvas bag behind him and arrived at the production team headquarters.

"There are admission notices from Ji Yuanhai and Lu Heling!" the postman shouted.

Jibota received the two admission notices, and after reading them, his face lit up with joy.

"Mom, I really passed the exam!"

"Now, I don't think anyone in Xiaoshantun would dare to say a harsh word to the Ji family!"

The third uncle of brigade accountant Ji Yuanhai and the son of brigade custodian Ji Baotian were also beaming: "Yuanhai really passed the exam!"

"Dad, call him with the loudspeaker and let the whole village know!"

Jibotian nodded, turned on the loudspeaker, and shouted with the admission notice in his hand: "Xiaoshantun member Ji Yuanhai! Ji Yuanhai! Ji Yuanhai, did you hear it?"

"You and your wife have all been admitted to college! Come to the team headquarters to get your admission notices!"

After drinking water, he shouted: "Notify me again, inform me again! Ji Yuan Hai, Ji Yuan Hai! You and your wife are admitted to college!"

The shouts from the trumpets spread throughout the small Shantun villages.

Ji Yuanhai's grandparents, father and mother, Ji Yuanshan Ma Xiuping, and Ji Yuanhai's second uncle were all overjoyed. Except for Ma Xiuping who was watching the children at home, they all ran to the team headquarters.

Not only them, many people from the Ji family came out of their homes before they reached the team headquarters.

"Yuan Hai passed the exam?"

"Yuan Hai really passed the exam!"

The Ji family members all arrived in front of the team headquarters.

Captain Ge looked at this scene and thought that the Ji family was really great now. The couple had become college students, and the third and fourth teams should not have to worry about it anymore!

Wang Jinsheng and others from the Wang family of the fourth team banged the table and threw things, and some even kicked over the washbasin in the house.

How could the two of them actually go to college!

Because they lived far south of the village, when Ji Yuanhai and Lu Heling came to the production team, there were already many Ji family members standing in front of the team headquarters, as well as members of other teams in Xiaoshantun who came to watch the fun.

Grandpa Ji Yuanhai stretched out his hand to greet Ji Yuanhai and Lu Heling: "Come on! Come and see if this is the notice for going to college!"

Ji Yuanhai and Lu Heling stepped forward and took two admission notices from Jibotian. Their names were written on them, briefly stating that they had been admitted to the Department of Political Science and Law and the Department of Chinese Language and Literature, and that they were stamped with the provincial university seal. stamp,

Turning around to see the expectant looks of everyone in the Ji family, Ji Yuanhai nodded: "This is the admission notice from He Ling and I."

Grandpa excitedly stepped forward and reached out to grab his arm, shaking him constantly: "Okay! Okay! Study hard!"

"I can go to college! I won't have to farm anymore!"

Ji Yuanhai nodded: "Well, Grandpa, I know, I will definitely study hard!"

Grandma also held Lu Heling's hand: "You are a good boy. You took Yuan Hai out. You no longer have to endure hardships and work hard! Live a good life in the future!"

"Yes, grandma, I know!" Lu Heling nodded.

"It's time to have a baby, you still have to!" Grandma said, and Lu Heling nodded again.

Everyone else in the Ji family and even other members of Xiaoshantun shouted congratulations. Ji Yuanhai responded politely one by one, and then the whole family returned to the Ji family.

There was no one else, only family members. Grandpa, father, and Ji Yuanshan were all laughing and smiling, and their faces were red. Grandma and mother were also looking happy. They wanted to prepare a table with good food and food, and buy wine.

"The provincial university is the best university in our province, right?" my father asked.

Ji Yuanhai nodded: "Yes, it is the best."

"Should this be spread across the country?" the father asked again.

"That's also one of the top ten universities in the country, roughly fifth to ninth. It's not necessarily accurate, but it's definitely in the top ten." Ji Yuanhai replied.

Grandpa excitedly knocked out all the leaves of the newly packed cigarettes: "Okay, our Ji family will be successful in the future! Yuan Hai, He Ling, you two are worthy of success! Generations of our ancestors will be proud of themselves!"

"Such a good university, study hard and work hard, and you will never have to endure hardship again!"

He also asked Ji Yuanhai and Lu Heling what they studied and what they would do in the future. Ji Yuanhai said that Lu Heling would be a writer and reporter in the future, and he might find a place to work. The whole family was happy to hear this.

Grandpa earnestly warned: "Our family works hard in the fields. Those farmers who are incompetent must accept their fate."

"Yuan Hai, He Ling, you two are not destined to be like this in the future. You must be fine! You must be fine!"

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