Rebirth at the end of the world: I report to the country!

Chapter 77 77 The big dream has come true.

Chapter 77 77· “The big dream has come true.”

Everyone looked at each other and laughed.

It is estimated that there is an organization of the great gentry behind this riot, otherwise so many people should not have gathered in such a short period of time. After the staff said this, it seemed to express their helplessness, but they quickly continued to urge road:

Okay, hurry up and get in! The flight's departure time is coming soon, and we want to avoid delays.


When everyone walked into the airport lobby, the first thing that appeared in front of them was the densely packed army of gentry.

And the reason why they exist here is not for people like them.

It was because at the other end of the hall, outside the huge glass door, a neat and fully armed Dongguo army stood quietly there.

Just standing there is impossible to ignore!

The two sides seemed to be in a confrontation, and a faint chilling atmosphere filled the line of sight.

Go home!

The soldiers who were killing them were full of kindness in the eyes of everyone.

The tense atmosphere dissipated as everyone ran happily. Chi Yan and her best friends couldn't wait to rush to the tarmac after passing the security check again.

Holy crap, is that a fighter jet? It's the first time I've seen it in my life! Holy crap! A boy pointed at the plane in the corner and shouted.

They were several silver-grey aircraft, with the four characters Dongguan Air Force written on the sides of the fuselage.

Idiot, that's a military transport plane! Kunpeng! Fat girl! The fighter jets are coming. Do you really want us to fight the gentry? A boy who knew a little more immediately corrected him.

Hehehe... I'm sorry, don't you have any fighter jets to escort you?

Do you think someone is going to shoot us down???

Amid laughter, everyone had to follow different soldiers to board the plane based on the different home addresses or destinations they had previously filled in the group.

Everyone! See you later!

You must live! You must be well!

We can definitely do it! After we survive the era of natural disasters together, we will all get together again!

Because they have to board different planes, these international students must be separated.

And everyone knows in their hearts that the current situation, even if they return to Dongguo, will still be the last time in their lives for many of them.

——Even if you survive, the damage to the east and the transportation after the disaster will be serious.

This day can be regarded as sharing weal and woe, which undoubtedly increased everyone's feelings, so when they parted, everyone was a little sad, and so was Chi Yan.

But there is no such thing as a banquet that lasts forever.

After saying goodbye, Chi Yan came to a passenger plane and boarded it, and was assigned her own seat - luckily, next to the window.

When the seats were full, I felt a push in my back, and the radio also issued a notification——

Dear compatriots, the plane has started taxiing and is about to take off. Please fasten your seat belts, put away the tray tables, straighten the seat backs, open the sun visors, and turn off the power of electronic devices, including those with airplane mode functions. mobile phone.

Warm reminder, the destination of this flight is Shuinan City. After getting off the plane, all compatriots, please and must comply with the command actions of the ground forces. We will send you to your loved ones in a few days. , or properly placed.

For those who violate the regulations and act privately, we will lower the priority of future rescue.

Chi Yan looked stern. She already knew about the priority of rescue from others. As for the effect-everything she got now was because of being rescued!

Without this priority, she would be struggling to survive in the Great Gentry!

Ms. Jena.

The gentleman's words came from behind. Chi Yan turned around curiously and discovered that the wife, children and friends of the mysterious gentleman who donated 1,850 tons of supplies were also on this flight.

At this moment, a flight attendant stood beside her, communicating with her in gentlemanly language:

A warm reminder, we will treat you and your family as citizens of the East now and in the future, but this does not enjoy any privileges, so we expect to send you and your family to your husband within two days , hope you know.

And if you violate the regulations, there will be no reduction in penalties.

The flight attendant's voice was gentle, but strictly speaking, what she said was not polite, because she was telling the other party to follow the instructions and not do anything special.

The woman immediately nodded frequently and even said in Eastern dialect - Write it! It's a millimeter! It's a matter of fate!

As if she didn't expect the other party to be so cooperative, the stewardess nodded in surprise: Thank you for your cooperation.

Chi Yan's face looked a little strange, and she always felt that the family seemed to be afraid of the Easterners.

It wasn't like this just now, and wasn't Dongren very kind?

I don’t know who was scared.

Although the windows cannot be opened when the plane takes off, the plane itself is a passenger plane, so there is a display screen in the front seat that can bring up the corresponding external shots.

The camera rotates. .

Chi Yan watched the plane gradually get higher and higher, and finally passed through the clouds; she watched the Langduan Airport gradually shrink, shrink, and finally turned into a speck.

She opened the window and looked out at the blue sky and white clouds.

She slumped in her position with a complicated expression.

He finally left the gentleman.

This is not the first time, but it may be the last.

To put it to the extreme, it may be the last time I see the great gentry as a country.

It is unknown how many countries and people will survive in the era of natural disasters.

Go home, go home.

All the stones fell and a feeling of relief came over me.

Chi Yan, who didn't sleep all night because of worry at first and then excitement, fell asleep in her seat almost instantly.

The Dongren passenger next to him felt Chi Yan's head hanging on his shoulder, smiled slightly, and did not intend to wake her up. He adjusted his posture slightly so that his unknown compatriot could sleep comfortably. a little.

This is mutual aid between fellow citizens.

Chi Yan did not have nightmares. Not only did she not have nightmares, she also had sweet dreams.

She dreamed that she was home.

I dreamed about my father, and I dreamed about my mother.

Hello, miss, wake up, we are here.

Accompanied by the soft voice with such content, she woke up from this beautiful dream.

What's wrong? Chi Yan rubbed her eyes, looked at the young lady beside her, and asked with some confusion.

Look out the window, said a neighboring passenger with a smile.

Chi Yan turned her head.

It turns out she wasn't dreaming.

She saw a bright, huge red flag fluttering in the wind.

Under the dim moonlight, everything is dim.

But there were several lamp posts surrounding it, shooting towards it from the ground.

At this moment, the lights took shape, and so did the country.

Its brightness is undiminished.

We're home. said the girl sitting next to her.

Chi Yan's tears fell down instantly without any warning.

Try the illustrations, don’t dare to use them that are too clear, just get a feel for the artistic conception.

Nowadays, it is getting smarter and smarter. When will the writer’s assistant be able to code by itself...

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