Rebirth at the end of the world: I report to the country!

Chapter 47 47 One step forward is death. What is your answer?

Chapter 47 47· One step forward is death. What is your answer?

October 19, 2024, 13:17 pm - one hour and seventeen minutes have passed since Dongguo announced to the world that the end of the world is coming.

Zhonghe City, Zhonghe Military Camp.

Countless soldiers wearing the same clothes stand here.

They stood in distinct formations one after another, neat and uniform. Viewed from the side, they were as flat as a vertical line. The tallest person could cover almost everything.

They stared straight ahead with firm eyes.

A few people's eyes were still slightly red.

Just now, all of them were together, listening and watching the live broadcast conference, and thoroughly learned the news that the end of the world was coming.

In the corner of the camp, in front of a queue.

A middle-aged officer with a darker uniform and a higher position walked in front of a square formation, pacing back and forth.

The heels of his shoes touched the ground, making a dull and crisp sound.

Zhuang Zhihong, commander of the 21st company.

He looked at the more than a hundred people under his command, but he just looked and did not speak immediately.

‘Tap’, ‘tap’.

The sound of footsteps echoed again and again.

The end of the world is coming, everyone knows it, right? When Zhuang Zhihong finally spoke, he said.

No one among the soldiers in front of him spoke. It wasn't that they didn't answer, but that they knew Zhuang Zhihong's temperament. At this time, they didn't need to answer.

As expected, Zhuang Zhihong continued talking without thinking about himself.

Of course we all know.

Everyone just watched it together.

The gentlemen are right.

Our East has encountered great challenges. In the year of natural disasters, this is a difficult time that will definitely involve many sacrifices and hardships.

And you guys who choose to be soldiers like me will be the group of people at the front to meet this challenge.

Of course, there will also be a group of people who sacrifice themselves at the front.

Just now, everyone has finished watching our local live broadcast in Zhonghe City.

Our Zhonghe River is the middlemost place in Eastern Continent. According to Mr. [Hope]'s description, during the ice disaster, this is the most inland part of Eastern Continent. Zhonghe River will become the coldest and largest place in Eastern Continent. Where hail falls most frequently and violently.”

Mr. [Hope] said that based on his recollection, under the simultaneous action of ultra-low temperature and hail, it would be so big that it would smash through several floors of a reinforced concrete building whose low-temperature hardness is reduced.

In this case, staying in Zhonghe to build a shelter and sheltering in place will have very low benefits, or even be useless, because we only have a dozen days.

So you have also seen our doomsday policy in Zhonghe, migration, only migration.

We, the citizens of Zhonghe, will begin to move to various places in Dongzhou Central in a few hours today and seek refuge in shelters in other cities. Everyone will have to leave their homes.

Most of us have to leave here and follow the citizens.

Middle River is an unlucky place.

But Mr. No. 3 also said that in the second month after the ice disaster, Zhonghe City will become the safest place in Dongzhou during the earthquake disaster.

“It’s going to be the luckiest place ever.”

Moreover, Zhonghe City will also become an important base to deal with the disaster of alien species in the fourth month. There may even be traces of this alien species in the first month.

Alien species are not only a challenge, but also an opportunity!

Therefore, Zhonghe City still has extremely important tactical value. It is true that the entire city needs to be relocated, but soon we will return. During the relocation, someone must be stationed here!

We Zhonghe people want to leave, but we can't turn it into an empty city.

Yes, I guess you know what I'm going to say.

Those who stay here will be chosen from the tens of thousands of people who care about me and you. Zhuang Zhihong opened his arms and waved them 360 degrees in a circle.

But it's voluntary.

What I want to tell you now is how dangerous it will be to stay here.

First of all, those guys who are selected will still have to perform daily duties after staying here.

In order for Dongfang people to return to the city in the future and quickly enter the next stage of evacuation measures, we need to carry out routine maintenance on several key buildings and facilities in the city.

Of course, the technical work will be handled by the corresponding experts. We are responsible for the physical work and will protect them from traveling and working without difficulty during this month.

At the same time, we also need to periodically record the changes in Zhonghe City and detect whether there are any alien species. This will only be our responsibility.

So, even if we are stationed in this deserted city, we still need and must go out frequently and travel long distances.

To make matters worse, in many cases, externally, snow and ice accumulation on road sections and ground will make it difficult for our vehicles to start. Internally, our vehicles are prone to extreme temperatures and hail. Under the impact, something went wrong and it couldn't be used.

There is a problem with the vehicle, but the mission needs to continue.

At that point, we'll just have to rely on our own bodies.

According to what Mr. [Hope] said, the average temperature will reach minus 50 to 60 degrees, and when it is cold, it will be minus 60 to 70 degrees, or even lower.

This is a temperature you have never experienced in your life, and certainly not mine.

I have only experienced fighting in an environment of more than ten degrees below zero.

But in that case, what killed many of my comrades was no longer purely the enemy, but the environment.

But in Zhonghe City, which suffered from the ice disaster, the temperature was not the most deadly. The most deadly thing was the unpredictable and extremely large hail that had never been seen before.

The hailstones are irregular, frequent and very large. When you go out in this kind of weather, as long as you are hit by it, no matter how much protective measures you wear, the outcome is already doomed.

So, staying here will be dangerous, very dangerous, very dangerous!

Zhuang Zhihong used strong emphasis on the three dangers.

He put his hands behind his back, spread his legs slightly, and stood in front of everyone.

I even dare to say that not more than half of the people who stay here can survive more than a month.

Maybe I'm being conservative.

In short, choosing to stay behind is no different from choosing to die in loneliness.

Zhuang Zhihong's eyes swept across everyone, including all the children under his hands.

This is the danger I have to tell you about.

Of course, we don't need everyone to stay here, just some.

We cannot specify such a cruel choice.

No one has a duty to die.

“But we have to have people like that show up and exist.”

We want it to be voluntary.

If you are afraid, please opt out.

If you want to be reunited with your family in the end of the world, please choose to quit.

If you don't want to be surrounded by deserted people when you die, please choose to quit.

If you have other reasons not to go, please opt out.

No one can blame you.

Dongguan is in a period of shortage of people. If you don't stay in Zhonghe City, you will be sent to other safer places and continue to shine for Dongguo.

It's not a cop-out.

After Zhuang Zhihong finished speaking, he took a deep breath and then fell silent.

He turned his back and closed his eyes.

Company 21!

Arrived! The loud and uniform response echoed from behind Zhuang Zhihong like the sky.

Those who are willing to stay in Zhonghe City during the ice disaster, come forward!


Zhuang Zhihong opened his eyes.

He looked towards the horizon. The sun was a bit dazzling, bringing warmth that he would never get again in the ice disaster that would soon follow.

The sound of uniform footsteps just now echoed in his ears.

Idiot. He mouthed in front of him and said softly.

Zhuang Zhihong turned his head.

He didn't know whether this scene was expected or unexpected.

He has no answer -

Company 21, all members take a step forward!

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