Rebirth at the end of the world: I report to the country!

Chapter 44 44 The devil's whisper will eventually open, and we will unite with others to pu

Chapter 44 44· The devil's whisper will eventually turn on, and we will unite with others to put pressure on Dong.

Wang Qing, who was watched, immediately stood up and reported:

The Sirianke volcano is a volcano that has been dormant for 127 years. It is generally believed that it will no longer erupt. At the same time, because it is not within the territory of Dashen, we have not studied it and received many reports.

We are currently contacting the Domo Country where the Sirianke volcano is located, but as of now, we have not received valid documents.

Continue to send people to contact, try to urge them, and allow us to use the name of our great gentry to put pressure on them and ask them to provide a report quickly.


If it's not a conspiracy, but a real prophecy, it seems to be even more troublesome.

Degado scratched lightly on the table with his nails.

He looked at everyone, thought for a while and said:

Within four hours, before the exact news comes out, try to suppress the news about the end of the world in the country to prevent riots.

But we have to be on guard. The idea just mentioned by Wang Qing of Silo Lido is also possible.

But no matter what the situation is, the gentleman must enter a special state immediately.

We now have to consider what we should do if what Dong said is true.

At least we here must first send troops to protect us. In addition, everyone's relatives should be brought here, otherwise our life safety may be threatened.

In the following steps, we have to wait and see whether those two prophecies come true before we can make a decision.


Everyone heartily approved of Degardo's idea.

After all, it is to protect yourself.

Master Wang Xiang, another person stood up, his face was a little sad: Mr. [Hope] in the east, must be a very important person, right?

This person who can do the so-called [predictive dreams], I guess it is Dong's confidence? But about that person, we know too little information here.

May I ask, is there any way we can get more information about Mr. [Hope]?

Degardo nodded and said, I know. Over there in the east, whether this doomsday is true or not, they must be hiding something and not telling us.

Someone has already downloaded and analyzed the document Dong released, but who knows whether it is true or false?

The difference between 100% truth and 99% truth mixed with 1% lie may seem small, but in fact it will cause extremely serious consequences.

It is easy for Dong to do anything, and now no one can verify whether their words are true or false.

At the same time, what disgusted Degado the most was that Dong actually released this document to everyone.

Can't you discuss it with leaders like yourself first?

If it's true, what's the point of letting ordinary people know about it?

Stupid people are the best to control, idiot!

Degado was irritated, but did not show it. He was still analyzing calmly:

As for more information on Mr. [Hope], we do have no operations targeting him at the moment.

And we have just sent people to contact Dong, but unfortunately, the reply we got from Dong is some extremely official and invalid nonsense.

I asked to talk to people of their equal status, but damn, I was told that they were all busy and not available at the moment. They would contact me when they have the opportunity?

Have a chance?! What does it mean to have a chance! We, the great gentry, are also one of the Seven Alliances in the World!

Miha Degado looked very annoyed when he said this.

He was actually so despised.

I said that I wanted to communicate, but I was told that I was busy, and I was the king!

Degado calmed down quickly, and then he continued:

But I don't think this is a big problem.

There is no need to carry out activities against the so-called Mr. [Hope] for the time being.

I will start contacting leaders from other countries now and wait for the results of volcanoes and snow-capped mountains.

If the prophecy is true, we will jointly put pressure on Dong to hand over Mr. [Hope]!

This will be the will of the entire Blue Star. Dong will not dare to resist, and [Hope] will not be able to resist.

If the prophecy is false - Degardo paused and sneered:

Then no matter what conspiracy Dong has, since they dare to fool the whole world, let them be prepared to completely disappear from the history of Blue Star under the backlash of the world!

At that time, the so-called Mr. Hope will also become our trophy, and we can get more others.

So no matter what the outcome is, [Hope] will not belong to Dong, but to us, haha.

The Wang Qings below looked at each other, and then nodded in approval.

Didn't Dong always say during the live broadcast that he wanted to do it for all humans on Blue Star?

Like justice.

Then be prepared to be bound by righteousness.

It is really difficult for the gentry to capture Dudong alone. There is no place in the world that dare not care about Dudong's military strength.

But now, the Great Gentleman can tie everyone else up.

Besides being soft, what else can Dong do?

The minds of the kings and princes became active, and they even suppressed their fear of the end of the world itself.

But now we have to start building momentum. Miha Degado said, he turned to look at his assistant:

Bring me my suitcase.

The assistant nodded immediately, and not long after, he took the suitcase that had been prepared in advance after Dongguo announced the letter to his compatriots last night.

Send someone to follow me with this box, and then let the reporters under our control take pictures and publish them, especially remember to publish them on the east side.


Everyone also realized Miha Degado's purpose and nodded.

The suitcase will certainly not be any ordinary suitcase.

He has a default unusable weapon that Blue Star has been developing for many years but has not actually been used a few times.

In fact, this suitcase appears quite frequently.

When Flying Eagle and Northern Wool Leader attend certain occasions, there is always a dedicated person around to carry such a box.

As a result, this box was rumored to be magical.

It seems that as long as the button inside is pressed, the missile silos hidden underground will be opened, and countless giant warheads will gallop in the sky.

And the third world-level war will also begin.

But in fact, the handbag is just a communication device, a communication device that only contacts a specific department.

If it really wants to be launched, Miha Delgado needs to first go through an extremely complicated process to set up and launch the command.

And it’s not that he said he would launch immediately after launching.

Instead, the relevant departments will come and confirm with him repeatedly, and there will even be extremely complicated processes involved, with layers of instructions, communication, and verification.

Although it is not a launcher that can be triggered with one click, it is not too much to call this package the ‘Devil’s Whisper’, ‘Pandora’s Box’, ‘The Hand of God’, etc.

The reason why Degado asked reporters to take a photo of him carrying this.

The purpose is simple.

The existence of this thing itself is to threaten and intimidate, and the significance of launching it is not that big.

Miha Degado is clearly showing the east country.

Don't overdo it.

This kind of situation does not only happen to the gentry.

All the leaders who are watching Dong Live are in a very different situation.

This may be the busiest few minutes on this planet for the people who actually control it.

Everyone has different emotions when watching this live broadcast.

But after watching the live broadcast, the emotions were completely consistent to some extent.

Various orders that were impossible in the past began to be issued layer by layer.

The same emotions can lead to different results.

Some people hugged each other for warmth, some sneered and questioned, some tried to verify, some were thinking about solutions, and some were thinking about how to squeeze out their own territory and run away.

Dong's external relations department has also entered an extremely busy state at this moment, with almost the entire world calling in here.

Of course, there are also leaders who have a bad mentality and have a slight breakdown.

Such as island flowers.

Kishimoto angrily threw things around the room!

Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!

Damn it! You made such a ridiculous joke! Stupid! Stupid!

Sir, I'm afraid this is true. If it's not true, there should be... Kishimoto's assistant was about to express the same idea as the great gentleman Wang Qing, but was forcibly interrupted by Kishimoto.

Damn! You deserve to die too! Do you think I don't know!

Of course I know! Now I'm not even allowed to deceive myself!

Kishimoto slammed the water glass on the ground.

Hot water spilled onto the carpet and mist filled the carpet, distorting Kishimoto's expression.

The assistant was silent.

Kishimoto really laughed in anger.

After hearing that Dong turned out not to start a war last night, but that he had encountered a problem, Kishimoto almost smiled.

He thought there was no better news in the world.

If Dongneng collapses, then I, who is very close to Dongneng, will definitely get a lot of benefits.

Kishimoto didn't fall asleep last night. He was so excited, excited and happy that he couldn't sleep.

I stayed in front of the TV early in the morning and didn't even want to do my job.

Just waiting to see Dongguo’s jokes.


Good news: Dong did encounter difficulties at the level of annihilation, and it was impossible to start a war with Shimaka.

Bad news: The East is not the only one to be wiped out, the Island Flower is not immune either.

That is to say, on what he thought was his happiest day, Kishimoto learned that the end was coming.

The contrast between before and after was too great, causing his efforts to cultivate his moral character to be completely scrapped, and he fell into the current collapse.

This shit is worse than war!

War can still call him daddy! Dad will also come to support him!

But what about the end of the world?

Who do you call?

Dad is too busy taking care of himself!

Thinking of this, as a leader who lacks the backbone of the country, Kishimoto continued to smash things angrily.

A statue that had stood here for more than 30 years, representing the friendly exchange relations between the Island Eagles, collapsed in the chaos under the wide-eyed gaze of the assistant.

Head separation.

The live broadcast indeed kept talking about Blue Star and all mankind.

But the live broadcast also talked about all compatriots in East Asia.

All compatriots from Qedong are placed in front.

So rest assured, at the national level, this book will not contain any scenes of frustration.

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