Chapter 186 186· "Plainness without darkness in darkness."

January 26, 2025, 7:03 in the morning - there are only five days left until a war between species breaks out.

Lingnan City.

In order to allow the residents to adapt to the change of day and night as quickly as possible after the extreme night disaster, although there is no difference between morning and evening during the extreme night disaster, Dongguo still allows all residents to follow "morning" and "morning" as normal. Noon" and "evening" to carry out daily life.

On the table next to it, on a display screen, a virtual pink alarm clock came at 7:05. The firing pin on it hit the metal inner wall, making an annoying sound.

But it's not a radar ringtone. Chi Yan really has some PTSD about that sound, which is not good for her heart.

"Ugh... I really want to sleep for five more minutes, just five minutes."

On the soft big bed, the human figure wrapped in quilt made a "dark" squirming and vague murmuring sound amidst such ringtones.

The girl stretched out her hand and tapped on the virtual screen, but the alarm clock did not stop due to such a touch.

"I said, I want to sleep for five more minutes...turn it off and ring again in five minutes..."

"Ring ring ring——"

“What a smart home is, it’s really not smart at all.”

Chi Yan, who understood that the alarm clock couldn't understand her words, finally sat up on the bed.

Her medium-length hair is a bit messy and impetuous at the moment, and her eyes are sleepy.

Chi Yan actually originally had long hair, but long hair was difficult to take care of and sometimes became an unnecessary burden in the Era of Natural Disasters. Therefore, not long ago, she, like most people, chose to change her hair to short hair.

In fact, some extreme Easterners even completely abandon the existence of hair.

But Chi Yan really doesn't want to become bald. Not only that, she is now trying to grow her hair back, but the growth rate of her hair is really limited. Is anyone free to open a hair extension barber shop now?

"Yanyan, come down for dinner! Hurry up, or you'll be too late to go to work!" Chi Yan heard her mother's voice coming from downstairs to upstairs.

"Oh! I know, come down right away!" Chi Yan tried to be loud enough for her mother to hear her response, and then used a complex unlocking pattern to finally turn off the alarm clock completely.

The disobedient alarm clock is actually what Chi Yan needs, mainly because the days are gradually getting better and she has a problem with staying in bed.

Then Chi Yan got up, quickly dressed up, and came downstairs. Seeing her mother alone, Chi Yan asked:

"Isn't dad back from the night shift?"

"Yes, your dad will probably come back around ten o'clock, so you don't have to worry about him."

The aroma of food had permeated the home. Chi Yan took a sniff and asked:

"This smells like mushroom meat buns today?"

"Yanyan," your nose has become more sensitive again. This was made by the mother of a colleague in the mother's department. I have heard her say for a long time that the taste must be the same. "Chi Yan's mother, who was busy in the kitchen, turned around and said with a smile, and then reminded:

"Calcium tablets and vitamin D tablets are on top of the refrigerator. Yanyan, remember to bring them with you. Take them half an hour after a meal. You can eat them when you arrive at your farm."

"Oh, Mom, in fact, even if you don't get sunlight for a whole month, you won't be deficient in calcium. There is really no need to eat this thing. Besides, don't I have artificial sunlight on the farm? I can do that too. Sunburned."

Although she said that, Chi Yan still walked to the refrigerator and took her share in her hand.

"If it is distributed by the state, you must eat it. It must be for your health, so just eat it." Chi Yan's mother said without bothering to look back, "This way you won't have any sequelae in the future."

"I know~" Chi Yan shrugged, not wanting to argue with her mother.

In fact, the main reason is that this calcium tablet is slightly bitter, which is different from what Chi Yan took before.

"Mom, I want to eat Shaomai tomorrow, okay?" Chi Yan said with a smile to her mother while eating hot breakfast, "The things made by other people's mothers are still not as good as the things made by my own mother! Do you understand? Understand, mom, this is my loyalty to you."

"It's just that you have a sweet mouth. I know, I know. I'll make it for you tomorrow." Chi Yan's mother shook her head helplessly, but with a smile on her face.

"Now that you're full, Mom, let Dad come back to eat these. I'll go to the farm first." After simply eating a few steamed buns, Chi Yan stood up and said.

"Yeah, okay, I've brought everything for you. Don't forget the floodlight. You forget to bring it every day." Chi Yan's mother was like a parent who sent her children to school before the era of natural disasters. She couldn't stop saying it over and over again. Blame the child while preparing everything for him.

"Oh, the main flashlight has never been used, so sometimes I forget to bring it, but not this time." Chi Yan walked to the window and opened the curtains.

The lights outside the window are bright, and countless street lights with well-controlled distance between them illuminate the road and the buildings on both sides of the road. In such a field of vision, there is almost nowhere to hide the 'darkness'.

"Oh, this is just like vitamin D and calcium tablets. It doesn't mean that we can't survive without these, but in some cases, these precautions can save lives.

Although the roads that are now planned as residential areas are covered with lights, there is always the possibility of accidents with the light source, and you may also leave these areas. You must carry a flashlight no matter what, and the positioning alarm device above will be used in the event of an accident. It can also save lives..."

"Mom, I really know! But I have to leave first. I'm going to be late for work!"

Seeing that her mother didn't seem to want to stop nagging for a while, Chi Yan quickly assured her loudly, put the flashlight in her pocket, and then quickly left the house, leaving her mother with a helpless face.

Chi Yan arrived at the door of her house and rode her own little electric donkey - Chi Yan's father was right, bicycles are just an excessive means of transportation.

Around the middle of the month, battery cars became popular in Lingnan City. Although it would cost some post-Calamity Era currency to exchange, the price was not high and was affordable.

After Chi Yan moved to a new home, the distance from the original farm increased a lot, so it was necessary to have such a small electric donkey for transportation.

Four-wheeled vehicles have also returned to everyone's attention, but most of them are not cars, but trucks and other vehicles.

After all, nowadays, everyone's activity area is not very far away - if for some reason, a long-distance trip is required, Dongguo officials will ask a special car to take care of it.

Therefore, battery vehicles can already meet basic travel needs, including situations where a four-wheel drive is needed, that is, when something needs to be transported or moved.

For example, Chi Yan's father owns a truck, but he did not buy it himself, but was issued by his employer. The ownership is still in the hands of his employer. Chi Yan's father only has the right to use it because of work needs.

It was very comfortable to drive on the smooth road. I tightened the windshield in front of the car to make myself more comfortable.

At this time, Lingnan City has entered a busy state early. Most people have chosen the same mode of transportation as Chi Yan, such as electric scooters or bicycles. Only a few people still choose to walk.

When there were more people on the road, traffic safety became a public matter that Dongguo had to deal with. When the red light of the rebuilt traffic light began to flash, Chi Yan followed the convoy obediently and honestly. stopped.

Everyone honestly followed the basic traffic rules, and no one ran a red light. Although there were actually no surveillance and cameras here, the punishment mechanism of the East Kingdom after the Era of Natural Disaster made everyone afraid to take this risk.

If the country says there are no cameras, does it really mean there are no cameras? The people around are all enthusiastic Chaoyang people. If they encounter such a thing, they will really report it.

While waiting for the green light, Chi Yan, who was doing nothing, looked at the various shops around her.

Shop, this somewhat unfamiliar word, has returned to Chi Yan's life again.

The permissions of some stores are gradually opening up. For example, if you think your food is delicious, you can apply to the work department you were originally assigned to. After review, and after obtaining the qualifications, you can legally operate a store belonging to the store just like before the era of natural disasters. own shop.

Because this will help the economy recover and increase the happiness of residents - making everyone feel that life is really getting back on track, so Dongguo is currently supporting it.

The biggest cost of opening a store before the era of natural disasters, rent, is now provided almost free of charge. The so-called rent can basically be called nothing.

And even if the store is not running well, the original position will still be reserved for him within a month. If you feel that the store cannot be operated, then apply to the above again.

The state will recycle the store, and if it feels that the failure was caused by the owner's personal problems, it will send someone to restart it. However, no matter what, after the recycle, the store owner can immediately return to his previous position.

In the Era of Natural Disasters, the theme implemented in the Eastern Kingdom during the Polar Night Disaster is to rebuild the country and restore prosperity, hoping to get life back on track and allow all Eastern people to shift their needs from the most basic physiological needs to social interaction and respect. need.

The opening of these stores is a very important step.

Countless former businessmen all hope to be the first to eat crabs. In an era full of "opportunities", they have to be first step by step, so they actively participate in the hope that what they are good at can bring them success again. Massive gains.

However, the essence of businessmen is to pursue profits. There is a saying that has been circulating for a long time——

If there is 10% profit, capital will be used everywhere; if there is 20% profit, capital will be active; if there is 50% profit, capital will take desperate risks; for 100% profit, capital will dare to trample on everything in the world. Law: With a profit of more than 300%, capital dares to commit any crime and even risk hanging.

Chi Yan knew that some people competed through unfair means. In order to gain more privileges, they even bribed the department responsible for reviewing qualifications.

The other party was well aware of the consequences if they were discovered after doing this, so they were very cautious and carefully prepared, and the same was true for the people they selected. However, wealth and wealth were gained through risk, and the two parties finally reached this "deal".

However, there is no airtight wall in the world, and they also underestimated Dongguo's concern for this area - precisely because they knew this was a big cake, and too many people were staring at it.

Eventually it was exposed.

So it became another typical example and spread throughout the Eastern Kingdom.

Lingnan City is the place where the case occurred. First of all, the existence of accepting this ill-gotten wealth no longer exists. He may use a sewing machine or work as a transport aircraft at a construction site.

However, in addition to this, any other personnel who have contact with him need to conduct self-examination and explain why such a person can be selected into the system in the era of natural disasters.

Severe linkers also have their positions and living conditions reduced.

In short, almost everyone inside hates this guy - Chi Yan's mother is among these "everyone".

But at this time, except for some breakfast shops, no shops are open for business. Instead, the neon signs of these shops are constantly flashing and beating dazzlingly, like kaleidoscopes with distinctive personalities.

The green light flashed, and Chi Yan gradually left the city and drove towards the farm.

Although the scenery in the "wild" is much dimmer than in the city, the lights on both sides of the road still stick to their positions, illuminating everyone on the road.

Outside the street lights, there are greenhouses one after another. When it is close to eight o'clock, the "sunlight" at this time has been generated inside the greenhouse, ensuring the normal growth of the plants.

Outside the greenhouse, there is a new area - the appearance of Dongguoxin's large-scale projects that are blocked by floors in the city can be glimpsed.


Chi Yan has really not seen such a wall for a long time. It has different heights depending on the location. The highest one is nearly ten meters, but the lowest one is about five meters. The built wall is very smooth, at least it is impossible for ordinary people to climb it. Go up.

It won't work if Jackie Chan comes, unless he brings Furniture City with him.

This plan started very early, but because it is similar to the workload of building the Great Wall, although it has been working overtime, it has never been completed.

Even now, this plan seems to be less than half-way through.

You know, the current efficiency of Dongguo cannot be calculated based on what it was before the era of natural disasters. Even the establishment of a small nuclear power plant no longer takes a month!

It is enough to show how huge a project this is.

Chi Yan looked at the half-built wall in the distance, looking at the weapons equipped on it, the countless mobile forts that only existed in movies, and the large number of Dongguo soldiers who ensured that there were no accidents during the construction process, and sighed with a smile One sentence:

"Behind such a wall, it should be well protected."

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