Chapter 171 171· The polar night is the end of light.

January 2, 2025, Eagle Time, exactly 11 noon - a day and a half has passed since the sun disappeared on the Blue Star.

Although it was noon, the sky was covered by thick clouds, and no light could find any gaps in it to reach the land of this planet.

To a certain extent, the polar night has gone beyond the category of 'night'. After all, at least there is sunlight reflected by the moon at night.

But in the disaster of the polar night, even this light is blocked.

Fortunately, humans have the ability to adapt to most environments. Through dark adaptation, the average person can barely distinguish the general outline of an object in this kind of darkness, but only barely.

As for those who suffer from night blindness, they can only pray that there is light around them.

Xiangshan Airport.

After experiencing the ice disaster and earthquake disaster for a whole month, it seemed that it was completely unusable.

Both the air passenger terminal and the exposed runway apron have become ruins.

But among such ruins, there is a rare light in the darkness. Several circulating lighthouses are regularly illuminating the surrounding environment.

If you look carefully, you will also find that there are people on guard around you.

Everyone, the time for our revenge has come. Outside the airport, behind the ruins of the building, Bathory said to the people behind him.

Today, we will kill these eagle vampires and make them pay an absolutely painful price to avenge our dead family and friends!

In order not to attract attention, everyone did not respond loudly, but raised their hands high to express a firm response.

Through the channels of those at the top of the Eagle who really care about this country, we have obtained the warning scan map of the Illuminati shelter. As long as we follow this route, we will not be discovered until we enter the airport.

Therefore, everyone must follow me closely and not fall behind. Once discovered, we may have to pay more.

The headquarters of the two organizations, the Light and the Freemasons, are not together, but they are very close. There is also another team on the Freemason's side, and they will launch a charge at the same time together with this side.

Today everything will come to an end.

Bathory took out the flashlight from his breast pocket and shined it on the wall of the ruins, where the route map of the operation was drawn.

There are only two days of darkness, and many people will subconsciously cover their eyes when they see the light of a flashlight.

Bathory continued to explain the plan:

“When we entered the airport, what greeted us was only a tough battle.

Although we have instigated a group of people in the Illuminati security force, there are still many people who cannot be instigated at all, because they, like their masters, do not care about the life and death of Fei Ying, nor do they care about our relatives and friends. It's time to live.

They only care about themselves!

Therefore, the only way to shut them up and prevent them from disrupting our revenge plan is to tear their mouths apart and break their hands and feet! That’s all!

The Illuminati naturally has its own guard force. After all, the current minister of the Flying Eagle Company who actually commands the army is one of their people.

A group of people specially came to this airport to guard it, which was easy for them to do.

With Boy's help, Bathory managed to get in touch with some of these soldiers.

Every nation and country has its good and bad qualities.

Among the soldiers of the Flying Eagle, there will also be those who cannot accept the invasion and inhumane genocide carried out by their own country. In order to remind the world and expand their influence, they choose to set themselves on fire in front of the embassy and chant liberation slogans.

For such people, when they learn that the most important people in Flying Eagle they are guarding are the murderers of the innocent, old, weak, sick and disabled in their own country, there is no need to question what decision they will make.

So Bathory reached an agreement with them, and the other party expressed their willingness to assist him in completing Flying Eagle's borer cleaning plan.

But in addition, members of domestic and foreign countries who can enter this organization basically have more or less private armed forces and security guards. These people are almost all extremely loyal soldiers, or subordinates who wear the same pants as these people. There is no possibility of instigating rebellion to make them change their ways.

And because of trust, the Illuminati naturally handed over the most critical nodes to these people, rather than to the soldiers affiliated with the Flying Eagle official.

This led to the fact that even if Boyi used other reasons to transfer a group of people, Bathory and others were about to face a battle that they could not escape from.

Revenge! Most of the members of the Anti-Purification Society led by Bathory came here today. There are men and women, old and young, but without exception, everyone has a firm look in their eyes. Killing intent and a determination not to care about one's own consequences.

The fist was raised again.

After all, some of them have waited for so long and survived two eras of natural disasters, just like Bathory, just to avenge the dead.

Everyone, grab your weapons and go now! Bathory nodded. The faces of his companions could not be seen clearly in the night, but the light in their eyes was particularly conspicuous in this situation. After taking a deep breath, he Said in a deep voice.

What a luxury. It also supplies electricity to the grid.

Bathory walked under the airport wall, looked at the power grid above his head, and sighed with a sneer.

Two months later, the power system in most areas has suffered serious damage. Coupled with the fact that the sun is no longer available and photovoltaic power generation is now a luxury, the situation has worsened.

Now that it is only No. 2, it is unrealistic to rebuild wind power and hydropower. Feiying is now using more thermal power generation which is relatively wasteful and expensive - using the heat energy generated by burning fuel to drive generators to generate electricity.

Although the ice disaster has ended, coal, oil and natural gas are still very important today.

The night is also cold.

The reason why the refuge of light and mutual aid can be so luxurious is because they have been preparing for it for too long.

After all, this is Noah's Ark, which they created out of fear a long time ago. When building it, they took various needs into consideration and stored supplies in advance.

It's a pity that the flattery was given to a blind man. Bathory walked along the city wall and quickly found several gaps in the wall that Yingying had told him about during the earthquake. Through these locations, one could easily enter and exit the city. Airport.

The power grid is good, but it can’t stop people.

I thought it was going to be a tight defensive situation.

Taking out the night vision binoculars, Bathory saw that at the nearest guard post, the guard in charge was fast asleep and said in a low voice.

Maybe I feel that there is no need to be vigilant before the alien disaster, so it doesn't matter if I am lazy? If it were me, I would never have thought that I would die before the alien disaster to pay for my sins. But this time is too weird, You're on duty at 11 o'clock and still sleeping? Is this a nap?

After hearing this, the companion behind Bathory said.

Bathory turned his head and gave a wink:

It's better this way. Don't act rashly. Just leave one person to keep an eye on the sentry post. The rest will follow me and move on. Don't take action until the people here notice us.

Their shelter doors are extremely difficult to break into. Once alerted, we will have a lot of trouble trying to catch the turtle inside its shell.

Understood! Everyone followed Bathory's orders.

The main body of the shelter was basically under the earth. Some people broke away from Bathory's team and began to take charge of other parts of the plan, while Bathory led the large force to reach the entrance.

There is actually a surveillance camera at the entrance, but at this moment it is hanging down and shining on the ground.

Not only that, the entrance to the shelter, which should be tightly sealed when not in use, is also ajar at the moment.

Obviously, his allies have done everything they can for themselves and opened many important levels.

After turning his head again and everyone nodded in greeting, Bathory completely opened the entrance to the shelter and walked down the stairs.

Although it is built underground, the passage is not dark. It seems to be equipped with sensor lights, which slowly light up as Bathory and others go down, guiding them on how to move forward.

But this light made Bathory and others feel slightly uncomfortable, and it did not get better until half a minute later.

When I reached the end of the stairs, there was another ajar door in front of me.

You came down so early? Isn't it time for your shift yet? After the door was pushed open, a confused voice came from the door.

It was a guard. He raised his head and looked at Bathory and others at the door. He was a little dazed for a moment and subconsciously asked: Are you...

Then he saw Bathory rushing towards him and holding his mouth firmly.

It's an intruder! The guard who realized this was struggling hard, but he had no advantage in being attacked. As Bathory's teammates stepped forward to assist, the guard was even more unable to move.

The vision in front of him became darker and darker, and the guard felt that he was about to faint. He used all his strength to kick the bottom of the table with the toe of his shoe.


With good luck, he successfully kicked the alarm button, and instantly the entire shelter was filled with alarm sounds.

Damn it! Bathory didn't expect this. He originally only planned to knock the other party unconscious, but the force on his hand suddenly increased. After watching the other party's hand hang down weakly, he threw the body on the ground.

If you are discovered, you will be discovered. This also reminds our agents that we are here and can start operations.

At this point, Bathory took out the rifle that had been hanging on his waist and said to everyone:

This underground shelter is very large. We will act separately according to the previous allocation. As long as the soldiers surrender, we don't have to kill them. Those members of the Illuminati will be killed directly without hesitation when they see them.

It's not difficult to tell. These people basically have the temperament of a superior person. In addition, they have been pampered for a long time. They are as different as the soldiers. They can make correct judgments at a glance.

This was the established plan, and everyone immediately divided into different teams.

Bathory also led a team, relying on the layout of the shelter given by the insider, and rushed straight to the deepest part of the shelter, where the most luxurious members lived.

The shelter has become a battlefield. Perhaps the team from other directions has encountered the enemy. The faint sound of gunfire reaches here through the walls.

The sound of soft footsteps came from the corner in front of him. After finding a bunker, Bathory held the gun barrel in his hand tightly, ready to go.

Is it you? It's me, White Fox. The other party didn't walk out of the corner, but the voice came over first.

One of our own! Bathory immediately responded loudly. White Fox was one of the common code names of those who were instigated to rebel.

Then come with us! We will take you there. A line of people came out of the corner and nodded towards Bathory.

Thank you guys. Bathory said while running.

On the way forward, he saw corpses, and this was the way the internal forces came from. Obviously, these were done by them.

There is nothing to thank, it's all for the justice in our hearts. The other party waved his hand, and then reminded: You have triggered the alarm, members of the Illuminati, those who move quickly are probably hiding behind the alloy door in the depths. Yes, that’s the place with the highest level of protection here.”

It's okay, we brought a lot of explosives. Bathory said nonchalantly.

That space is even more secure than a bank's vault. If nothing else, ordinary explosives are ineffective against them. The other party said.

Then we won't go in. Bathory sneered, As long as we clear out all their people outside without transporting any supplies, they will have to come out. If they want to die inside, that's fine.

That space can really support them for a long time, because it is the warehouse of this shelter. Soldiers like us who are not their confidants can't get close to it on weekdays. Nei Ying continued with the not-so-good news.

Bang bang bang!

When footsteps were heard again around the corner, the members of the mutiny in the shelter did not hesitate to shoot at the moment the opponent appeared. Bathory and others naturally followed immediately.

The muzzle of the rifle was pointed forward, the gunfire roared, smoke filled the air, and bullets whizzed through the air.

Casualties occurred on both sides, but Bathory and his men, who were outnumbered and well prepared, still won.

With no time to mourn their fallen comrades, they moved on.

It doesn't matter, they will come out. Bathory wiped the blood splattered on his face, and with his low words, he looked a bit ferocious at the moment.

Even if you are willing to endure it, then endure it, I have a lot of time.

They can't keep being cowards, that's enough.

Or as long as we promise them that the first group of people who come out will not die, they will not be able to hold on for long, and internal strife will occur.

What a noble group of people. How can they accept living in a small and cramped space? Can they accept shit and piss?

Are you going to let some of them go? Neiying asked.

I'm going to trick some of them, Bathory responded.

What's the meaning?

The first group of people who came out will not die is a lie.

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