Rebirth at the end of the world: I report to the country!

Chapter 146 146 Before the people, be behind the people, face the most dangerous situation.

Chapter 146 146· Before the people, be behind the people, face the most dangerous situation.

November 29, 2024, 14:20 pm - there are less than six hours left before the ice disaster ends with the last wave of hail in the East Kingdom.

Zhonghe City.

Zhuang Zhihong looked at Wu Ziquan on the bed, stepped forward and touched his forehead, breathing a little sigh of relief:

Zi Quan, hold on, our stay here will be over soon, and Zhonghe City will become the safest place in Dongzhou. Everyone will come back by then, and your minor illness will be cured.

I'm sorry, Captain, for making you worry.

Wu Ziquan said listlessly.

Working under low temperatures for a long time, there are many injured and sick soldiers like Wu Ziquan, and there is also no shortage of victims. Although a large number of Xinhuo team members came to the inland cities, all the work was assigned to a small number of them. is unrealistic.

In addition, after the Strange Stone appeared, more of the missions of the Xinhuo team members were focused on the Strange Stone.

Casualties are always inevitable, and 100% survival can only happen in fairy tales.

It's just that this is much better than Zhuang Zhihong's estimate a month and a half ago.

After all, no one thought they would survive until December.

The ice disaster is about to end now, and when the temperature rises, the situation of these people can be greatly improved.

After visiting all the wounded, Zhuang Zhihong walked to the base hall.

There are not many people, and the command here has been given to the Xinhuo members. Even if Zhuang Zhihong comes here, he is here to accept the task.

We have started to revive the city from the ice as planned. Our persistence this month is meaningful. Almost all of the most important facilities can still be used normally, or can be put into use after simple maintenance.

Thank you for your hard work.

It couldn't be better. For the people of the East and the country of the East, there's no need to worry about it. Zhuang Zhihong said.

Okay, let's suppress any unnecessary words for now. Time is still tight. Soon a large number of Easterners, facilities and equipment will need to be transported here. We need to do more and continue to divide the work according to the plan. Please take care of your health.


start to act!


Lingnan City.

Refuge Zone 9, Vault 3.

Jing Liu and his family sat in their room, quietly watching the live video of the shelter.

“We will enter December the day after tomorrow, and at the same time, Blue Star will encounter the second disaster of the Natural Disaster Era—an earthquake.

Everyone who lives here is lucky. Lingnan 9-3 is a permanent shelter. Our location is relatively close to the inland of Dongzhou. During this period, through the efforts of experts and workers, the building has been repaired and added with protective measures. It is expected that Our 9-3 can deal with most of the earthquakes in Lingnan.

Therefore, after the earthquake, you can choose to continue living here. If you want more private space, you can submit an application, and we will work hard to clean up and arrange more areas for everyone to live in.

——But please note that this will reduce some security, so please choose carefully. Once you choose to move out, and the original shelter location is applied for and approved by a new citizen, you cannot withdraw your choice.

Different from the Ice Disaster, everyone living together in the Ice Disaster can only live in official shelters. This is because the low temperature and hail environment outside have reached the point where it is almost impossible for individuals to survive, and they must stay together to stay warm.

However, in the earthquake disaster, Lingnan City's location determines that although there are constant small earthquakes and occasional medium-sized earthquakes, there are almost no major earthquakes.

Therefore, those ‘abandoned’ buildings and spaces in the outside world will be able to be reused, and must be reused.

The number of Dongguo citizens migrating from the coastal areas to the interior is extremely large. The permanent shelter, which is already full, will never be able to contain these people. Even if it is contained, the ecology of the building will be destroyed and it will not be sustainable.

Dad, Mom, are we moving out then?

Jing Liu turned around and asked his parents. Moving out during an earthquake is not a selfish act. There is always so much space that needs to be used. Even taking the initiative to live in places where many facilities have been damaged to free up shelters can also help the earthquake. In the early days of the disaster, the problem of new arrivals was solved to a certain extent.

We'll see then. Your mother is used to living here, and she also thinks that living in an official shelter can ensure safety. My idea is somewhat different from hers. After all, we are on the eleventh floor, and there are still dangers on high floors. , we can take a look at everyone’s choices and results before making a decision.”

Jing Liu's father heard this and replied.


Jing Liu nodded, then turned back and continued watching the live broadcast.

“We are lucky, but the compatriots in Dongguk who live in coastal shelters are unlucky during the earthquake.

They need to race against time. They need to move to our mid-continent cities in the shortest possible time, and then move to the middle-most Eastern continent.

This is a more serious relocation than the last time we moved the whole country. Last time we had ten full days, and it was a safe ten days.

But this time, they only have two days, and these two days will be mixed with low temperatures and increasingly violent earthquakes.

Therefore, relying solely on their efforts is not enough. There will definitely be casualties that we cannot accept. Just relying on all our official civil servants and soldiers in the Eastern Kingdom is still not enough.

We, the nation of the East, are a united nation. The three of us became a crowd and united as one to build this country. Now, it is time for us to show our unity again.

You, my dear compatriots, at this moment, we need all of you to work with us! Bring all our compatriots who are in danger back safely!

The person on the screen was solemn and solemn, and his calm words contained inspiring power. Jing Liu was sitting upright, and his parents also subconsciously straightened their upper bodies.

This is not considered mobilization. The mobilization started a long time ago, and everyone joined in enthusiastically without disappointing the officials. Today is just the final confirmation.

All compatriots are requested to report their situation to their person in charge according to the previous assignment, and the vanguard team is asked to gather on the first floor.

After hearing these words, Jing Liu stood up, put on the military jacket he had just received yesterday, and put it on himself meticulously.

Dad, mom, grandparents, I'm leaving first. Jing Liu said to his parents.

One month is not enough to develop an obvious military aura, but the way the children look in military uniforms still makes them, the elders, proud, and they nod heavily.

Okay, okay, my grandson is very handsome now.

Be safe, Jing Liu.

You must obey your commander's command.

You have to work hard.

With the concern of his family members, Jing Liu left the room and began to move towards the first floor of the shelter.

When they arrived, a large number of people had already gathered on the first floor of the shelter. They were not all newcomers who had only been trained for more than twenty days like them. Most of them were real soldiers of the Eastern Kingdom.

Jing Liu could feel the difference in aura between them and his own team. After finding his position, he tried to imitate those real soldiers and stood up straight.

Jing Liu is a member of the Pioneer Group.

The so-called pioneer group is one of the efforts made by Lingnan City or all places in Dongguo that will not suffer too much damage from the earthquake to welcome compatriots from coastal cities to arrive here safely.

All Dongren who have spare strength will be divided into three groups according to their spare strength: vanguard group, road opening group, and preparation group.

Among them, the pioneer group and the road-opening group will go in reverse - they will set off from Lingnan City to the coastal areas. Of course, the real purpose is to clear the obstacles on the road.

Otherwise, we only have two days to rely on soldiers in coastal areas to open the road. With such a large amount of accumulated hailstones and roads with varying degrees of damage, it is extremely prone to accidents or lack of time.

Therefore, this will be a two-way race, with the dangerous East people trying to run to safety, and the East people in the safe zone stretching out their hands as much as possible to give a hand to their compatriots.

The difference between the vanguard group and the road-opening group is that the vanguard group is composed of soldiers, recruits and militiamen like Jing Liu.

They will be at the forefront, responsible for the most dangerous work in the road construction process, sorting out the dangers of road sections, and passing the safer sections to the road construction team behind them, which are mainly male citizens of the East.

As for women and children who are relatively weak in physical work but have spare capacity, they become the preparation group, but they do not just provide assistance to road openers and pioneers. They need to leave the shelter after the temperature rises rapidly to inspect and maintain the condition of surrounding buildings. .

Determine which buildings can still be inhabited and which places may be risky, as well as clean up the hail accumulated in the open areas of Lingnan City, set up a large number of tents and other buildings, and coordinate the delivery of food so that compatriots from coastal areas can have their own meals as soon as possible after they arrive. temporary accommodation.

This is indeed an operation in which almost all the people in the East are involved, but it must be done. The earthquake disaster leaves too little time for Blue Star, and any bit of power is precious.

If we want everyone to get through it, everyone needs to work hard.

What I want to inform you now are some adjustments we have made on the line.

The ninth-third officer of Lingnan stood at the front and said to everyone here, but then he handed the microphone to a wounded soldier sitting next to him in a wheelchair.

Yesterday, I took my team from Kezhen City on the coast to Lingnan City. After that, we found that the conditions on some road sections were different from what we found using satellite drones, and the dangers were somewhat different. Specifically, The road section and conditions are...

This Dongren soldier, whom Jing Liu had never seen before, had no stage fright at all and began to talk about his findings seriously.

Jing Liu stared at the soldiers on the stage, biting his lower lip tightly with his teeth. If he hadn't been barely a soldier at this moment and needed to obey orders absolutely, he couldn't help but salute the warriors on the stage.

The soldier on the stage... The reason why he was sitting in a wheelchair was that one of his trouser legs was empty and was shaking slightly with the movement of his upper body.

But how could Dongguo send a disabled soldier to complete the path exploration operation?

The almost brand-new bandage and the soldier's unskilled movements in operating the wheelchair all told everyone one thing - one of his legs was lost during the path exploration operation yesterday.

This is just him, what about his team members? Would it have been the same injury, would it have been worse, or even cost him his life?

I don't know, and the soldier didn't say anything, because at this moment, these things are not important for the time being.

There is no time left for this soldier to be sad and emotional. He must give the information obtained with his legs and his life to everyone here as quickly as possible, because only in this way can more Dongren be saved!

Remember, you are soldiers, soldiers of the Eastern Kingdom!

After informing everyone of the revised route, Chief Nine-Three gave a final speech before everyone went back, emphasizing to everyone:

Remember the oath you swore on the day you chose to become soldiers. Our responsibility is to protect all citizens of the Eastern Kingdom! We have always had the consciousness to not be afraid of sacrifice for this!

Because our capabilities are insufficient, we must let Dongguk citizens form a road-opening group to share the work that belongs to us.

They believe that this will not bring danger to them, then we must do this!

Everyone, everyone present, must walk in front of all citizens in the face of possible dangers, and use all of themselves to protect the citizens behind them. I do not allow anyone to hide behind the citizens of Dongguo. do you understand!

Understood! The blood was already boiling. Jing Liu and all the new and old soldiers around him tried their best to answer this question that had long been answered.

Ready for action!


Everyone, everyone present, must walk behind all citizens. I will not allow anyone to be seen walking in front of citizens of the East. Do you understand?

At this moment, in another place in Dongzhou, someone said completely different words.

Shuinan City.


But the response was the same.

“You chose to join my most dangerous group, you are great and I admire you.

But please remember our responsibility, we need to ensure that everyone can arrive at Mid-Continent City safely and join the troops in Mid-Continent City!

Remember, it’s everyone. In the end, we will not allow any Dongguo citizen to be left behind. Even if the earthquake has caught up with us or even reached our feet, we will not allow any Dongguo citizen to escape. If someone dies in the earthquake disaster, we will not allow any Dongguo citizen to escape. Among them, the first one can only be our rear group, do you understand!

The chief shouted hoarsely.

Unlike Lingnan City, for cities along the coast that need to be relocated, the most dangerous thing for them is not those who are leading the way, but those who are behind them.

Because according to Lin Li's memory, the earthquake started from the coast and spread to the land, which meant that they would be the first to feel the shaking.

Therefore, they did not have a preparation group, but a rear group responsible for handling various emergencies at the rear.

Soldiers will surround the East people from front to back and from left to right.


The soldiers who made the choice to join this group certainly knew what they were going to face. How could they have any hesitation? Their response was extremely powerful.

At this moment, above their location, a large number of Dongfang people had packed up everything, waiting for the last wave of hail outside the window to end, and were ready to start the migration.

Ready for action!


Two in one.

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