Rebirth at the end of the world: I report to the country!

Chapter 143 143 Wrong decisions bring wrong endings.

Chapter 143 143· “Wrong decisions bring wrong endings.”

Mr. No. 1, I am a human being, not a thing. Lin Li knew the ambiguity in the words, but still said with a smile, and then explained:

But Mr. No. 1, don't worry. Let's be honest. I don't have any ambitions. I have no interest in power. Wealth and beauty... ahem, I'm a little interested, but not much. I won't go crazy about it.

What I need, the country will definitely satisfy me, so no matter what reverse changes I make in the end, I will never become a citizen of the motherland.

Lin Li was not a saint after all, but he thought it would be better to tell the truth about his shortcomings than to hide them at this time.

And he was indeed right that even though he currently possesses two inhuman abilities, if he really wants to live well in the era of natural disasters, he still needs the assistance of the East Kingdom, right?

Personal power is still too weak in front of the country.

Perhaps starting from today, or even earlier, there may be a similar anti-Lin Li group in Dongguo, specializing in how to deal with itself?

But even if it was true, Lin Li could actually understand it.

Of course, if there is and is discovered by Lin Li, and it is still endorsed by hundreds of gentlemen, then understanding will be understanding, and grudges will be grudges, it will still arise.

Dongguo is responsive to its requests now and regards it as a treasure. In the era of natural disasters, there will definitely be no problems. As for the future... let's talk about the future.

What is a native of the motherland? Why don't you become a native of the motherland? This name sounds like a patriotic character full of positive energy. Hearing this, Mr. No. 1 asked curiously.

Lin Li had a strange expression.

After getting familiar with this character from Lin Li, Mr. No. 1 quickly waved his hand: Then you'd better not change.

Seeing the researcher yawn again, the old man turned to him and said:

Okay, now that the experiment is done and you are so tired, go back and rest quickly. You will go to the warehouse to lie down in the afternoon. New supplies are already being prepared.


Am I not the one yawning?

Although Lin Li jokingly called being in the inner space for a long time sleeping, it was not really sleep after all, and it could not restore his energy. He still needed sleep.

Okay. Lin Li nodded.

By the way, Xiaolin, you can go back to Xinhuo tomorrow and leave a bottle of earthquake-type potion so that we can start studying how much change 5% of the potion can bring. On your parents' side, there will be more potion in a few days. It depends on how much you want them to drink. We will not be involved in determining the value.


Shuinan City. In an ordinary building, after being bathed in hail for half a month, most of the windows had signs of shattering.

The interior of the partially broken window was sealed with various things, as if it was inhabited by someone during an ice disaster.

In fact it is.

There are hundreds of people living in this building, all for various reasons, such as wanting to have their own large space, being lonely and unwilling to get along with others, or thinking that they can live well on their own...

Jiang Yaguang, who lives on the seventh floor, is one of them.

At this moment, he looked at Shuinan City through the gap in the window, which was completely different from the past. Hail was still falling lightly, and he sighed softly.

Jiang Yaguang is a doomsday survival enthusiast. What he likes to do most in his life is to read doomsday novels, watch videos of building doomsday survival fortresses, and deduce how to act in the apocalypse.

He even built a doomsday survival bunker in the basement of his home.

For a doomsday enthusiast like Jiang Yaguang, when he heard the news of the arrival of the era of natural disasters, after being shocked, he was actually a little happy.

He was fortunate that all the knowledge he had previously stored might be put to use.

However, due to financial problems, his doomsday survival bunker is very simple. It is cold in winter and hot in summer, and it is completely unthinkable to live in it during an ice disaster.

Therefore, after hearing that Dongguo had arranged such a building for those 'people who were unwilling to obey orders', he immediately chose to move here.

Jiang Yaguang does not distrust Dongguo's ability to lead everyone to survive in the era of natural disasters. He respects and recognizes Dongguo's ability.

It’s just that he really wants to experience the sense of accomplishment of surviving the doomsday on his own.

In fact, due to safety and ability considerations, Jiang Yaguang's family still obeyed orders and lived in a regular shelter.

The only one who lives in this building is himself.

And even he himself is only prepared to survive the ice disaster on his own. As for the earthquake disaster, it is completely beyond his own strength. When the time comes, Jiang Yaguang will definitely follow the Dongguo army. The Eastern Kingdom talks about the East, but he will never look at the West!

But now, the planned month is not over yet, and Jiang Yaguang is already regretting his decision.

This shouldn't be the case.

It's not that he regretted his death. In fact, the changes in his current survival situation did not exceed Jiang Yaguang's expectations.

Because he is a doomsday survival enthusiast, Jiang Yaguang knows very well what is most important in a low temperature disaster and what needs to be avoided most.

He himself is a native of Shuinan City. At least the bedroom on the seventh floor where he lives has a good effect in terms of heat preservation after his own renovation.

In the past half month, Jiang Yaguang never let his body temperature reach the dangerous range by never taking off his clothes and often using electricity and fire to warm himself up.

In the bunker at his original home, there were stored a large number of survival materials and tools that he prepared before the natural disaster. A small number of them were given to his family members to exchange for electronic vouchers, but most of them were brought here.

These supplies are basically equipped with heating packs. Jiang Yaguang himself has also prepared a lot of heating equipment, so the food he eats every day is basically warm, and there is temperature supply inside and outside, so at least so far, there is no abnormal feedback from the body, and more Not sick.

However, although there were no surprises in his development, Jiang Yaguang found that he had no sense of accomplishment at all.

The sense of accomplishment is the mental pleasure you get after completing something difficult.

But the premise is that this matter is really difficult.

Because the development of Dongguo Shelter is really different from what Jiang Yaguang thought.

Jiang Yaguang feels that with so many preparations to serve only himself, his living environment will at least be much better than that of the Dongguo Refuge, right?

He felt that although the official refuge of the Eastern Kingdom would not make life miserable for the people, they would still have to struggle to survive, right?

With so many people, the quality of food distributed every day should be very poor, maybe even not enough, right?

A group of people are huddled in their rooms, hugging each other to keep warm, trying to survive this cold day, right?

Result: I am stupid, right?

The hail gradually stopped. Jiang Yaguang took out his mobile phone and put it close to the window. After discovering that there was still no network, he sighed even more sadly.

Half a month has passed and the Dongguo network is now not very stable. When there is hail, the network is usually not connected. After the hail stops, the situation will improve and occasionally the network can be connected.

I'm such a fool...

Without the Internet, Jiang Yaguang had no choice but to continue writing his diary in a memo.

But the so-called diary has nothing to say about a day.

I kept detailed records for the first two days, but after that... I felt full of regret.

After finishing writing in the diary, Jiang Yaguang looked through the chat history, skipping those words that were still scolding him even half a month later. He looked at the pictures sent to him by his family with envy, and at the same time raised his middle finger towards himself.

The magnitude of achievements needs to be compared.

When Jiang Yaguang reads doomsday novels, he feels that the most satisfying thing is that he can live better than everyone else with his own strength.

This is also the purpose of his coming here alone.

He keeps in touch with his family and can even occasionally see the LAN inside the shelter, so he has a good idea of ​​what's going on inside the official shelter.

But the result he got slightly allowed him to break through his defense.

As a doomsday survival enthusiast, the ending of surviving as a lone wolf in the apocalypse seems a bit miserable compared to the official one?

He can only eat some cans every day, and these cans need to be carefully considered when to eat and when to heat them. After all, heat sources are precious, so Jiang Yaguang only eats two meals a day now, and sometimes only one meal when he is at his limit.

But what about official shelters?

Three meals are provided for everyone on time, and each meal is not fixed, giving the guests space to choose their own. More importantly, these meals are freshly cooked and fried.

According to his own brother, he said that these foods are a bit more smoky and taste better than the food packages in daily takeout!

ah? More fragrant than before the end?

Jiang Yaguang once suspected that his brother was deceiving him, but when he saw those pictures, especially the misty Manchu canteen, which seemed to be no different from ordinary days except that everyone was well-dressed, he had to believe it. .

A few days ago, I, my brother, even used electronic food stamps to buy more food, which made my stomach feel uncomfortable... The test result was that I simply ate too much.

What kind of happy trouble is this?

If I have an upset stomach, it can only be food poisoning.

He even praised the medical care provided by the official shelters to himself because of this incident - the official shelters are equipped with infirmaries and professional doctors. When someone gets sick, they will isolate and treat them as soon as possible.

According to his family, this kind of medical practice that is free of charge and not for profit means that you need to take less medicine for minor illnesses than before, and you can heal quickly.

As for a sudden serious illness or a rare disease that is difficult to cure, the shelter will try to mobilize local resources and manpower. Although the result is fate, at least it has tried hard.

As for myself...

I was on tenterhooks all day long, not daring to lose any warmth. Although I had prepared some medicine, I was still afraid that I would be infected.

Because if you get sick in this environment, no matter how big or small, it is equivalent to going to the gate of hell.

My family has things to do every day, their study and entertainment are clearly arranged throughout the day, and they wander around the shelter every day.

But despite having an entire flat space, he could only live in this small bedroom - because there was not enough time for renovation, the temperature in the space outside the bedroom was in a dangerous range for the steady Jiang Yaguang.

All he can do every day is huddle in bed, counting time, waiting for meals, preparing to open cans, and welcome a ray of warmth.

Or like now, looking out the window at the hailstorm world, looking forward to the network being restored and being able to communicate with my family and the outside world again.

Jiang Yaguang sighed again, then took an empty bottle from the corner of the room, warmed it slightly, and then put his crotch.

With the sound of water flowing, when it was taken out again, it was already filled with a liquid that seemed to be burning. Even so, Jiang Yaguang did not throw it away immediately. Instead, he felt the temperature of the bottle and waited. After it cooled down completely, he pushed the door open a crack and threw it outside.

Of course there is a toilet on the ground floor, but it is three to four meters away from the bedroom. Jiang Yaguang is unwilling to leave the warm bedroom, fearing that the temperature difference and exposure to low temperatures will make him sick, so he does all his excretion indoors.

Then just throw it outside the door - the window is sealed, otherwise Jiang Yaguang would definitely throw it outside the building.

As long as Yoneda is thrown away, the odor will not be too serious in the low temperature environment, but the door must be full of filth now, Jiang Yaguang doesn't dare to think about it.

This is another gap from the official shelters that have toilets that can be used and flushed normally.

There are so many more.

There is no harm without contrast.

In short, compared with surviving in the era of natural disasters, the space I carefully planned was almost as different as heaven and earth compared to any shelter in the Eastern Kingdom.

This kind of simple move after trying your best to find that you are still not as good as others.

What sense of accomplishment do you feel? It would be nice not to crash.

The most ironic thing is that Jiang Yaguang's situation may be the best in this building.

This building initially had a 'resident group', but most of the people who chose to live here were solitary, and almost no one spoke to them at first.

But the day after the natural disaster struck, there was news in the group—but there was a message for help.

At first, other residents responded to this call for help and even offered help, but then the number of calls for help increased, and even those who were helping people at the beginning became people asking for help.

Jiang Yaguang has been lurking and has never come forward. Until now, he has not said a word in the group and has been silently watching the screen.

The end of Dongguo's official refuge was very different from the end he imagined.

But the doomsday in this building was somewhat the same as he imagined.

However, there are no plots about exchanging one-night stands for food or buying warmth for life - the temperature drop is really too exaggerated, so I skip this stage directly.

Later, some people seemed to be threatened by death and finally slapped themselves in the face and tried to contact Dongguo officials in the hope of transferring them.

But as the official said at the beginning, people must bear responsibility for all their choices. Since you still choose to live here despite repeated official inquiries, you need to bear all the consequences yourself.

Quite frankly, I won’t come to the rescue.

But we can't blame Dongguo. Jiang Yaguang had to undergo psychological work three times in order to live here, and was persuaded no less than a hundred times by his family and civil servants.

His reputation here has become that of a 'death-seeking bastard'.

Good words can't persuade the devil to die.

Some people started to go crazy in the group, probably because of their imagination before death.

Later, the messages in the group became less and less, until there were no more.

The current chat history is still stuck at a resident’s post three days ago: ‘I think I’m going to die, can someone save me?’.

No one replied.

Naturally, no one saves ‘me’.

Two-in-one, I’m very busy at the end of the year these past few days, all I have to do is redeem points for New Year’s goods, and the bank doesn’t allow me to take time off, so I’m sorry.

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