Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 858: Is the wedding date set?

Her task is to marry the man in front of her, whether true or not. Hold him, keep him here.

At first, she was a little rejected.

But after a few contacts, she found that this man was really different, different from all the men she had met in the past...

"I find you pleasing to the eye, I think you are suitable, I like you." Susannah said.

She spoke calmly and directly, and her expression was impeccable.

Hua Zhao couldn't tell whether it was true or false.

The actress is really amazing, she has another teacher!

"I don't think you are pleasing to the eye, I don't think you are suitable, I don't like you, is that alright?" Ye Shen said.

Hua Zhao.....





This is too harsh!

How could he say such a thing to the beautiful Miss Susannah! Is he blind!

Susannah was bullied violently in her chest, she felt humiliated like never before!

She must get him! Hold him accountable for what he said today!

She wants him to kneel before her and repent!

"Su, you will regret it," Susannah said.

"Housekeeper, get out of the way." She said again.

The housekeeper looked at the young lady, and then at Su Heng, who didn't know how to lift her up, and waved at the bodyguard.

Several bodyguards stared at Ye Shen viciously, rubbing their fingers, waiting for the young lady to change her mind, as long as the young lady gave an order, they would be able to beat the man flat!

But after waiting for a few seconds, there was no new order, and several bodyguards had to reluctantly let the door open.

Ye Shen didn't expect to leave so easily, he actually didn't want to leave... He was still waiting to anger Susannah, make the scene awkward, make Hua Zhao unable to stay any longer, and go with him.

The scene was already embarrassing.

Hua Zhao stood up: "I'll go first, let's talk about the car another day."

"No need!" O'Neal immediately pushed the family doctor away and stood up: "The car is in the parking lot, just come with me, and you can choose it soon!"

Ye Shen had already stood up and had to leave.

Otherwise, wouldn't it be a desire to welcome or a refusal?

Hua Zhao nodded when he heard the words "Parking": "Okay."

O'Neal suddenly showed a bright smile, and he changed his words again: "There are many cars, it is estimated that you have to choose for a long time, or even a few days.

"Do you have any research on cars? You are a girl. You must not study thoroughly. I especially like cars. It is an honor to explain it to you."

The three walked out of the mansion one after the other and walked towards a single-family building next to them.

It was a huge indoor parking lot, and at a glance, dozens of cars were parked.

"Look, my car is over there." O'Neal pointed.

Hua Zhao looked over and heard a dozen colorful sports cars inside.

Red, yellow, blue, and even pink.

But I have to say, they are all beautiful.

This boy's aesthetic is really, quite broad.

Ye Shen stopped at the door. This position was filled with more than a dozen free parking spaces, and the guests' cars were usually parked here.

"Goodbye." Ye Shen turned back and said to O'Neal, as if maintaining the last etiquette.

"Oh, bye."

O'Neal's attitude was very casual, and he didn't take him as a prospective brother-in-law at all.

He didn't even care that he "humiliated" Susannah just now.

Didn't pay attention to him at all.

Hua Zhao's eyes darkened, this is not the attitude a gentleman should have.

Sure enough, the younger brother of the actress is not a rookie either.

"Let's go, let's choose a car!" O'Neal urged cheerfully.

This time, he learned to be good, and did not move his feet again.

Ye Shen stared at him, the corner of his eyes swept over Hua Zhao, at this time, he had to leave.

But leaving his daughter-in-law here alone makes him uneasy.

This kid has a bad heart.

And this Dylan family is not a good place.

Suddenly, his ears moved and he stood still for a few seconds, but he was relieved.

"I'm sorry for hurting your sister, but I can only be friends with her." Ye Shen had nothing to say.

"Okay, I see." O'Neal looked at Hua Zhao, waiting for her to follow him.

Hua Zhao also heard the sound of cars coming from far and near, and could see what Ye Shen was waiting for.

Of course she will cooperate.

"I don't think so. Your cars are so expensive." Hua Zhao said, "You still give me money. Let your sister borrow a little bit. She loves you, right? She will always borrow you."

"No, no, she doesn't love me!" O'Neal didn't even want his sister...

"She only loves the man in front of her, and doesn't have me in her eyes at all." O'Neill said jokingly.

This sentence is very good, can chat for a long time... Hua Zhao asked happily: "She loves this man in front of her? No, she just wants to marry him in a fake marriage, and she doesn't care about him after marriage, doesn't that mean it's okay? .."

Seeing her interested, the light in her eyes shines like stars, twinkling, dazzling and charming.

O'Neal was not in a hurry to look at the car.

Ye Shen also seemed to be very curiously waiting for his answer.

O'Neal glanced at him, huh, man, do you regret it?

"My sister is the most duplicitous person, and the best at hiding her true purpose. She said she wanted it, but she didn't want it. She said no, she definitely wanted it."

O'Neill said: "She absolutely loves this Mr. Su. The room is full of his photos. Whenever he mentions him, she smiles very happily. She even thinks about the name of the child in the future."

Hua Zhao.... what should she do if she is angry again?

"Really? Is this still possible?" Hua Zhao looked incredulous.

"Really!" O'Neal nodded fiercely: "Don't listen to her about fake marriages. After the fake marriages, you will live together. If you live and live, you will have feelings? Who can stop her charm! She fights like that The idea!"

This explanation is quite reasonable.

Ye Shen was so persistent in refusing to get married, so let's make a fake first. His attitude was a little softer, maybe he agreed, and then he fell into the trap.

Hua Zhao nodded, if it was her.... she wouldn't do it.

She was in the same situation as Susannah, they both wanted to get the man in front of her.

But she is not roundabout, she directly solves the problem by violent means!

"Okay, I see." Hua Zhao nodded.

The car in the distance was already in sight, and she had no problem.

A black Rolls-Royce was parked at the door, and the driver got out and opened the door.

A man in his fifties walked down.

The man is also blond, but probably because of his age, his blond is more white.

The facial features are very similar to O'Neal. At first glance, they are father and son, uncle and nephew.

very handsome.

Even in his 50s, he has a different charm and is a handsome uncle.

However, the uncle's expression is very rigid, his hair is meticulously combed, and his suit is not wrinkled.

Perfect as a statue.

Not a good person to get along with.

The statue saw Su Heng and immediately smiled: "Is the wedding date set?"

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