At night, it snowed heavily, and Hua Zhao couldn't sleep peacefully.

She is waiting for Ye Shen.

However, the sky slowly brightened, and Ye Shen was nowhere to be seen.

Going out early in the morning, the snow around the house is thick and clean, and there are no footprints.

No one ever came.

Throughout the day, Hua Zhao sat by the telephone.

She was calm at first, but when it got dark, and almost 24 hours passed, she didn't wait for Ye Shen's person, or even for a phone call from him to explain.

Hua Zhao was finally angry.

"Busy, he's busy. Or it's inconvenient for him to contact you now..." Ye Shu said, trying not to make his tone very guilty.

"I'll go see what he's up to!" Hua Zhao said.

"Don't, don't, it's very cold, the road is not easy to walk, you are still pregnant with a child." Ye Shu quickly advised.

"I don't walk, I drive." Hua Zhao got up.

"Farewell, it's going to get dark soon, it's not convenient for you to go anywhere now." Ye Shu strongly advised.

Hua Zhao looked at the sky, and it was really inconvenient. In 1981, public transportation in country M was not so developed. It was impossible for her to drive directly from the west to the east of country M.

She's still going to take a plane, but there may not be a ticket right now.

But Hua Zhao still wants to go and see, if there is, she will leave immediately!

Yao Kun suddenly said, "Do you know where he is now?"

Ye Shu immediately glared at him: "Don't talk!"

She picked up the newspaper on the table... Now there is only one, no, half of the newspaper on the table.

This newspaper has news about financial industry conferences, but no entertainment information.

"He is having a meeting here." Ye Shu pointed to Hua Zhao.

Yesterday, she carefully picked up all the newspapers, burned the dazzling ones, and kept the useful ones.

She knew Hua Zhao's temper, she couldn't wait for Ye Shen's explanation, she would definitely find her, so the address was ready.

It's just that she didn't expect that after a day, she really didn't wait for Ye Shen to get a single call!

Ye Shu felt even more guilty.

Yao Kun watched Hua Zhao pick up the newspaper, carefully looked at the address on it, and suddenly said, "The meeting actually ended a long time ago, and the others may not be there."

"What?!" Ye Shu suddenly exclaimed.

Don't have time to make a phone call after the meeting is over?

Hua Zhao put down the newspaper and looked at Yao Kun.

She had seen it, the meeting should have ended 3 days ago. Only Ye Shu, whose English is not very good, didn't see it.

Yao Kun pulled out today's latest newspaper from behind and handed it to Hua Zhao.

The front page headline was again a picture of Susannah.

Even if Hua Zhao felt sour in her heart, she had to admit that she was really beautiful, and the photos could be handed down to the world.

But this time, she was the only one in the photo, without Ye Shen's back or profile.

But there is text.

It said that Susannah decided to choose the wedding address in Hawaii. She and the groom-to-be were ordering dresses. When the dresses were ready, it was the wedding day, and she couldn't wait.

Hua Zhao's violent temper... rips the thick newspaper into powder at once.

Yao Kun paused before saying, "It's always a wrong way to be with him. Now that you are pregnant with Ye Shen's child, you should live with Ye Shen well."

He increased his tone on Ye Shen and the child.

He originally wanted to talk to Hua Zhao about her husband and lover, but he was a cousin, so some words might not be convenient.

He and Hua Zhao have been very busy again, and this matter has been delayed again and again.

After getting married, he wanted Ye Shu to persuade Hua Zhao again, but yesterday he gave up this unrealistic idea.

Had to come by myself.

"I don't think you have no feelings for Ye Shen. You have 4 more children..."

Hua Zhao was not in the mood to listen to Yao Kun saying these "meaningless" words, she asked Ye Shu, "Did you call him yesterday?"

She was angry yesterday, so she didn't call Ye Shen herself, but she knew that Ye Shu would definitely call.

Ye Shu froze there, not knowing how to answer.

"This is the fight, what did he say? Where is it?" Hua Zhao asked.

Looking at Hua Zhao's expression, Ye Shu could only tell the truth: "I didn't find anyone else, he's not at home..."

Hua Zhao turned around and called herself.

It was Yuan Wu who answered the phone.

Miss Fang asked in person, and the boss didn't explain, so Yuan Wu said: "I don't know where Mr. is now, the meeting was over a few days ago, but only the bodyguards came back. people."

Ye Shen will occasionally go out by himself, the time is uncertain, and no one knows his whereabouts.

Hua Zhao felt annoyed.

At times like this in the past, he always came to see her!

Now, who did he give his time to?

"He and Susannah are really talking about getting married?" Hua Zhao finally couldn't help but ask.

Even though her trust in Ye Shen is still 99.9998%.

"No, no." Yuan Wu said: "That's all Susannah's wishful thinking, the boss didn't say anything at all!"

Hua Zhao didn't want to listen anymore, she was afraid of dying of anger.

is silent! Not a refusal! Moreover, he actually gave her a chance to speak again and again!

What does he want to do?

Hua Zhao dropped the phone and went out.

"Hey! Hey!" Ye Shu quickly stopped her.

She must be in a bad mood now and can't go out!

"It's getting late, wait until tomorrow, we'll bring someone to find him!" Ye Shu turned his head and instructed Yao Kun, "Go and call the Yao family's bodyguards! Maybe not enough... Let's go to the factory and choose a few strong men to join us. Follow!"

She now has the self-consciousness of being her maiden's family and helping her sister go to hell!

With so many bodyguards by Ye Shen's side, she would not be able to take less people.

Yao Kun looked at the two of them speechlessly, thinking that when a woman meets love, she becomes a lunatic.

But Hua Zhao is crazy, what is his daughter-in-law doing?

Ye Shu's attitude made Hua Zhao smile, and she calmed down again.

"Okay sister, I... go tomorrow," she said.

"Okay okay."

The next day, Hua Zhao rejected Ye Shu and the bodyguards she arranged, and boarded the plane alone.

Ye Shu couldn't beat her, so he could only agree.

"If you have something to say, don't quarrel, there must be a misunderstanding." Ye Shu advised again and again.

Hua Zhao nodded.

She doesn't actually quarrel, she likes to move her hands, or move her feet.

Hua Zhao got off the plane, sensed it, and found Ye Shen's location.

He is in the city, but not at home, nor at the company.

She took a taxi, first went to Ye Shen's manor, and then drove his car straight to her destination.

However, when she got there, she didn't know what to do for a while.

This is a restaurant, a Chinese restaurant. The restaurant is not big, with only a few dozen square meters and a dozen tables. Except for the back kitchen, it is clear at a glance.

However, Ye Shen was not sitting here.

The position she sensed was underground.

Her heart suddenly lifted.

"Huh? Why are you here?" He Jianning looked at Hua Zhao's back with a surprised tone.

This time it was a real surprise, and there was a scrutiny in the surprise.

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