Ye Tao was a little embarrassed and stammered with a blushing face: "I don't like her much either... I just like the energy in her..."

How could he be embarrassed to say that he liked Bian Meijuan's appearance and figure... and her arrogance, which was quite different.

"And she's my girlfriend now, so I should help her a little bit." Ye Tao said.

What's more, Hua Zhao can actually benefit from it.

Fertilizer water did not flow outside the field.

Hua Zhao looked at Ye Tao and felt that he was like an old bachelor who suddenly wanted to eat meat, and everyone was a little excited.

"You can't just look for beautiful people, you also need to look at the character. Bian Meijuan's character, you can take a good look at it." Hua Zhao said.

Ye Tao touched his head: "She has a bad temper. She is a bit arrogant and self-righteous, and she speaks rashly and has no heart, but she is quite filial..."

Buying ginseng made him discover a shining point in Bian Meijuan's body, filial piety~

"Okay, you are the master of your own affairs." Hua Zhao said nothing.

She's not a ****, and it's lenient to take care of her.

"That ginseng..." Ye Tao asked.

"Sell." Hua Zhao looked at him and said.

The silly boy wanted to give her money, and she followed.

Ye Tao grinned: "Thank you, thank you!"

Bian Meijuan reluctantly took out 50,000 yuan, picked up the box on the table and opened it, looking at the thin ginseng inside.

"So small." She was very disgusted.

"20 years, not 200 years, how old are you?" Ye Tao said.

He also discovered Bian Meijuan's hostility to Hua Zhao, but he only thought that she was a woman who couldn't be more beautiful than him, and she was a petty temperament, and it would be fine when she was older.

But he didn't want her to offend Hua Zhao again.

"Let's go, go back and use it for your grandfather, he will definitely get better!" Ye Tao said.

Bian Meijuan rolled her eyes at Ye Tao, looked at the box and said, "Is this ginseng real or fake?"

Hua Zhao raised her eyebrows, put her hand on the money, and was about to push it back.

"Don't, don't, let's go!" Ye Tao put one hand on the money, covered the box with the other, pulled up Bian Meijuan and left.

"Who is my sister-in-law? Who is our Ye family? I lied to you for 50,000 yuan?"

Hua Zhao heard Ye Tao say to Bian Meijuan, his tone was a little bad, it was the first time he lost his temper with her.

Ye Tao felt that Bian Meijuan really had to take care of it, otherwise he would really offend Hua Zhao.

In the past few days, because of the second sister's affairs, the mother has been talking about Hua Zhao's affairs at home, and he finally knew that this second sister-in-law looked like a cat, but was actually a hedgehog, and anyone who touched it could **** it.

Bian Meijuan pouted and said nothing.

Ye Tao's temper was very long. He didn't calm down when he got to her door, and didn't go upstairs. He said goodbye and left.

Bian Meijuan doesn't even bother to care about him now. She doesn't care about her love!

She raised her head and looked upstairs. It was quiet. Today, everyone went to other relatives' houses to pay New Year's greetings. She also said that she would only go to Hua Zhao's place in the afternoon to get ginseng.

Bian Meijuan pressed the bag on her body, gritted her teeth, turned and ran away quickly.

She got into the car, turned all the way, and came to Taoyuan again.

"Didn't I tell you not to come?" He Jianning reprimanded with a cold face.

Bian Meijuan was very moved, the husband was worried about her.

"I'll give Mr. a present, and I'll leave right away!"

She put the box by He Jianning's hand, glanced at him reluctantly, turned around and ran away.

She has to run quickly, or the husband will definitely refuse!

Li Mu came in with the medicine bowl and looked at her back curiously: "Who is that? When will you be able to enter women in this yard?!"

"A fool." He Jianning said, opening the box to reveal the ginseng inside.

"Ouch!" Li Mu quickly put down the medicine bowl, picked up the box, looked at it carefully, and smelled it.

"Those who rely on Shantun are definitely those who rely on Shantun! Although the year is a little lower, my recipe has also changed. With this ginseng, I can make medicine! It's definitely better than the past! This one can take care of it. One year!" Li Mu exclaimed in surprise.

He Jianning was also a little surprised. He didn't expect that Bian Meijuan would have such a thing in his hand.

He let her marry into the Ye family, not for one or a few 20-year-old ginseng, but for his cook.

He Jianning didn't smile, but his face was rather gloomy. I wonder how Bian Meijuan got this ginseng, and would it ruin his plan?

"Don't touch it, I'll ask about the situation first." He Jianning said.

Li Mu frowned and closed the box without making a sound.

He Jianning didn't care, but when he heard it, he called in his assistant and asked him to go out to inquire about the situation.


After Bian Meijuan went out, her heart was still beating fast, her face was full of satisfaction and joy, she was finally able to help her husband! Hope he gets better.

In the future, she will buy more ginseng for him, and he won't get anything without him going to put his hot face on his cold butt!

Just what to do at home...

She must buy another 20-year-old wild ginseng, or the family can kill her...

But she didn't have that much money, not even seven or eight thousand. She only had seven or eight hundred, which she had saved so much.

Bian Meijuan put away her smile, hesitated for a while on the road, and then firmly went to an alley and knocked on a narrow wooden door.

She had never been to this place, but had only heard of it once.

Listening to an old Chinese doctor who has a good relationship with the family, he told his father thousands of times that if the owner of the ginseng seller lives here, then he must not buy it...

Because there is a liar who lives here, specializing in making fake ginseng! It can be made to be fake and real, and some inexperienced Chinese medicine practitioners can't eat it. It's amazing!

Bian Meijuan did not expect that she would have a special day to come here.

This time the business went very smoothly. At first, the seller said that he did not sell ginseng.

When she said the name of the old Chinese medicine doctor and the explanation from others, the seller quickly changed her words.

In the end, Bian Meijuan spent 200 yuan to buy a 20-year-old "wild ginseng".

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