Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 838: when are you going to leave

Tang Fanghe is still young, only 41 years old after the new year, and it seems that her body is well maintained, maybe she can really have a child.

Even if it is a little difficult, as long as she and Hua Zhao have a good relationship, the child is not a problem.

Everyone thought about this.

Zhou Lihua's face turned green, angry and startled.

"You dare! You dare! If you make her pregnant, I will fight you!" She roared like crazy.

Hua Zhaobai glanced at her: "What does it matter to me if she has children or not? Go yell at the third uncle if you have the ability."

Hua Zhao turned and walked away.

The magic attack is over, it's time to withdraw from the battlefield.

"Ah!!" Zhou Lihua yelled behind her, her whole body going crazy.

If Ye Cheng remarried and had another child, he would completely forget her.

So what is she planning to do in her life?

"Ah!" Zhou Lihua screamed again, and she fell softly.


"Mom!" Ye Chen Ye Xing rushed over and helped her up.

Ye Chen carried her and ran to the hospital.

Ye Xing went to look at the direction Hua Zhao left, and didn't move for a long time.

"Ye Xing." Ye Shang stood beside him and said, "Hua Zhao has never done anything excessive, if you think there is, it is also a counterattack against your mother.

"Think about it, how did she treat Hua Zhao in the first place? It's your grandfather's decision and your father's decision to divorce your parents, and it has nothing to do with Hua Zhao.

"And the root cause is your mother's fault!"

Ye Shang asked in a deep voice, "I said so, do you agree?"

Of course I don't agree.

Except for the final burnt rolls, his mother had done little things before.

"The money I owe her was given in the end? I wanted to borrow her house, but I didn't borrow it in the end? But Hua Zhao held on to it, which made my grandfather more and more angry with my mother."

Ye Xing said: "The most extreme thing is that on the day of Ye Shu's wedding, my mother just said a few words unintentionally, but Hua Zhao made her look so ugly! It's too much!"

"I heard your second mother say this." Ye Shang frowned and said, "That's not a few unintentional words! Those words are very heavy! It will ruin Ye Shu's reputation! What is your mother's motive? It's not Ye Shu. Family, can't you see Ye Shu well?"

Ye Xing held his neck, didn't look at Ye Shang, didn't speak.

There were no outsiders in the house at that time, they were all relatives, and their mother wouldn't go out and talk nonsense.

Ye Shang looked at him and was completely disappointed: "Ye can do it yourself."

Ye Shang also left with his family.

"Brother, take me to the hospital." Ye Li "woke up" and struggled to stand up to find Ye Xing.

Just as Ye Xing was about to speak, Qiu Mei said, "Your brother has no money, and besides, he is a big man with a heartless heart, so let your sister take you to see a doctor."

"New Year's Eve, didn't you just give out bonuses? Why don't you have any money?" Ye Li shouted to Qiu Mei enduring the pain.

"Bonus? That bonus isn't enough for his New Year's party! My son and I can't even earn a cent, so you're thinking about it?" Qiu Mei glared and shouted back: "Besides, don't you have any money? Your mother used to give it to you every month. Pocket money, have you saved a lot over the years?"

"No, I don't have much money, and I haven't spent any more." Ye Li's voice was a little quieter.

"You don't have it, your sister has it, don't look for your dad again, your brother doesn't have it anyway!" Qiu Mei shouted.

Ye Li was very angry, but she also knew that she was telling the truth. Her brother had been socializing a lot in the past year or two.

"Sister..." She turned to look at Ye Jia.

Her pocket money had already been used up for her usual food and drink, but she knew that Ye Jia had the habit of saving money.

Ye Jia touched her pocket, her money was still of great use and should not be wasted.

"I don't have any money anymore. I still have eggs at home. I'll cook one for you. I see that your face is just swollen, nothing else is wrong." Ye Jia went to the kitchen after she finished speaking.

Ye Li suddenly wanted to cry.

Brothers and sisters are still brothers and sisters, but they are different.


Hua Zhao drove the car home directly, and Ye Ming himself said that there was only a skin injury on his hand, and it would be good to apply some medicine.

The best medicine is in her house.

Moreover, when it was a big New Year's Eve, when he came out of Ye Cheng's house to pay a New Year's visit, he brought blood back home. Miao Lanzhi, who stayed at home, didn't know what to think.

He'd better deal with it and go back.

When he got home, Hua Zhao took out a delicate bottle, and there was still some green liquid in it, but instead of mixing wine, he mixed water.

It's not good if you don't exchange it, otherwise, the skin injury will be visible to the naked eye when you rub it on.

That's kind of scary.

Even so, Ye Ming felt the magic of the potion, and the pain in his hand was obviously less so, and the bleeding stopped almost instantly.


But he didn't ask anything.

It seems that Hua Zhao just rubbed him some alcohol.

"I heard that you plan to go abroad after the new year?" Ye Ming asked suddenly.

He heard what Yunfei said.

The little guy can hold back for so many years without revealing that Su Heng is his father.

As for the matter of going abroad after the year, he didn't know how to keep it secret, and it was for Ye Ming.

"Yeah, I'll leave after the tenth day. I plan to go there for the fifteenth day." Hua Zhao smiled.

Thinking of seeing Ye Shen soon, her smile is sweet.

Ye Ming suddenly apologised: "It may be a little later, have your seeds been cultivated?"

Hua Zhao's smiling face suddenly froze: "How can it be so fast? You must know that cultivating seeds has always been a time-consuming job. It usually takes several years, ten years, or even 20 years to be effective. I only have a few days. ?"

Ye Ming sighed: "This is the meaning of the above, you don't have to cultivate all the seeds I ordered before, just give me one first, you don't even need to have a very good effect, as long as it is slightly better than the one on the market, I It's good to take it for you."

There was a wave of people at the top, and the previous old leader retired.

The opinions of the newly arrived leaders were somewhat inconsistent, or, in other words, they did not trust Hua Zhao very much.

Hua Zhao was right, growing seeds was a time-consuming job, and she was too young.

The mouth is too big, and it takes tens of thousands of acres of land at once!

They had to see something before they agreed.

Hua Zhao clearly wanted 10,000, but Ye Ming went back and said tens of thousands.

There is room for negotiation.

Unexpectedly scare people.

In the past, when a person only had 3 points of private land, she opened her mouth to tens of thousands of acres, which was indeed scary.

"But the first batch can only be approved for 1,000 mu." Ye Ming said.

This is exactly what Hua Zhao expected.

She hesitated a little, and only came up with a little better than the market, this is totally fine.

The quality of the vegetables in her greenhouse is better than the ones on the market. This is obvious to all. She just takes out their seeds and recharges them.

And just take one first.

"Which one should I take out?" Hua Zhao asked.

To Ye Ming, she can reveal a little bit.

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