"What's the matter, Brother Ye? Is Ye Li seriously injured?" Tang Fanghe asked with concern.

"The arm is broken," Ye Cheng said.

"Ah! Then go to the hospital!" Tang Fanghe looked at Ye Jia again: "Is Ye Jia not injured?"

Ye Jia rubbed her hands, it hurt too, but it was fine.

"It's fine." Tang Fanghe still had the suit hanging on one arm, and patted his chest with one hand: "It's fine."

Zhou Lihua was stunned when she saw her, and forgot to shout.

Tang Fanghe didn't care whether Ye Li went to the hospital or not, and looked at them earnestly: "But both of you are at fault, how could you hit someone first? You met Hua Zhao, a woman, just to keep you out of the way. If this is a man, you will be beaten harder."

It was a tone of voice that looked out for them.

But it doesn't seem right after careful consideration.

Zhou Lihua's focus was different: "Who are you? Who is your big brother Ye!"

Tang Fanghe looked at her, then at Ye Jiayeli, and suddenly said softly, "Oh, you are Brother Ye's ex-wife, right?"

Zhou Lihua broke out instantly: "Fuck your ex-wife! You are the ex-wife! I am his wife, his only wife! Eternal wife!"

She roared hoarsely, the blue veins on her neck were exposed, terrifying.

On the other hand, Tang Fanghe, with a figure like a willow, stood there with a gentle face, standing there.

Hua Zhao suddenly gestured to Liu Ming.

Liu Ming was stunned and let go.

Zhou Lihua rushed towards Tang Fanghe with her teeth and claws in an instant.

Tang Fanghe, an elegant and weak woman, how could she fight? She would only be beaten to protect her face.

"Enough!" Ye Cheng pulled Zhou Lihua away, gritted his teeth and said, "In a large audience, what does it look like!"

Zhou Lihua's heart suddenly cooled down, and her eyes spewed out instantly: "Are you facing her? Are you messing with her shoes? Do you want a face?!"

Of course Ye Cheng wants face, he now feels that his whole life has been lost at this moment.

"Shut up! Go home!" Ye Cheng roared with a dark face.

"You yelled at me! Our husband and wife for more than 20 years, I have children for you! You yelled at me for a broken shoe!"

Zhou Lihua was quite sensitive and grabbed the suit in Tang Fanghe's hand: "We're still shopping together and buying clothes! When did you get together?"

Hua Zhao suddenly said: "You are an ex-wife, but you have a lot of control. Do you know what an ex-wife is? It's a man's marriage and a woman's marriage, it's irrelevant!"

The hotness of the eyes around gossip has dropped, breaking shoes and being caught by his wife, and dating a **** and being caught by his ex-wife are different in nature.

Ye Cheng looked at Hua Zhao and really didn't know whether to thank her or blame her.

Zhou Lihua was crazy: "It's you again! It's you again! How come you are everywhere!"

She suddenly realized the truth: "Did you make a fool of yourself again!"

Hua Zhao spread his hands and gave her a helpless expression.

"I don't know you in general."

"Yes, we don't know like a lunatic!" Miao Lanzhi reacted, rushing over and pulling Hua Zhao away.

"Don't go! Make it clear to me! How does this woman know you?" Zhou Lihua shouted.

A woman's intuition can be really scary at times, and it's very fine-grained. She remembered that the woman called Hua Zhao's name just now, how did she know Hua Zhao?

Did this woman know Ye Cheng through Hua Zhao? Or is it the Hua Zhao she met through Ye Cheng?

If it's the latter, it's terrible, it means that she has entered the door of the Ye family and met the people of the Ye family!

Hua Zhao didn't want to answer her, but she saw Zhou Lihua's fear and immediately changed her mind.

"We just met a few days ago, and the third uncle brought her to my parents-in-law's house for dinner," she said.

Zhou Lihua's face suddenly turned ashen, and she couldn't shout anymore.

Hua Zhao left with satisfaction.

And Ye Cheng looked at the crowd of people around him, and didn't want to explain to Zhou Lihua that it wasn't what Hua Zhao said.

Although he brought people over, it wasn't what Hua Zhao implied at all!

"I'll take Ye Li to the hospital, you take your mother home!" Ye Cheng said to Ye Jia.

Without waiting for Ye Jia to answer, he pulled Ye Li and left.

After taking two steps, what came to mind, looked back at Tang Fanghe: "I'm sorry for today's matter, you go back first, I'll find you another day!"

There were many people around, he just wanted to leave quickly, and he said the wrong thing in a hurry.

He just wanted to find her another day to apologize formally. After all, Zhou Lihua beat people up in public, and the beating was disheveled.

The injury may not be serious, but in front of so many people, it is too insulting.

Tang Fanghe may have never lost such a person in his life.

Ye Cheng was very sorry.

But in Zhou Lihua's ears, that's not what it meant.

The two are really getting along.

"Hey~ I'm dead!" She fell to the ground and cried.

This kind of thing, Sapo, may be a woman's innate skill, but some people activate it early, and some people activate it late.

Zhou Lihua is in her forties and will fall to the ground.

Ye Cheng looked at Zhou Lihua, who was crying with a snot on his face, and was no different from a country vixen. The corners of his eyes swept across the corners of his eyes and he sorted himself out silently. Tang Fanghe, who had a strong and calm face, paused in his heart, and quickly pulled Ye Li away.


After exiting the gate of the mall, Hua Zhao turned to the side, but did not leave.

"What are you doing? You want to beat Zhou Lihua again?" Miao Lanzhi asked cautiously.

Hua Zhao was stunned: "What is Zai? When did I hit her? I've never hit her, okay! I'm such a polite person, how could I hit my elders?"

Miao Lanzhi gave her a sideways look: "You haven't hit her before, but what you do is harder than hitting her!"

Zhou Lihua was definitely willing to let Hua Zhao beat her up, not to divorce Ye Cheng, or to pull up her pants in public.

"Haha~" Hua Zhao couldn't help laughing.

"Don't laugh, you are still pregnant! Don't fight." Miao Lanzhi pulled her away.

"I'm not waiting for her this time." Hua Zhao said, "I'm waiting for Tang Fanghe."

"What are you waiting for?"

"Of course, thank her." Hua Zhao said.

She glanced at Tang Fanghe at that time, and she really meant to let Tang Fanghe come forward to stimulate Zhou Lihua.

That only hurts, it hurts more than Hua Zhao really hit her!

But this is not good for Tang Fanghe, and it may wash away the unstable relationship between her and Ye Cheng at once.

But Tang Fanghe chose to help her without hesitation, and now she has used a bitter plan, she has to express her feelings and reason.

Ye Cheng came out with Ye Li, who was crying so much that she didn't know anything, and Ye Jia came out with Zhou Lihua, who wanted to go back to fight.

After a while, Tang Fanghe walked out gracefully.

Her hair was neatly combed, and her clothes were upright. She didn't care about the eyes of the people around her, and walked out like nothing was happening.

Hua Zhao honked the car horn.

Tang Fanghe looked over.

"Thank you today, if you have anything in the future, feel free to speak up." Hua Zhao said.

Tang Fanghe smiled. Today's meal was really worth it. She felt that Hua Zhao's words were more beneficial than marrying Ye Cheng.

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