The Zhao family recently had great luck and met a noble person. Someone wants to invest in them to open a factory to sell braised pork.

The other party pays the money, and they pay for it, and the income is 28 cents. Of course, the other party is eight, and they are two.

And they are not inseparable. In order to show their sincerity, they also got 100,000 yuan.

"Big sister, isn't 100,000 a bit too much?" The eldest brother of the Zhao family hesitated.

"People gave 2 million! We only gave 100,000, which is very little." Zhao Cuicui said.

"That's right! Otherwise, with the money we have, how can we buy such advanced machines, open such a big factory, and make so much money!" the other brothers said.

The other party said that he had something to do with buying the most advanced machine, which is said to be the same machine as the now very popular Xumei Food.

This is the place that moved Zhao Cuicui the most.

She also wants to make a lot of money, and she wants to compare Xu Mei!

"However, why did the other party find us... our reputation is not very good..."

Others are a little more self-aware.

"Never mind, anyway, we won't throw eagles when we don't see a rabbit." Zhao Cuicui said.

If the other party doesn't put real money in, she won't take the money out.

If you want to lie to her, there is no way!

As a result, this noble person is a real noble person, and they are sincerely cooperating with them.

In a few days, the factory was found, the machine was brought in, and the company was registered. They just waited for them to take out 100,000 yuan, bought the materials and put it into production.

Only then did Zhao Cuicui take out the money that the whole family had put together.

100,000 is a huge sum of money for them. Since Zhao Cuicui married Li Xiaojiang and worked hard with his whole family for the past few years, he only made enough 100,000.

Not even 100,000, they even went out and borrowed some.

The first batch of braised pork was successfully produced and labelled "Xumei Food".

Both the packaging and finished products are almost identical to the real Xumei food.

"You're right, there's no need for our people to teach this, she did it herself." Xu Zhiming sighed holding the sample.

He suddenly admired him a little. In terms of understanding of human nature, he was not even as good as 20-year-old Hua Zhao.

Hua Zhao smiled: "Perhaps because of her family environment since she was a child, she was used to robbing other people's things. She walked in other people's way and left others with nowhere to go."

The Zhao family used to be very poor, with many brothers, and they could eat and fight. Zhao Cuicui couldn't tell from the outside, but in reality, he was very domineering.

Hua Zhao discovered this after a few contacts.

Originally thought that after Xu Mei's incident, they would raise money to build a factory to counterfeit "Xu Mei food", but they didn't expect that there would be extra troubles.

In this case, Hua Zhao will help them.

"When the scale is reached, you can close the net." Hua Zhao said.

A week later, all 100,000 pieces of materials were produced and put on the market.

The Zhao family just said that their food was "Xumei Food" and sold it for a high price.

100,000 yuan turned into more than 400,000 yuan in an instant.

Although only over 80,000 belonged to them, but in one week they made the money that the whole family had earned in the past few years. The Zhao brothers were crazy with joy.

"You still need to open a factory to make a lot of money!"

"Thank you sir for this!"

"Hey, what about your lord? Why haven't we seen you these days?"

"Your honorable person is busy, and you have something to go back to your hometown." Zhao Cuicui said indifferently.

Anyway, the factory is here, the machine is here, and the money is in their hands, so she has nothing to worry about.

The gentleman is not here, just right!

"Let's think of a solution on the account..." Zhao Cuicui said.

Before he could finish speaking, the door was suddenly knocked open, and a group of people rushed in.


The Zhao brothers were arrested for producing fake and shoddy products, involving a huge amount of money.

Not to mention the confiscation of all income, but also a fine and sentence.

Li Xiaojiang found Hua Zhao and hoped that she would raise her hand.

"She..." But Li Xiaojiang couldn't find a reason to plead for Zhao Cuicui.

"She's still pregnant..." He could only say weakly. Before Hua Zhao could speak, he immediately added: "I'm willing to take out all my property! Compensate for your losses!"

Hua Zhao looked at Li Xiaojiang, who was much haggard and aged, and suddenly remembered that the first time he saw him, although he was black and thin, his eyes were flexible and his whole person was full of energy.

Meeting her, for him, may have been unfortunate.

"Don't worry, she is pregnant and can be released on bail pending trial." Hua Zhao said.

The Zhao family just robbed her of her business and smashed her signboard, so she would just come back.

Not to kill anyone, she's still pregnant.

Of course, letting the Zhao family go bankrupt, and once they returned to before liberation, let almost all the family members enter, it might be more exciting to Zhao Cuicui than killing her, and she can't control this.

Hearing that Zhao Cuicui didn't have to go in and suffer, Li Xiaojiang heaved a sigh of relief: "Thank you, thank you!...I don't feel sorry for her, I can't bear her to be punished...I just can't bear to have children."

Li Xiaojiang lowered his eyes, his mood was extremely complicated, and he deeply regretted marrying Zhao Cuicui.

Now that their husband and wife have lived like this, they can only suffer from two children in the future.

But what do you tell Hua Zhao about this kind of thing? People definitely don't want to hear it.

"I'm leaving." Li Xiaojiang threw down his backpack, turned around and left.

Judging from the shape, it appears to be filled with money.

He brought all his belongings to compensate Hua Zhao.

Not necessary.

Hua Zhao called Liu Ming on the side and asked him to send the money back to Li Xiaojiang.

Just because Li Xiaojiang saved Zhang Guilan at the beginning, she can forgive him again.

And she knew that Li Xiaojiang didn't participate in this matter at all, and didn't even know it.

He had already moved out of the yard full of Zhao's family, and went out to live by himself, and he hadn't seen Zhao Cuicui for a long time.

"Humph!" Xu Mei walked over from the next room and snorted coldly, "It's still a wise man."

She was satisfied with Li Xiaojiang's compensation attitude, but she didn't like his money either.

"Okay, let him go, I guess I won't see him again in the future." Hua Zhao sighed.

They have no possibility of dealing with Li Xiaojiang in the future.

"Hmph." Xu Mei snorted again, completely letting go of this person.

"How are you doing? Are you okay?" Hua Zhao asked suddenly, "I heard that someone blocked your door again?"

Speaking of this, Xu Mei changed to a sigh.

"Forget it, worry."

At that time, Hua Zhao said that she was mainly in charge of the food factory, and it was called "Xu Mei Food". As soon as she was excited, she agreed.

As a result, she became famous.

Once those relatives, friends and colleagues were inquiring about her, forget it, the key is that the Xu family came to her door again.

"Fortunately, I have a lot of houses now, and I live in a place they don't know about!" Xu Mei suddenly said proudly.

Hua Zhao smiled and didn't ask any further questions. Her family let her handle it by herself, and she didn't participate.

She has other things to do now.

The stalker brought news that the Du family was ready to dig for treasure.

She's going to cut her beard!

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