Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 800: Marry Zhang Guilan again

The Zhang family was quiet and a little guilty.

Zhang Guilan was even more confused. She thought it was a coincidence that the two families came together. They met on the road, but she didn't expect to be a group?

Hua Zhao continued: "You don't go looking for Liu Xiangqian who directly harmed you, but instead blame my mother? You are really her good relatives! Have you forgotten how Liu Xiangqian bullied her in the first place? Don't you care?"

This sentence is to put the Zhang family on the fire.

Do they care about Zhang Guilan?

At this moment, can you not care?

Zhang Daquan, whose mind was changing quickly, jumped up immediately: "Of course I care about my eldest sister! I will avenge her!"

After he finished speaking, he rushed towards Liu Qiang, and his big fist punched Liu Qiang into a daze.

Of course Liu Cong couldn't watch his father get beaten, and immediately fought back.

He fought back, and Zhang Dafu and Zhang Dagui couldn't watch Zhang Daquan be beaten, and the two brothers joined the battle.

2 people who work in the city can't beat 3 people who work hard in the countryside all the year round.

Liu Xiangqian and Liu Cong were beaten to the ground after a few blows.

Hua Zhao sat on the chair and laughed.

Zhang Guilan looked relieved.

She is a good-natured person, and she was even a coward in the past. She was afraid when she saw the Liu family, but now she is not. Now she is angry when she sees them!

I wish they were killed.

But it can't...

"Hurry up and kill them again." Zhang Guilan frowned.

To die with her, how unlucky!

The three brothers of the Zhang family stopped immediately, just waiting for her words.

"Sister, we really don't blame you, we didn't go with him, everyone misses you very much, but we don't know where you are. You haven't sent a letter to your family for so many years. Mom thinks of you. Come and cry."

Zhang Daquan is particularly articulate.

A few words softened Zhang Guilan's heart slightly.

Of course, she also knew that Mrs. Zhang didn't miss her, but her money.

She still has this sense.

"Liu Qianqian found us a few days ago and said that he would come to see you in the capital. He knew that you would definitely not forgive him, so let us come to persuade you, let him see the child, and he will issue the ticket. If there is no money at home, my mother pretends to agree. I just want to see you!" Zhang Daquan said.

"Yeah, yeah, that's it!" Sister-in-law Sun Chunying looked at her brother-in-law with admiration, this nonsense comes when you open your mouth!

They didn't talk to the Liu family like this at the beginning. They promised the Liu family that they would cooperate and point to the benefits.

But it seems better to kick the Liu family out now.

Still smart brother!

"Fuck your motherfucker!"

Zhang Daquan obviously forgot, Liu Xiangqian is not dead yet...

He got up from the ground and pointed at the Zhang family and scolded: "Shameless family, we agreed at the beginning, I will see my child, you want your money! When it arrives, pay back double the money for my ticket!"

"You're the one who's farting! You're the one who asked for money! See a fart child! You only see that girl from Widow Zhu in your eyes!" Sun Chunying snapped back.

The two families began to debunk each other, exposing each other's dirty thoughts.

Zhang Guilan laughed at herself, that's right, this is her family.

"It hurts my brain to make a noise." Hua Zhao sat there and said lightly.

Her voice was not loud and her tone was not severe, but the room was silent for a moment.

They're not here to quarrel, they're here...ahem!

"I really came to see the child." Liu Xiangqian said with a miserable face: "I miss them. Widow Zhu gave birth to a girl, and I still miss my son. They are the roots of the old Liu family."

Looking at this huge yard, standing in the luxurious box, looking at Zhang Guilan who is more than 10 years younger and more beautiful.

Liu Xiangqian's heart jumped again, just like seeing Zhang Guilan for the first time.

No, it's even harder than the first time, it's even more intense!

He fell in love with her again!

Liu Xiangqian felt dry in an instant. He wanted to divorce Widow Zhu and marry Zhang Guilan again!

"Guilan, I was wrong. You and the children have suffered for so many years! It's all my fault, I'm not human!" Liu Xiangqian slapped himself with snot and tears.

A prodigal son turned his head back and changed his mind.

Zhang Guilan was stunned, she had never seen such Liu Xiangqian before.

He's crazy?

But Hua Zhao broke his mind with one sentence: "He regrets it, he wants to dump Widow Zhu and marry you again."

Zhang Guilan's face instantly turned red and angry.

"Do his Spring and Autumn Dream!"

"I didn't..." Liu Xiangqian denied immediately: "I just came to see the children, and I don't dare to have other thoughts. I know how sorry I have been for you in the past..."

Liu Xiangqian is not stupid at all, not only is he not stupid, he can also talk and coax women!

Now I have to hide my mind, let Zhang Guilan forgive him first, and then use the child to achieve his goal.

Zhang Guilan always loves her children, and she doesn't want them to have no father, right?

"Dawei Xiaowei, Daqin and Xiaoqin are big, right? What have they become? Sometimes I dream of them, but I can't see their faces..." Liu Xiangqian said pitifully.

"Pretend!" Sun Chunying dismantled him from the side: "At the beginning, you said in front of many people that the four cubs were dead! Only Liu Jinhua is in your eyes!"

Liu Jinhua is the daughter born to him by Widow Zhu.

"That's what Widow Zhu forced me to say. If I don't say it, she will..." The remaining Liu Xiangqian said embarrassedly.

After marrying Zhu's widow, his life was really hard.

Not only was Widow Zhu's salary not subsidized to the family, but he had to hand over his own salary, and the family's living standard dropped.

This is not enough, no matter what he does, if Widow Zhu is dissatisfied, she will find her parents' brother to come and beat him.

He had to make offerings to Widow Zhu like offerings to his ancestors, otherwise his nose would be blue or his face would be swollen.

Even before he saw Zhang Guilan today, he regretted marrying Zhu's widow, but he still thought that Zhang Guilan was good.

"I miss the child..." No matter what outsiders say, Liu Xiangqian will stick to this point.

Now, the child is his weapon.

While crying, Dawei Qin and the others went home from school and came here to see the progress of the hotel.

At a glance, he saw Liu Xiangqian from the open box door.

The four children were all stiff, and even Xiaoqin had an impression of Liu Xiangqian.

Although it was very vague, she couldn't even remember who this person was, but this person made her feel terrible.

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