Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 795: difficult woman

Hua Zhao went into the greenhouse to take a look. Although she was not there, the seeds were good, the advanced management system was set in advance, and the people serving in the greenhouse strictly followed the standards.

I only tasted it yesterday and saw the output today. Hua Zhao was very satisfied and decided to increase the salary of Li Yuan, who manages the greenhouse.

This person used to make braised pork, and before that, he was a professional farmer in the ministry, and he liked farming.

After the braised pork was finished, Hua Zhao started tinkering with the greenhouse again, and he immediately invited Ying to farm the fields.

Hua Zhao talked to him for a long time before, and handed over all 40 greenhouses to him to manage.

It is not enough to raise wages alone, but to get bonus points, so that people will be more motivated to work.

Li Yuan had an old peasant look on his face, but he was not smooth. Hearing Hua Zhao praised him, he accepted it with a blushing face. Hearing that Hua Zhao wanted to give him a raise, he was even more happy and did not know how to speak politely.

Hua Zhao likes to deal with such people.

"You remember the grades of vegetables, distinguish them clearly, and sell them strictly according to the grades. Don't charge them as inferior. These are big bosses, and you can't afford to offend them." Hua Zhao explained before leaving.

Li Yuan immediately stopped laughing and said solemnly, "Yes!"

"As for the ones that are not high-level, they will be sold on the market, and the price is the same as the first-class dishes here." Hua Zhao said: "We want to gain popularity and let these bigwigs know that we didn't take their money. , but gave them a discount."

Hua Zhao's "hard-working" vegetables are only sold at "cabbage prices"? How much is a pound?

Don't make trouble.

It's better to give it away for free to earn favors.

Her vegetables are very expensive, and none of them are less than 50 cents per pound. Fruits like strawberries and watermelons cost one or two yuan per pound.

One greenhouse produces 10,000 catties of watermelons, and with this income she can barely see it~

But if it is expensive, some people are dissatisfied.

Other people's cabbage is 1 cent a pound, and her family's cabbage is 1 cent a pound. If it wasn't for the Ye family's face, someone would have to criticize her in public yesterday.

Now some people dare not speak out, and they don't know what they are thinking.

However, Hua Zhao has a solution to this problem.

The ones she sells to them are of the best quality!

Waiting for her to pull something that is a few grades worse on the market and sell it at the same price, they will know that they are making a lot of money and will shut up obediently.

Hua Zhao is also not worried about not being able to sell. It has been 80 years, and there have been more rich people in places like Pengcheng, the capital and Shanghai.

And she has 40 greenhouses in total, and she can't get a few cars of vegetables and fruits of bad quality.

Throw it on the market and it is estimated that it will only disappear after a splash.

"One more thing, no credit is allowed, it's not easy for anyone to do it." Hua Zhao said.

Yesterday at Ye's house, she opened her mouth and said that the operation of the greenhouse needs funds.

This is also very rare. They are all public units. At this time, they like to open white papers, at the end of the month, or in a quarter, or once a year...

Hua Zhao doesn't play this with them.

After a few years, there were many units in Huang, and some of them could never settle accounts for a lifetime.

But everyone only said at the time that they would give cash this time, and next time, next time, without her presence, there must be some people who couldn't help but want to play white bars.

Definitely not allowed!


Looking at Li Yuan with a serious face, Hua Zhao once again sighed that he would choose someone~ Just by looking at this face, he knew that it would be difficult for anyone to come.

"I'm leaving, you are busy." Hua Zhao said.

Li Yuan stopped her: "Sister-in-law, the strawberry field will be out in ten days. Do you think we should continue to plant strawberries? Do you provide the seeds or I keep them?"

"You stay." Hua Zhao said.

Originally, these greenhouses were built to "cultivate" seeds.

When it is time to save the seeds, she will come back to give these seeds some energy, and even if the cultivation is successful, these seeds can be brought to the world in an open and honest way.

"Okay." Li Yuan said.


Hua Zhao left with two baskets of strawberries and two baskets of watermelons to go to Ye Ming and Ye Shen.

She also didn't know where the two were, but she would pass by Ye Ming's unit on the way home, so she could go and have a look.

She has something to do with Ye Ming.

Hua Zhao went upstairs with a basket of strawberries and a basket of watermelons.

The strawberry basket is not big, it is the kind of carrying basket that can be placed on the arm, and the watermelon basket is the kind of big basket, a watermelon is about 20 pounds, and a basket can hold 10.

Hua Zhao was deliberately hiding her brute force when she was outside, so she asked the two bodyguards who followed her to help lift it up.

Strawberries are fragrant all the way, attracting a lot of attention.

The doorman already knew Hua Zhao, and when he saw her, he immediately greeted her with a smile, and let her in without asking her to register.

Hua Zhao put a handful of big red strawberries on his table, and the uncle was even happier.

"Is my elder brother here?" Hua Zhao asked.

"I'm here, I just came back." The doorman said.

Look, there is no one who knows more about the entry and exit of the unit than the guard.

Hua Zhao went upstairs and went straight to Ye Ming's office.

The door was ajar, and before she even went in, she saw a slender figure standing beside Ye Ming, bending down deeply, pointing to a document and saying something.

In the big winter, women wear a white cashmere coat with a cashmere skirt inside and a low collar.

The extent of the bending, as long as Ye Ming turned his head, he could see everything.

Ye Ming frowned, staring at the document, and the man leaned back to stay away from her.

And looked impatient.

Someone actually forced the big brother to do this? Hua Zhao wanted to laugh a little, but also knew that this was not a funny thing.

The door was open, and people who came and went saw it, and it was no joke if they misunderstood something.

At this time, the problem of style can kill people.

"Big brother." Hua Zhao shouted from the door.

Ye Ming immediately raised his head and looked at her in surprise.

This is simply his savior!

He turned his chair and stood up: "Why are you here?"

"I just came back from the field, I passed by you, and I'll bring you something delicious." Hua Zhao said, and the strawberries and watermelons were brought in.

"You give points to your colleagues, especially the leaders who are in charge of procurement, so you can't let them go." Hua Zhao smiled and said, "If everyone thinks it's good, don't forget to take care of my business."

"Haha, definitely!" Ye Ming laughed, turning back to the woman and saying, "As for the document, let Deputy Director Wang explain it to you. I am now... I am not free today."

"Then tomorrow, don't worry." The woman held the document, smiled at Ye Ming, and then smiled at Hua Zhao, her eyes sparkling, and she walked out gracefully.

Hua Zhao stared, this woman is very arrogant.

Now that there are 4 people in the room, she doesn't need to avoid suspicion, she directly tells the bodyguards to close the door, and then asks Ye Ming: "Who is it? You are thick-skinned, is this entangled with you?"

Ye Ming didn't pretend anymore, frowning and sighing.

"So difficult? If you don't like it, can you transfer her away?" Hua Zhao said.

Ye Ming is now a director anyway, so he can't fire people casually, but he has the final say in this department. It's still okay to kick people he doesn't like out of the team, right?

"This matter is more complicated." Ye Ming said: "Actually, her identity is similar to yours, and it is a bit difficult to deal with."

"What do you mean?" Hua Zhao didn't understand, what does it mean to be similar to her?

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