Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 791: keep her from going out

This sentence is hard to hear.

He also "has just suffered a serious crime, but his body has not recovered yet." What kind of crime did he suffer? What's wrong with the body?

Let the uninformed hear it, it will be a little different.

Liu Yuegui was so angry that she pushed Zhou Lihua and glared at her: In front of so many people, it's too much to say this!

Ye Shu was also very angry, but when she was angry, her mouth was not easy, but her face turned paler.

She didn't put on a beautiful makeup for herself today, after all, she still needs to sell something bad, so she can see the obvious morbid pallor on her face.

Now when I get angry, people can't sit still.

Hua Zhao stepped into the room and was stunned when she saw her appearance: "What's wrong?"

She has a good ear, but sometimes that's not a good thing.

She can hear everything, and hear so far, and receive some useless information, which makes her very irritable.

So in the past two years, she has been groping to control her hearing. In places that are too noisy, such as here, her hearing will be lower than normal.

So she didn't hear Zhou Lihua's words.

But when she came in and saw her sitting opposite Ye Shu, Hua Zhao knew what was going on.

It must be Zhou Lihua who has made another mouthful.

Hua Zhao sat beside Ye Shu, supported her, patted her back, and gave her a smooth breath.

When Ye Shu saw her coming in, he was immediately aggrieved and said, "She irritated me by saying something nasty!"

Everyone around was stunned.

Ye Shu doesn't look young, but in her 30s this year, she is more than ten years older than Hua Zhao, and she is her eldest aunt.

But why are you acting like a spoiled brat with Hua Zhao now?

For so many years, Ye Shu has been with Hua Zhao almost every day, and has long forgotten the fact that Hua Zhao is much younger than her.

And no matter what happens, Hua Zhao can support her! Especially after this incident, Ye Shu relied on Hua Zhao subconsciously.

If it wasn't for Hua Zhao's cleverness, she dressed her first, and then made her appear in a more terrifying manner, otherwise she wouldn't be able to get out of the hotel's door.

Her reputation was really ruined.

All naked, want to say that nothing happened to Ma Guoqing? No one will believe it.

Hua Zhao didn't think it was normal for Ye Shu to be coquettish with her. Her actual age was just a little bit older than Ye Shu...

She swept around the house and knew all the people, the second aunt and her two daughters, Zhou Lihua and Ye Jia, Ye Li, Qiu Mei, the little aunt, and a few distant relatives of the Ye family in the capital.

These distant relatives are not always in contact, but they are all in the capital and gather together on major festivals.

After all, they are all acquaintances.

Then she is welcome.

"You invited her here?" Hua Zhao asked Ye Shu.

"How is that possible! What does she have to do with the Ye family? Nothing! How could I invite her?" Ye Shu cooperated.

"Then why is she here?" Hua Zhao asked.

"I don't know how she begged the third uncle and asked the third uncle to bring her in. I will go to the third uncle in a while. I don't welcome such a guest, and let him take him away." Ye Shu frowned.

Hua Zhao nodded, it turned out that Ye Cheng brought it here, she said, how could Zhou Lihua enter this gate?

It is estimated that Ye Ming at the door was too embarrassed to not give Ye Cheng face in public and let her in.

Zhou Lihua was sitting there on the ground, not afraid at all.

She just likes the good face of the Ye family, at least she has to give Ye Cheng some face, in front of so many outsiders, she will not give her face.

Otherwise, it will be Ye Cheng's face.

And she has to sit here and show the people in the circle that although she and Ye Cheng are divorced, it is just a piece of paper, nothing else has changed, she is still the Ye family, and is qualified to sit in the nearest place to the bride. place!


Zhou Lihua also gave Hua Zhao and Ye Shu a blank look.

Hua Zhao really couldn't understand this person, how could he have no memory? Dare to provoke her?

Is she too good to be bullied? Or is she determined that she does not dare to treat her in front of so many people?

Well, Hua Zhao really didn't dare, otherwise she would be the one who was embarrassed, uneducated, and unrestrained.

However, why did she have to be tough with Zhou Lihua? She has a way to fix her.

Don't you love to show your face, love to sway around in circles?

She wants her to dare not go out in the future!

"Let's ignore her and treat her as if she doesn't exist." Hua Zhao said to Ye Shu.

Ye Shu didn't believe it at all, how could Hua Zhao be so generous?

But she cooperated: "Okay. I'm tired and I have to rest. You help me to the inner room."

She stood up slowly, greeted her relatives weakly, and went into the bedroom.

Everyone knows that she suffered a crime yesterday, and they don't mind.

Although Liu Yuegui was very worried and wanted to ask what happened yesterday, but now is not the time, she has to watch Zhou Lihua here!

Save her from being a demon again.

"What did you say just now? It's too much!" Liu Yuegui said to Zhou Lihua in a low voice.

Zhou Lihua gave her a white look: "I want you to take care of it! I misread you, you are also a snob, and you only know how to curry favor with the eldest brother's family, you have come all the way for Ye Shu's marriage, and you will not come even in the capital when Ye Xing is married! "

Zhou Lihua took revenge.

However, Liu Yuegui was not guilty: "Look at the wicked things you have done, the face of the Ye family and the faces of the children, you have lost everything! It's superfluous for me to talk to you now! There is nothing wrong with your family in the future. Don't come to me, I'm not participating!"

Her voice was so loud that everyone around her heard it.

The relatives have different eyes. It seems that she will continue to stay away from Zhou Lihua in the future. How can she stay away from home after divorce, and still have status?

She's just stinky shit, no one cares about her.

Ye Jiayeli's face was flushed and she didn't dare to look up.

Qiu Mei, however, was holding the child with a face that didn't hear and didn't care.


"What are you going to do?" Ye Shu asked curiously after entering the bedroom.

"Don't worry about it, you'll know in a while, take a good rest now, do you want to take a sip?" She took out a small bottle of essence from her bag.

Ye Shu took it, but put it under the pillow: "I'll drink it when the wedding is over. Now it's going to be a miserable sale."

The more miserable she is, the more hateful the Ma family is. When they clean up, others will not think it is too much.

"Okay, you rest, I'm going to work." Hua Zhao winked at her.

Ye Shu hurriedly urged: "Go quickly!"

Hua Zhao has been busy in the yard since then, helping to entertain guests.

And Ye Shen, showing his face, went to the important reception room and sat next to Ye Zhenguo.

"Safe" here.

These big guys don't go abroad easily. If they go out, they are surrounded by idle people and can't wait to get close.

There was no chance to see Su Heng.

Hua Zhao occasionally appeared by Ye Ming's side, and occasionally by Miao Lanzhi's side, but more often, she came forward to entertain guests by herself.

She wouldn't do this kind of thing before, she was still thinking of her previous life, and she just wanted to live her own peaceful life.

Plant fields, grow flowers, and bring children.

But as the child grew older, more troublesome, and more dangerous, her mind changed.

She has to get stronger.

She has to develop a network of people so that everyone in the circle knows her.

Of course, she had also arranged what to do, so she just waited for a while to watch the play.

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