Hua Zhao suddenly pinched his waist and shouted, "Everyone, come and see! Do you know who this man is in front of you? He is the owner of this house, Yao Huai!"

She is beautiful and has a sweet voice. Her voice immediately attracted everyone around her.

But it's nothing unusual for her to say this. Who doesn't know Yao Huai on this street?

I heard that he used to be a big capitalist who just came back from the countryside.

Yao Huai also looked indifferent.

"But you don't know, he has another name, Yao San! It's Yao San who set fire to the granary back then!" Hua Zhao shouted.

A word suddenly made the crowd fry.

Yao San? That big guy. Tricky Yao San? Isn't he already dead?

In fact, Hua Zhao failed again by "relying on herself" this time... She didn't find out the news about Yao Huai through her own people, and the news was still the internal information given to her by Ye Ming.

Because Yao Huai was considered to be "making up for his faults", he spent a lot of money to clear up the relationship, faked his death, and kept his name incognito.

Outsiders thought he was dead, and now few people knew his true identity, and they were all bigwigs, and they didn't care whether he was a lingering old man alive or dead.

But the common people are very concerned, especially the common people in the Shanghai market.

At the beginning, Yao San was in the limelight and hated it so much that his teeth itch.

"Is he Yao San?" An old man suddenly stood up and stared at Yao Huai with hatred in his eyes.

He was one of the direct victims back then. His son was taken away by Yao San and he never came back.

Yao Huai was already frightened and stared straight at Hua Zhao, how did she know?

In fact, Yao Huai is his name, only his family knows him, and outsiders call him his name Yao Xingtao.

Later when he became... He was called Yao San.

At that time, his nickname resounded in the Shanghai stock market, and almost no one knew his real name, let alone the character.

After incognito, he continued to call him Yao Huai, and he had been living a peaceful life, but he was exposed by Hua Zhao today.

"You sprayed people with blood!" Yao Huai suddenly felt ashamed, pointed at Hua Zhao and scolded: "In order to get my house, how dare you slander me like this! You are so vicious!"

"That's right!" Bai Feng reacted, pointing at Hua Zhao and scolding: "I didn't expect you to be so vicious at such a young age! Saying my old man is Yao San, you are killing him!"

"And Yao San died a long time ago. Everyone in the Shanghai market knows that! You said that he was alive when you touched your lips? Who do you think you are?"

I have to say that Bai Feng is quite articulate.

Hua Zhao didn't look at her, but at the old man, who was still staring at Yao Huai carefully.

"Old man, do you look like him?" she asked.

"Like, a bit like..." Although the old man said so, he was hesitant.

He was a flat-headed commoner before, and he didn't interact with Yao Huai. The only time he met was at night, when the army was in chaos, his son was taken away, and his mind was confused.

He did see Yao San clearly at that time, but it was Yao San when he was young, Yao San who was arrogant and dying.

He is completely different from this down-and-out old man.

It's just that the outlines do look a bit like that.

Yao Huai was very cunning. Guessing the old man's psychology, he immediately pointed at Yao Lin and shouted, "Then do you think he looks like Yao San?"

The old man noticed Yao Lin next to him.

Not to mention, Yao Lin, who is handsome in suits and leather shoes, and Yao Lin, who has the outline of the Yao family, is more like Yao San when he was young.

"Like..." the old man muttered.

But he didn't dare to insist on who Yao San was, he knew that it was a matter of life.

"To tell you the truth, we are all from the Yao family, and we are somewhat related to Yao San. Our family resembles Yao San a lot. I'm really not Yao San." Yao Huai sincerely explained to everyone.

Suddenly, the old man shouted, "I remember! Yao San has a gunshot wound on his left arm!"

As a big guy and a traitor, there are many people who want to kill him. Yao Huai has also encountered several dangers. Once he almost died, he was also known by outsiders.

"Take off his clothes and see!" Someone shouted.

As soon as the words fell, many people rushed forward and stripped Yao Huai's clothes off in a few seconds.

Everyone was stunned.

Yao Huai did have a wound on his left arm, but it was not a gunshot wound, but a burn, covering a large area, almost covering the entire upper arm.

Is this what it is?

Hua Zhao suddenly smiled: "It's very cruel, is this a deliberate burn to cover up the gunshot wound?"

Unexpectedly, he was quite cautious.

Also, those who are not careful are already dead.

"Fart! You spit blood! Did you see it?" Bai Feng pointed at Hua Zhao: "This is what my man burned when he was a child! You keep saying that he is Yao San, and you just want us to die so that you can occupy this house!"

"Everyone came to judge the judge. Our distant relative of the Yao family suddenly came back and said that the house belonged to him and asked us to move it! If we don't leave, he can do anything that is depraved!" Bai Feng cried. road.

The eyes of the audience flickered, not knowing who to believe.

"If you want to say that you have lost your conscience, you have to be Yao San." Hua Zhao looked at Yao Huai and said, "If one person doesn't recognize you, ten people, a hundred people recognize you, right? Those who saw you back then were alive and well. There are still many others, everyone can come and see if you are Yao San."

After she finished speaking, she pulled Yao Lin away.

Leaving Yao Huai and Bai Feng to try their best to explain to the people around them.

From this day on, the Yao family's old house became lively, and crowds of people came to "visit" Yao Huai.

He was so frightened that he didn't dare to go out, what if it was really recognized? After all, he is really Yao San!

Outsiders can't recognize it, what if the tribesmen scattered in other places heard the wind and came back to identify him? They all know it, otherwise he wouldn't try to suppress the clan.

But he couldn't hide.

The thin wooden door was smashed by someone who had a grudge against Yao San with one kick, and Yao Huai was pulled out to examine it carefully.

But some say yes, some say no.

Thanks to Yao Huai's prudence and disguise, he destroyed all the physical features in the past.

There is no comparison between his 60s and his 20s and 30s. No matter how badly he sold, he cried with folds and tears on his face, and no one could kill him, it was Yao San.

At night, the house was finally clean.

But it is conceivable that another wave of people will come to his doorless home tomorrow and repeat what happened today.

Then one day, he will be recognized and beaten to death.

"When is it a head?" Bai Feng muttered.

Without the door, she dared not speak loudly.

Yao Ning didn't go home anymore, so he hid in the house of his elder brother Yao Shu, who had a bad relationship with her since childhood and was not pleasing to the eye.

"Let's go." Yao Huai whispered, "Go back to your little brother's house in the countryside."

Bai Feng's family background was not obvious at the time, but after all, his family was also a factory owner, and he was later designated as a capitalist.

The whole family hid in the countryside, and now only Bai Feng and her brother are left.

For so many years, Yao Huai has lived by the Bai family. He thought that the world had changed and he could turn around, but...

The two hated each other and packed their luggage while gnashing their teeth.

Then he sneaked out in the middle of the night.

In order to save their lives, they have given up all their business, even a broken nanny room, they are also willing.

As a result, he was stopped on the way.

"I'm really not Yao San!" Yao Huai cried out to the two tall men across from him, holding his luggage.

"It's no use lying to me." Hua Zhao walked out from behind the two of them.

Yao Huai's cry stopped. If it was her, there was no need to pretend. She seemed to be sure that he was Yao San.

"What do you want?" Yao Huai asked.

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