Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 662: Ye Xing is married

The Qiu family didn't expect him to choose this, and they were stunned.

"No!" Father Qiu shouted, "My daughter Huanghua gave birth to a child, but you only want the child and don't want her? How will you let her live in the future? Are you going to let her die?!"

Ye Xing couldn't speak anymore, he just shook his head.

Qiu Mei's calculation of Ye Ming was something he couldn't accept anyway.

She had been talking to him for more than a year and was about to get married, but she only met Ye Ming a few times before she turned her head and left.

What kind of relationship is there between the two?

Let her in, how can I get along with Ye Ming in the future?

When Ye Ming was not divorced, she wanted to climb on his bed. Now that they are divorced, who can control her?

Thinking of the original scene, Ye Xing's heart became firmer: "Either keep the child, or you can come back and go back as you wish, it is impossible for me to marry you!

"To tell you the truth, I have a partner now, and I will get married in a few months!"

Hua Zhao's eyelids jumped, is it true? Why doesn't she know?

Well, she never paid attention to their family affairs.

But this silly boy, isn't it adding fuel to the fire by saying this now?

Sure enough, the Qiu family's expressions were light, and they were very confident.

But when Ye Xing said this, everyone panicked.

"Ha! You've already given birth to a child with my daughter, and you still want to marry someone else? I see who would dare to marry you so shamelessly!" Father Qiu pointed at Ye Xing and shouted.

"If you don't marry my daughter, I'll sue you for being a hooligan! The child is iron proof!"

The old man Qiu calmed his son, turned his head and said to the Ye family: "What happened at the beginning, everyone knows that this child must be Ye Xing's, if you don't recognize it, we can only find a place to reason.

"Presumably there is no surname Ye in this world, and there is still a place for us to reason."

And the wine glass that Hua Zhao left behind, the evidence, must be gone. If it is, the medicine on it is gone, right?

Back then, there was no such thing as Ye Ming! It's just that Ye Xing played a hooligan after drinking and molested Qiu Mei!

The Ye family was silent.

Hua Zhao didn't even think about what to say.

The current laws and regulations are too special.

If this matter is put on hold in a few decades, will it be a problem?

There's nothing a woman can do to a man! No matter where you love, you can sue, and in the end, it would be good for a man to pay a basic alimony.

And even if the court decides, the man can refuse to pay, no one can.

But what happened now is enough for Ye Xing to eat "peanuts".

Hua Zhao looked at the child in Qiu Mei's arms again, and when Miao Lanzhi said they looked alike, she also looked a bit like.

Counting the days, Qiu Mei just came out after confinement.

Also right.

That is, going abroad to test for DNA is nonsense, and Ye Xing's "criminal" can only be taken seriously.

It seems that they can only admit it.

No, Ye Xing could only admit it.

Who let the child really belong to him, he has nothing to say.

Ye Zhenguo thought so too, but after Hua Zhao reminded him, he didn't want to take the blame.

"You go back first and let Ye Xing think about it for three days. After three days, I will give you the answer." Ye Zhenguo said to the Qiu family.

Let Ye Xing make up his own mind about this matter.

The old man Qiu said with a smile: "I believe your words! Then we will go back to the hostel first, and come back in three days!"

"Don't come here, this is my second grandson's house." Ye Zhenguo said, "Go to Ye Xing's own house to find him."

Qiu Mei looked at Ye Xing affectionately for a while, and left with tears in her eyes.

The house was unusually quiet.

A New Year's Eve dinner like this is something that no one thought of.

The elders looked solemn, and the juniors did not dare to breathe.

Qin Zhuo secretly glanced at Hua Zhao, the second sister-in-law, who looked more tender than him, did not expect to be so powerful.

He dared to interject on such occasions, anyway, he did not dare. And everyone seemed to be doing it for granted.

It seems that the status at home is not low.

And I heard it was very rich!

Do you want to find the second sister-in-law to invest... He is trying to do a big project... but he is short of money, and he also lacks someone who will defend him at home after the "incident"...

"Master, eat." Yunfei suddenly said.

Ye Zhenguo smiled immediately: "Okay, great grandpa eats, eats, don't be bored."

He said to Ye Cheng, "They've all started a family and become a grandfather. You can go home and discuss this matter by yourself. No matter what the outcome is, I have no opinion."

What else can I do?

The Ye family is not that ruthless, and they have principles and bottom lines in everything they do.

This kid looks like Ye Xing's, so he can't let it go.

The family was no longer in the mood to eat, so they left in a hurry and went home to find Zhou Lihua.

For so many years, everything in their family, no matter how big or small, has actually been decided by Zhou Lihua.


Hua Zhao didn't know how Zhou Lihua was making trouble at home.

After this kind of incident, Ye Shang's family, who had planned to visit Ye Cheng's family for the sake of relatives, did not dare to go.

But three days later, Hua Zhao received an invitation from Ye Chen.

Ye Xing is going to marry Qiu Mei.

"I recognized it so quickly? Has the child's blood type been tested?" Hua Zhao couldn't help but asked curiously.

Although blood type testing cannot determine 100% paternity, there are at least a few exclusion options.

For example, if Ye Xing and Qiu Mei were both type 0, they would definitely not have children of other blood types. If they were of other blood types, they would definitely not be Ye Xing's.

If Ye Xing is A and Qiu Mei is 0, then it is not Ye Xing's to give birth to a B.

Ye Chen nodded: "I have tested it, and it is correct. My brother is type A, and the child is also type A."

cannot be ruled out.

And they took out the photos of Ye Xing when he was a child and compared them with the children, they were carved out of a mold...

Zhou Lihua's clamor suddenly stopped flowing.

Hua Zhao looked at the invitation in his hand, it was the hotel where Wen Jing married before.

She breathed a sigh of relief, before she was afraid that someone would come to borrow her house again and let her prepare a banquet!

In fact, she guessed right, Zhou Lihua did have this idea.

And she knew that she couldn't open this mouth again, but she could ask someone to ask.

She entrusted Liu Yuegui.

Unexpectedly, the good man Liu Yuegui would not pick up on her, and even stabbed the matter to the old man.

As a result, the old man called Ye Cheng over that day and scolded him bloodily. Ye Cheng got angry with her again when he returned home, and she was honest.

Go out and book a hotel.

Fortunately, there is not much banquet this time. The marriage was not yet married, and the children were brought out. The two families were actually not good-looking, so no one was invited, but the two families had a meal.

Zhou Lihua was too lazy to cook and serve them by herself, otherwise the restaurant would not have to be booked, and it could fit in her own yard.

"Your brother said he had a partner before, is it true?" Hua Zhao asked Ye Chen curiously.

Ye Chen spoke little and was shy, but when the second sister-in-law asked, he couldn't help but say it.

"There is such a person, but after only talking for 3 months, I never heard that he is going to get married." Ye Chen said.

But at this time, if you can talk about love for 3 months, it is basically set.

Generally speaking, if you meet 3 times, you can get married.

Hua Zhao sighed a little, not knowing whether to be happy for that woman or pitiful.

Three days later, the wedding took place as scheduled.

In fact, there was no ceremony, that is, Qiu Mei was wearing red clothes, and the two families had a meal together in a big box.

Hua Zhao didn't go to the wedding, but the Ye family didn't have the rule that pregnant women couldn't come to the wedding, but she just didn't want to go.

Zhou Lihua would definitely be embarrassed to see her, she was afraid that the two of them would tear up again on the spot, which would be shameful.

In the afternoon, Qiu Mei came to the door with her baby in her arms.

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