Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 652: Who is going to burn my papers?

Hua Zhao didn't want to look back, and wanted to pretend that he didn't hear him and continued to go to dinner with the five.

But when she heard He Jianning's words, she couldn't help but look back at him, this man's mouth is really hurt...

Wen Jing is a woman who "proposed" to him, and he has never offended him, so he can make fun of people on big happy days.

Sometimes she really can't understand He Jianning, maybe he is a little moody?

Du Hanliang blinked, a little strange.

When he decided to marry Wen Jing, his family told him that Wen Jing was introduced by He Jianning, and He Jianning was a matchmaker. He agreed to be the best. If he didn't agree, his parents would have to force the cow to drink water.

Originally, they thought that there was some kind of transaction or friendship between He Jianning and Wen Jing, but now it looks like they have hatred?

What's the meaning?

He Jianning stuffed his enemy into the Du family, did he want to destroy the Du family?

Du Hanliang's sweat broke out in an instant, is it too late to cancel the wedding now?

"Don't think too much." He Jianning shook his hand and smiled: "I sincerely hope that the two of you will have a good relationship for a hundred years, a loving husband and wife, and a complete success."

Du Hanliang didn't understand, but he knew that it was too late to cancel the wedding, and he couldn't.

He Jianning let go of him, caught up with Hua Zhao, looked at the people around him and asked, "Come to dinner with the students?"

"No, we accidentally went to the wrong door, so let's go." Hua Zhao said.

He Jianning was taken aback and laughed.

"You're so interesting..." Seeing Hua Zhaozhen leaving, he immediately said, "I have something to do with you. If you don't want it to be 0, you'd better listen to it."

Hua Zhao suddenly stopped and looked at him with cold eyes.

"Don't look at me like that, how could I affect your grades?" He Jianning smiled and said, "I know someone is going to move your grades, so why don't you just come and tell me?"

Hua Zhao looked at him and said nothing. Can He Jianning's words be believed?

"Let's talk while eating." He reached out his hand to beg.

Hua Zhao looked at him and decided to listen to what he had to say.

The five people behind them followed nervously. They didn't know who He Jianning was, but what he said was so scary. Does anyone want to touch Hua Zhao's achievements?

Who is so bold? !

He Jianning entered a box and ordered 10 dishes unceremoniously.

Hua Zhao knew his rules a little, and he had to eat before talking.

Then she didn't speak. When the food came, she invited others to eat, and she started to eat.

The 5 classmates ate this inexplicable meal with an inexplicable look on their faces, but no one had the heart to eat it.

He Jianning's appetite was very small, not to mention the food outside, he put down his chopsticks after a few bites.

Hua Zhao asked, "Can we talk now? Who is it?"

"I can't say it, and it's none of my business. If you say it casually, it's breaking the rules."

Hua Zhaobai got up at a glance and was about to leave.

"Unless you do me a favor, I can say it." He Jianning laughed.

Hua Zhao really gave him a look and sat down.

"A bottle of medicinal wine."

"Deal!" He Jianning laughed.

Hua Zhao was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect him to agree so happily.

"Actually, I don't know who it is." He Jianning said.

"If you talk like that again, I'm going to slap the table." Hua Zhao said.

He Jianning laughed, stopped after a long while, and said, "There is something wrong with the Ye family, they call themselves upright gentlemen and disdain crooked ways, but they don't know that our villain's mind is the most bizarre and the most difficult to guard against?

"Don't they know that they are staring at little people like us all the time?"

"I can't keep an eye on it." Hua Zhao said, "And if you waste your time staring at others and live in fear every day, how can you live your own life?"

He Jianning was stunned for a moment, then nodded: "You're right...but I don't agree. If you don't destroy the villain's calculations, do you still want to have a better life?

"For example, if I don't tell you this time, and the Ye family doesn't send someone to watch your grades, do you know what will happen?"

He Jianning leaned closer to Hua Zhao, and suddenly stretched out his hand and waved: "Coax ~ all the papers in your exam room, and even the papers in the other exam rooms, will be turned into ashes due to an accident.

"At that time, it will be impossible for you to trace the scores. You will have to wait until next year to take the test again. What will happen next year will be the matter of next year."

Hua Zhao frowned, she believed He Jianning's words now, there was no need for him to make up such a lie for a bottle of medicinal wine.

And what he said was not a bad thing to do.

It just depends on whether people dare or not.

Someone dares to steal her child! Regret what happened to her papers?

"Ma's family? Or quiet?" Hua Zhao asked.

It is the Ma family who has a mortal grudge against her. Ma Daqiang's husband and wife and their son are on the run. Do they also have this ability?

As for Wen Jing, she must have this idea, it depends on whether she has the ability.

Moreover, the Wen family's work relationship is exactly the same.... I heard that Du Hanliang, a person who can't make it, can go to the examination room, which is all thanks to Wen Jing.

"I can only say so much for a bottle of medicinal wine." He Jianning smiled and said, "Either you give me more benefits, or you can check it yourself."

It's just that the smile on his face is a little weird.

"Thank you, Mr. He." Hua Zhao stood up: "I will send someone to deliver the medicinal wine to your house later."

Of course, she chose to let her family go to check to be more at ease.

He can't say who is who, and he falls into his trap again!

Huh? It is estimated that He Jianning also knew this, so he simply didn't say it.

This person...

Hua Zhao didn't go to Ye Ming after leaving the hotel. He was busy with Ye Shu recently, so she went directly to Ye Zhenguo.

Ye Mao was in his prime, he had the heaviest burden on his shoulders, and he was the busiest in the Ye family.

And although Ye Zhenguo also plays a pivotal role, he is so busy that he does not need to do things by himself, and he has time and people to control.

Hearing Hua Zhao's words, Ye Zhenguo suddenly wanted to smash the cup.

The little guy is really nasty!

"Don't worry, leave this to me, I want to see who it is, dare to touch you again and again! I really think our Ye family is easy to bully!" Ye Zhenguo was really angry.

Investigate immediately.

And caught a current one.

He Jianning's reminder was very timely, and the other party planned to do it tonight.

Because if you don't do it again, all the papers will be approved, and the results will come out.

Because her excellence is famous all over the capital.

Of course, the ones who were caught were the hands-on scoundrels, and they didn't know the real behind-the-scenes orders.

But it doesn't matter, you can check it layer by layer.

But in the end, the result of the investigation made Ye Zhenguo smash the cup.

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