Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 650: must take her down

Miao Lanzhi was shocked when she heard the news, and Hua Zhao quickly supported her.

"How long have you been out of contact? Where did you lose contact? Is anyone going to help?" Hua Zhao chased after him in a series.

"It's been three days before the news came, and someone came to rescue." Ye Ming supported Miao Lanzhi's other arm, shared Hua Zhao's pressure, and comforted her mother.

"It's just that the blizzard blocked the road. They were all buses and trucks. There was enough food and water, and there was no shortage of padded clothes, so there shouldn't be much danger.

"It's just being trapped. Brother Shen and I have never been trapped before? It's Ye Shu. It's not the first time this kind of thing has happened. You don't have to worry."

Miao Lanzhi listened, and her face improved a lot.

Indeed, when Ye Shu occasionally went to perform in the West, he either encountered such troubles or encountered such troubles, and the performances were completed smoothly, almost none.

The plateau conditions are too harsh.

"Then why did you say it? It scared me to death!" Miao Lanzhi blamed Ye Ming in turn: "Wait for you to tell me when she comes out!"

It was like this every time before. Ye Shu came back safely and told them about her experience by herself.

Ye Ming smiled and said, "Reproach me, your mouth is fast."

Hua Zhao saw the seriousness in his eyes, it seemed that things were not as simple as he said.

After comforting Miao Lanzhi for a while, the two babies woke up, and Miao Lanzhi was busy taking care of them.

Ye Ming gestured towards Hua Zhao.

Hua Zhao immediately followed him to the study.

Entering the room, Ye Ming said straight to the point: "I won't hide anything from you at home."

He glanced at her stomach and couldn't bear it, but he still said: "The blizzard this time is very big and it's still going on. Ye Shu has been trapped for three days, but I heard that the rescue team wanted to find them. At least ten days and a half months, or even longer."

Hua Zhao was surprised: "Where did they lose contact?"

Ye Ming said something.

Hua Zhao is helpless, this road is very famous, surrounded by no-man's land for hundreds of miles!

I heard that the snow on the road is more than 2 meters thick! And still down.

With the current rescue conditions, we can only rely on manpower to remove the snow with a shovel and a shovel to clear the road.

That is definitely turtle speed, slower than walking across hundreds of miles.

That way, even if Ye Shu and the others brought food and a carload of people, it would probably be gone in a few days, so it wouldn't last that long.

"Where's the helicopter? Send a helicopter to look for it? Put in supplies?" Hua Zhao said.

Ye Ming shook his head: "Not now, the snow is so heavy that you can't see it at all. And the people from the Meteorological Bureau said that the snow will fall for at least 7 days."

7 days, plus 3 days, is a long time too.

"People from the Meteorological Bureau are never allowed to speak!" Hua Zhao said anxiously, "What can I do?"

Ye Ming told her this, but he couldn't say it to make her anxious, he should have something to do with her.

"I'm going to send a few people in and need your help..." Ye Ming said a little embarrassedly: "Do you still have a medicine bar? The family just went out a few days ago this month..."

Otherwise he will stay and let these people take it away.

Medicinal wine can fight cold, restore physical strength, and provide first aid when injured. Those people are in need.

He knew that Hua Zhao must still have medicinal wine in his hand, but no one said this on the surface.

When he came to ask for it, he always felt a little embarrassed. Before Wen Jing became so ill, he didn't speak!

"Yes, yes, yes!" Hua Zhao complained as he went out to look for him: "This is to save Ye Shu! Everyone is a family, but the eldest brother treats me like an outsider for being so hesitant!"

Seeing Ye Ming standing still in the room, she turned around and called him: "It's in my grandfather's room in the backyard, come and get it with me, I can't handle it."

In a hurry, he even forgot his own divine power.

Ye Ming then moved and followed her to the backyard.

I saw a big bucket in Hua Qiang's room...

More than 10 times more than what his family distributes every month...

They distribute 100ml vials per person every month, a total of 20 vials, 4 pounds.

And the big bucket in front of me is more than 40 pounds.

Hua Zhao also has a lot of empty bottles at home, so he quickly found them and canned them.

After thinking about it, Hua Zhao also opened the cabinet, took out a small bottle of golden liquid and poured it into the bucket before starting to pack it.

If you find someone to rush in, you can’t get in by car, so you have to rush in on foot, hundreds of miles away, and the weather is more than minus 40 degrees.

She couldn't let the person looking for Ye Shu lose her life!

Ye Shu, the Ye family, and herself would all feel sorry for that.

So don't be stingy! This is where the energy essence comes in.

Hua Qiang came over and asked curiously what was going on.

Hua Zhao told him.

Hua Qiang immediately helped hand over the bottle.

He also comforted Ye Ming, there is not enough, and if it can't be done, send more people, and there is enough medicine and wine.

Leaf name...

He smiled at the grandfather and grandson.

It is said that it is her blessing for Hua Zhao to marry into the Ye family. He sees that it is the greatest blessing for them to marry into the Ye family.

Hua Zhao himself is a little lucky star, and lucky stars can shine everywhere, and his younger brother was lucky and found it.

After preparing the medicinal wine, Hua Zhao didn't let Ye Ming go, but went to the kitchen to have a busy meal.

The food at home, whether it is vegetables or grain, is "processed" by herself.

She quickly called Zhang Guilan and asked her to help make a lot of camellia noodles together.

This thing is good, fights hunger, and is easy to eat. You can drink it with hot water, and you can eat it dry without hot water.

It will not freeze into a stone like steamed buns and cakes.

There are also jerky and sausages, all for him, and let him distribute them to those people.

In the end, the car was full of things, and Ye Ming asked Ye Ming to drive the car away.

She's been at home lately and doesn't need a car.

Just need, not as much as Ye Ming needs.

Ye Ming smiled at her, said nothing, and drove the car away.

The family, he said thank you and went out.

Hua Zhao anxiously watched the car disappear, hoping that everything would go well for him and Ye Shu would return safely.

Miao Lanzhi had already seen that something was wrong, but she didn't say anything, but when no one saw her, she secretly wiped away two tears.


At this time, Ye Shu was indeed trapped.

On a long-distance bus, more than 50 people were members of their performance.

A truck followed, pulling props for the show.

There was also some food in the car.

But those foods are prepared for them to eat on the way, and when they get to the performance, the other party will be responsible for the accommodation.

So there is not much food, only enough for three days.

On the first day they did not count and ate as usual.

The snow didn’t stop the next day, so the experienced team leader reduced the amount of food, but if it was reduced, the remaining food could only last for four or five days at most.

It's not good to not eat a little more each meal, because it's too cold.

Otherwise, everyone would not starve to death, but freeze to death first.

At this time, the car had no heating.

The snow outside is not only non-stop, but also has a tendency to get bigger and bigger.

In three days, more than half of the people in the car were sick.

Ye Shu is okay, she is in good physical condition.

There is also a bottle of medicinal wine in the bag. Occasionally, a secret sip will last a long time.

When it was time to eat again, the leader set up a small stove at the entrance of the car, which was lit only when eating, and boiled some noodles and hot water, and everyone shared the food.

Not enough food, not enough fuel to make a fire.

The rest have to be kept at night, and then everyone will take turns to warm up in the front, otherwise everyone will freeze to death in one night.

Ma Guoqing sat next to Ye Shu with a rice bowl.

Pretending to give half of the noodles in the vat to Ye Shu.

Ye Shu immediately avoided: "No, these are enough for me to eat, you can eat it yourself."

Ma Guoqing came to see her perform, and followed several places in a row. This time, he also followed their car to the next place.

Trapped as a result.

Now Ma Guoqing is very clear about her thoughts, everyone in the group knows it, and everyone's voice is very consistent, and they all support them very much!

Ye Shu has a second marriage, and is 3 years older than Ma Guoqing. How lucky he is to meet such a persistent pursuit of a first-married man like Ma Guoqing! What are you holding back?

Ye Shu was upset when she heard this, she really didn't feel anything about Ma Guoqing.

The more he pestered her, the more annoying she was.

But in the past two days, her attitude towards him has softened a bit.

In times of crisis, Ma Guoqing can share her food with her, whether it is true or false, she will thank her.

Seeing that Ye Shu didn't want her own noodles, Ma Guoqing's face sank, and he forcefully shoved a chopstick into her bowl.

This is an opportunity. After following her for so long, it finally came. He must take her down!

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