Du Hanliang and Wen Jing came in.

Hua Zhao's eyes flickered when he looked at Wen Jing, Du Hanliang knew that she was "playing a ghost", but he still went out with her.

I really didn't see it, she was very skilled.

Wen Jing now sees Hua Zhao with a calm face, like seeing a stranger.

She knew where her faults were in the past, she was too impatient, and she was so happy that she could tell her thoughts at a glance.

She changed.

Du Hanliang saw Hua Zhao smiling: "I didn't expect to meet again here, what a coincidence."

Anyway, everyone didn't officially tear their faces, and they haven't seen Hua Zhao's loss of the admit card in the past few days. They probably won't be held accountable.

He could still laugh like nothing happened.

The landlord suddenly smiled embarrassedly: "Sorry Comrade Du, my house is sold."

Du Hanliang was also looking at this house before.

When their family first returned to the capital, nothing was arranged, and they lived in welfare rooms of the unit.

Small and broken.

Du Hanliang looked at Hua Zhao and said, "I heard that you already own a lot of houses. I don't know if this place can be parted?"

Wen Jing had already told him everything she knew about Hua Zhao. He knew that Hua Zhao was rich and liked to buy a house.

He also liked the house, it was big enough, far away from the neighbors, and quiet enough.

There was some noise at night that no one else could hear.

There are not many houses in Beijing that sell to takeaways, and even fewer houses with single-family homes and large houses. If you miss this, you don’t know where the next one will be.

He needs it again.

"Every time Comrade Du sees someone, he is cut off. He always seems to like to win someone's love?" Hua Zhao smiled and said, "I'm sorry, I'm afraid of pain, and I don't like cutting down on anything."

She turned to the landlord and said, "Let's go through the formalities now?"

Of course the landlord has no opinion.

Du Hanliang suddenly said, "I can add more money, 30%."

The landlord took a step.

Hua Zhao had asked Xu Mei before that the house was asking for 30,000 yuan, so it was impossible to negotiate.

Du Hanliang suddenly had an extra 9,000, so he was very rich.

She turned her head to look at Xu Mei, this house is what Xu Mei wants to buy, and everything has to be decided by others. She can't overdo it and make people spend more money.

Xu Mei looked at Wen Jing, then at the house, and suddenly asked, "I don't know what the relationship between Comrade Du and Wen Jing is?"

Du Hanliang paused and said reluctantly, "This is my partner."

"Object?" Xu Mei shouted in surprise.

Unexpectedly, it has only been a few months since the divorce, and Wen Jing has found a new home. How impatient is this?

She is really blind, Bai envy her for so many years!

To say that the woman Xu Mei envied the most was not Hua Zhao, but Wen Jing.

Hua Zhao could marry Ye Shen, of course she envied her, but it was even more rare for Wen Jing to find a man like Ye Ming.

Ten years of infertility, never give up!

She is also not allowed to say no to her family, and treat her as before.

Of all the women in the capital who know, which one is not envious of?

In comparison, Hua Zhao's situation was ordinary.

If she is Wen Jing, she will find a quiet place to lick her wounds for the rest of her life, how can she find a partner in less than four months?

"I will pay 40,000." Xu Mei suddenly said.

In addition to feeling blind, she hates Wen Jing even more, and she dares to steal Hua Zhao's child! Hua Zhao can't bear it, she can't bear it!

She can't give her what she wants!

"Fifty thousand." Du Hanliang said immediately.

His family is huge, with some background and money.

Xu Mei gritted her teeth: "50,001!"

Her money didn't come from strong winds, and it hurts to spend a penny more.

Du Hanliang smiled: "60,000."

Xu Mei stopped talking and turned to look at Hua Zhao.

If she wants to vent her anger, she wants to vent her anger, but she is still rational, and this house is not worth 60,000.

60,000, for ordinary people today, is 100 years of salary.

"Don't buy this house. You can choose another one. I'll buy this one." Hua Zhao said.

"Yeah." Xu Mei nodded.

Hua Zhao immediately said, "70,000."

Richer than her? Then let her see how rich the Du family is!

Du Hanliang looked at her and said, "80,000."

The Du family is really rich.

He also wanted to let Hua Zhao know.

And these money, like He Jianning's money, can be seen in the light, and they were all redeemed back then, so I'm not afraid of checking.

Now that he is richer than a woman, will he lose again? Spread it out without seeing anyone!

And Wen Jing told him that Hua Zhao only had 150,000 yuan, and he still spent a lot of money, so he probably didn't have much money.

Now it is estimated that it is a swollen face and a fat man.

Hua Zhao was about to speak, but the landlord suddenly said: "It's all stopped, stopped, you dare to buy, I don't dare to sell it! For so much money, you turn around and sue me again! I was arrested. , the house was repossessed? You got nothing? Play with me?"

Hua Zhao.....

It can be said that the old man's life experience is quite rich, and it makes sense.

Originally, the house at this time was not allowed to be bought and sold openly. If anyone made a sky-high price, they might be reported.

What happened next was pretty much what he had guessed.

"Let's go! I'm not selling it anymore!" the landlord said angrily.

"Master, we are buying a house sincerely." Xu Mei explained.

The landlord glanced at her and suddenly asked, "You used to be a nurse?"

"Yes." Xu Mei said inexplicably.

"Then you must know a lot of doctors, right?" The landlord thought about it and said, "It's not impossible if you want to buy this house. I can sell it to you at the original price, but you have to introduce me to a good doctor, who will treat me as a rheumatic old man. There's something wrong."

The landlord stretched out his hand, his joints red and swollen.

Hua Zhao saw it at first, and thought it was cold, but it turned out to be rheumatism? Rheumatism is like this, and it hurts.

It really hurts, so did the old man's toes. Every step he took was like walking on the tip of a knife, but if he didn't walk, he couldn't. He couldn't fall down, couldn't sit in a wheelchair, or he couldn't stand up again.

After walking a lot today, the old man couldn't hold on anymore and sat down on the stone pier in the yard.

Xu Mei was in a bit of trouble. The doctor she knew did not treat rheumatism, and she had a bad temper in the past. She only knew others and wanted to ask for help, but it was estimated that the other party would not give her this face.

She turned to look at Hua Zhao, Ye Fang definitely knew it, and the other party would also give Ye Fang face.

Du Hanliang smiled: "Master, I know all the experts in the treatment of rheumatism in Beijing! You can see whoever you want to see!"

After he finished speaking, he glanced at Hua Zhao proudly.

Ye family does have this ability, but he speaks first, first come first served!

Hua Zhao smiled at him, turned to the landlord and said, "Uncle, I have a remedy for rheumatism, and I guarantee that you will be cured within a month! If you can't cure it, not only will you not have the house, but you will also be compensated. 30,000 yuan."

The landlord was stunned for a moment, with such a big breath? I don't believe it.

He has been in trouble for most of his life. To be honest, he asked Xu Mei to find a doctor. In fact, he didn't report much hope, because he had seen all the famous doctors!

Not only in the capital, but even doctors in the whole country.

Over the years, the family's money has allowed him to see a doctor.

Recently, he was seriously ill and had no money. As a last resort, he thought of buying a house and selling money to see a doctor.

Du Hanliang looked at Hua Zhao and smiled, trying to say something but holding back.

Cure such severe rheumatism? Even experts don't have this tone!

But he still wanted to make a good impression on Hua Zhao, so he shut up and didn't run on her.

Seeing that the landlord didn't believe it, Hua Zhao said, "You can wait a month to see the effect before making a decision."

The old man gritted his teeth and nodded: "Okay!"

There is nothing to lose by trying it, and there is still money... But he hopes that there are remedies that can really cure him.

The matter was settled, Hua Zhao glanced at Wen Jing and drove away.

Wen Jing looked at Du Hanliang, wanted to scold him but held back.

When he got into the car, Du Hanliang suddenly withdrew his gentle and harmless smile and looked at her coldly: "What is your expression?"

Wen Jing turned her head to look out the window, and said calmly, "Have you never heard of Ye Family's medicinal wine since you've been in the capital for so long?"

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