"Let me state first, before today, I didn't know this female classmate, and I heard that she got perfect marks in the exam, and I specially took her papers at noon to see her, and then I knew her. Can you trust me?" Yan Cunxi said.

Everyone looked at each other and nodded. Old Yan's reputation could be guaranteed.

"Then I'll give her a few questions on the spot to see if she can do it." Yan Lao smiled and said, "I can say it again, we didn't collude."

"We can trust Elder Yan!" Everyone said.

"Okay." Yan Lao went to the podium, thought about it with chalk, and wrote a math problem.

This question is very similar to a question in today's exam, but the numbers have been slightly changed, and there is an extra twist.

Originally, there were not many people in the class, no more than five, but now there is a turning point, and everyone is frowning and thinking.

Hua Zhao just glanced at it and went up to solve the problem.

The only sound left in the classroom was the sound of chalk "swoosh".

Many people just saw the answer, but couldn't understand it.

But when they saw Hua Zhao's words, they were so beautiful... as expected.

A person who can write such words can learn a lot. …

This is the general thinking of people today.

After Hua Zhao finished solving the problem, Yan Lao was about to nod his head with satisfaction, when he saw that Hua Zhao did not stop and continued to solve the problem.

She changed the way of solving the problem, which is more concise and more difficult to understand. The knowledge points needed are not what high school students can know now, but college students.

The classmates in the audience looked at it blankly.

Yan Lao Haha came to the stage: "Student Hua Zhao did everything right. Come on, let me tell you something."

Yan Lao is really Yan Lao, and it was a difficult question. If it was Gao Yan, he said it over and over again, and not many people in the class could understand it, but Yan Lao went out to work.

Immediately one-third of the people suddenly realized that it was so.

"Come on, let me talk about Hua Zhao's second problem-solving method."

This old man spoke for 20 minutes, thoroughly analyzed it from beginning to end, and introduced the new theorems used, and only one or two of them could understand.

"Haha, it's normal that you don't understand, don't be discouraged, this is knowledge only learned in college, and many college students may not know it." Yan Lao gave everyone a reassurance.

After he finished speaking, he wiped off the blackboard and asked another physics problem.

This problem is even more difficult. At most, the people in the audience have a specious problem-solving idea.

Hua Zhao can still write two answers at a glance.

Yan Lao explained it again and attacked...

Next up is another chemistry question...

When the class bell rang in the afternoon, Yan Lao put away his pen, said nothing, and looked at everyone in the audience.

At this time, everyone was quiet, and the eyes on Hua Zhao were different.

Questions that college students do not know, people can pick them up at will, and it is shameful to not get full marks for high school questions.

Most of the people were convinced.

As long as it can be proved that Hua Zhao is not cheating, but based on his true abilities, they will have no grievances, and the rest is just convinced.

Some people even looked at Hua Zhao with admiration.

Most people take 20 or 30 exams, and others take 100 exams. Who do you worship if you don't worship such people?

Only some people can't accept the reality, but at this time they can only shut up.

"Thank you, principal, for correcting my name." Hua Zhao gratefully said to Yan Lao.

No one with high moral standing came out, just relying on her to explain with one mouth is really troublesome and the effect is not good.

"It's all right, it's just a trivial matter." Yan Lao said: "Actually, I don't need to give you a name right now. You will have to study together for a few months in the future. Is it real gold? Everyone's eyes are sharp."

He turned his head to look at the audience again, and the kind smile on his face disappeared: "I also advise everyone that hitting others will not improve yourself. Instead of staring at others and not believing their excellence, it is better to work hard and improve yourself. to make yourself better.”

After speaking, he quietly watched the crowd for a few seconds, then turned around and led them away.

The classroom burst into warm applause.

Everyone whispered, yes, whether Huazhao is really cheating, they came here to study hard and try to get into a university! If someone cheated and was brushed down, can they go up?

What's the matter with them?

waste time!

After a break of applause, everyone quickly returned to their seats and began the afternoon exam.

Too much time wasted! Should not be.

Hua Zhao also returned to her seat, somewhat at a loss as to what she was going to do in the afternoon. They wanted to take the exam, but she finished it.

The teacher didn't seem to give any orders.

Well, she can read by herself.

Then she found out that Sun Shang's state was a little wrong, very slack.

Hua Zhao immediately asked in a low voice, "Aren't you beaten? Do you want to go to the hospital?"

She didn't dare to whisper, she would say anything in a fair and open manner.

The classroom suddenly became tense again, Sun Shang was beaten? That's really bad! Can those who participated in the fight still pass the college entrance examination?

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