Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 640: What does Ni Mingming's cheating have to do with me?

Cheating? who?

Hua Zhao looked back, there was no one behind her, only herself was around.

"Are you talking about me?" she asked directly.

The classroom was quiet for a while, and then someone stood up and said, "How could you get 100 points in the exam?! What is it that isn't cheating?"

"Keke?" Hua Zhao was a little surprised: "I got 100 in the political test?"

This reaction... Everyone was speechless.

Sun Shang suddenly said: "No politics, I heard it's only 90 points."

"Oh, I'll just say it." Hua Zhao wasn't very disappointed either, the 100 test was scary, and the 90 was already a surprise.

For her, politics is a subject that can be failed if she is not careful.

This mess made everyone stunned for a while, and someone stood up and glared at Hua Zhao: "Tell me! How did you cheat! Come on!"

Hua Zhao looked at the man who was talking, he was twenty-eighty-nine, lean, and he was full of fearless stamina, as if giving him a rocket, he dared to go to the sky and be on an equal footing with the King of Heaven.

You can tell by looking at the temperament that they were the first batch of people back then.

"It's still from the truth, have you seen me cheating?" Hua Zhao looked at him mockingly: "The times have changed, classmate, it's not time for you to convict people by bluffing, now you're slandering, you know that? ? Go to jail!"

In terms of verbal intimidation, Hua Zhao was even more imposing, and the last sentence was fierce, and the boy suddenly shrank, not daring to look at her.

The others were also shocked. I didn't expect that the little girl who looked delicate and soft had such a strong aura.

But there are still people who disagree.

"You are obviously cheating! How can you be so reasonable? Who gave you the courage?!" a woman shouted.

Hua Zhao looked at her. She was about twenty-five years old, and she had a big belly. She looked like she was eight or nine months old. It was really difficult for her.

But it is about her own reputation, and she is not used to pregnant women!

"What does Ni Mingming's cheating have to do with me? It's a slander to put you on my head! Who gave you the courage?"

Everyone was at a loss.

Sun Shang was the first to react, and immediately laughed. Ni Mingming? This tablemate is so fun!

Others reacted, and a few laughed along with them.

But more people can't laugh.

They did so poorly, twenty to thirty points, and single digits! Make them believe that Hua Zhao has scored 100 points in the test with his own abilities, and they won't believe it if you kill him!

Is the gap between people that big?

In this comparison, they don't deserve to sit here, so hurry up and pack up and go home.

This is something they can't accept anyway, that's why the reaction is so big.

As soon as Hua Zhao's voice of cheating came out, everyone agreed.

"Everyone calm down, I'll be fair." Sun Shang stood up and said, "I sat next to her and watched the whole process. She didn't cheat, she did every word and question by herself, without referring to any Books, rummaging for any answers."

"You can't be trusted! You two have a leg!" someone shouted in the corner.

This sentence is even more exaggerated.

Both Hua Zhao and Sun Shang's faces darkened.

Hua Zhao especially couldn't accept this sentence.

"Come out and apologize to me!" Hua Zhao accurately stared at the man who was speaking, looking at him sharply.

The man grabbed his neck and said loudly, "You two just have a leg! Look at him seeing you in a hurry in the morning, we all saw it! He must like you, and help you speak kind words!"

"Yes! We all saw it!"

"That's it!"

"You two cheated on each other! Sun Shang did well in the test! He must have copied you!"

"He said it himself just now, he was watching you the whole time!"

Hua Zhao was so angry that he didn't even know what to say. At this time, people were so conservative. Men and women looked at each other accidentally, and it seemed to outsiders that they looked at each other.

Moreover, it is impossible to arrest them and convict them. There is no such sound law.

Sun Shang suddenly became angry: "Fuck your motherfucker!" After scolding, he rushed to the man, grabbed him by the collar and beat him.

The classroom suddenly became noisy, and several people joined the battle circle.

Hua Zhao quickly hid outside the door.

Ye Jia and Ye Li also came back. They stood from a distance and watched the liveliness here. I heard that everyone was criticizing Hua Zhao for cheating. Ye Jia's mind was alive. Maybe, it was really cheating.

Otherwise, how could she have 100 points in the test if she graduated from elementary school! It's just a few graduating classes next door, I heard that the highest score in mathematics is only 60!

How many people go to school seriously these days? They all come to mix high school diplomas.

"What are you doing?" Gao Yan walked into the classroom with the papers in his hand, and looked at the people below fiercely: "Give me the exit! I won't give him the admission ticket, let's see who wants to take the college entrance examination!"

This sentence is so helpful, everyone suddenly stopped as if the pause button was pressed.

"What's the matter?" Gao Yan asked Sun Shang, who was beaten by the group.

So many people beat him, what kind of wrath did he do?

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