That was another reward he wanted for Hua Zhao. It was just a few days after the negotiation, and he didn't plan to call her to tell her. He just waited for her to take her to see it in person when she came back.

As a result, Zhou Lihua was well-informed. Did she keep paying attention to this matter?

It does.

Zhou Lihua has always wanted to take advantage of the benefits of donating melon seeds, and has been looking for opportunities, so she pays close attention to the progress of things.

As soon as Ye Ming's house was settled, her eyes turned red.

That is the house next to Beihai, the royal garden in the past! Where Cixi Lafayette lives!

That Hua Zhao, a rural girl, has that fate? Can you hold on? Does she deserve to live in such a good place? Don't kill her!

It's better for her to live.

Ye Ming nodded, and Hua Zhao guessed it, and she said, 40,000 catties of melon seeds can't be replaced by just one car.

A house on the North Sea? look forward to!

"Give you 20 years for nothing? If you want to live later, you have to rent it to you? Then this house is yours, a big bet!" Hua Zhao smiled and said, "I just don't know what the equivalent of the third aunt is. bet?"

Zhou Lihua was stunned, she really didn't.

The house she lives in is still rented! And taking money is not enough, she also reacted, for fear of being caught.

"Why don't I just look at this matter." Miao Lanzhi said suddenly.

Although she didn't know how Hua Zhao studied, she was confident that her daughter-in-law could win! Hua Zhao's work is very reliable.

Therefore, in the end, Zhou Lihua will definitely lose, and she will default on her debt!

At that time, she didn't know what else to do to make people disgusting, so let's forget it.

"It's almost noon, let's cook." Miao Lanzhi instructed Hua Zhao.

"Oh." Hua Zhao said indifferently, she would be happier with a small bet and a big bet, but she didn't care about a big or small bet, she could accompany her no matter what.

It's just that Zhou Lihua doesn't have a bet, so it's boring.

"Wait!!" Zhou Lihua quit.

She desperately wants a North Sea house! I heard that it is big and beautiful, and it is not a place that ordinary people can live in. There are only three or two neighbors around, each with a deep background and a huge amount of energy.

They lived in and had a good relationship with their neighbors. Ye Cheng could get a liter in three or two years!

"I, I, I have a pair of large vases! The emperor's royal use! Ancestral! It's worth a lot of money! My dad said that someone bought it for 20,000 yuan, but he didn't sell it!" Zhou Lihua said.

Zhou Lihua's family is not an unknown bottom, her ancestors have also been prominent, and she has a little family background. This is her dowry. But she only has this pair of dowries.

Hua Zhao is a little moved, is it true?

Ye Ming smiled. He had seen the pair of vases. They were real and beautiful, but...

"20,000 oceans, that's the price decades ago, and now the cultural relics store is charging 2,000 yuan." He said.

And at the current price, if it were ten years earlier, it would be worthless and very dangerous. This kind of thing belongs to the four olds, and it will be fine if it is smashed.

At that time, Zhou Lihua wanted to smash it, but was reluctant, so she "stored" the vase in his house and asked them to keep it for her. She didn't take the vase away until it was peaceful two years ago.

After hearing this experience, Hua Zhao was speechless again about Zhou Lihua's behavior.

"That vase is worth 2000?" Hua Zhao asked Ye Ming.

Ye Ming nodded, Zhou Lihua asked about it at first, and then she was not willing to sell it.

"Okay, let's bet!" Hua Zhao said.

The current 2000 is still a royal official kiln. In the future, it will be worth at least 2 million, or even more. When the time comes, depending on the appearance, it seems that the calendar, 20 million, 200 million, can be expected.

"Okay, okay!" Zhou Lihua agreed immediately, for fear that Hua Zhao would go back on it.

"Otherwise, let's make a statement!" she said still worriedly.

"It's a big bet, isn't it bad to establish a letter?" Hua Zhao said. 2000 yuan is not a small bet.

"Look at how your child is so conscientious!" Zhou Lihua smiled, and now she was pleasing to Hua Zhao's eyes again.

"Of course we can't write bets, let's write, in the future, when your score is higher than Ye Jia's in the college entrance examination, I will give you my pair of vases as a reward! If Ye Jia's score is higher than yours, you sister-in-law will Lend the house in Beihai to Ye Jiabai to live in for 20 years, and you can renew the lease after 20 years!"

It would be nice to say that it was given to Ye Jia. Of course, she has the final say on who will live there.

She is really calculating.

Hua Zhao smiled and said, "Okay."

The two of them made a statement.

The document was handwritten by Zhou Lihua herself, and Hua Zhao signed it and pressed her handprint.

In order to fear that Zhou Lihua would break the contract on the spot, Hua Zhao signed and signed it very carefully.

Even so, Zhou Lihua's expression changed.

It didn't even write like a dog crawling? Rather pretty? Did she really go to school?

However, being able to write well does not mean learning well! What physical chemistry, English and Russian, Zhou Lihua is sure that Hua Zhao can't.

She comforted herself and said, "Let this agreement go to the old man, and let him be a witness to us. We can agree that this is both voluntary, so don't go back on it at that time!"

Hua Zhao looked at her and smiled: "each other."

Zhou Lihua was in a hurry and urged Hua Zhao to drive her to find Ye Zhenguo.

Hua Zhao naturally had nothing to do, and took her there.

Getting into the brand-new jeep, Zhou Lihua started to feel sour water again, and suddenly thought of something.

"Xiaohua, you're back in the city, and you stay at home every day. You can't use this car, can I borrow it from your third uncle? He has to squeeze a car with people every day to go to work. The bike is going, it’s fine now, but in the winter it’s cold and I’m suffering from old age.”

Hua Zhao has become a small flower again~

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