Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 632: Block people's way

Hua Zhao was stunned for a moment, but she didn't expect this to be what she was thinking about. She was a little strange. Tian Cui was twenty-five or six years old this year. She gave birth to two children. Not enough food for them?

Maybe also want to eat fresh in winter?

Human nature.

But Hua Zhao refused.

"Sorry, Sister-in-law Tian, ​​there are still vegetables growing in the greenhouse. Although I don't come back often, I still come back occasionally, so I collected the vegetables in the greenhouse."

Now there are several kinds of vegetables, eggplants, peppers, cucumbers, strawberries and watermelons, which are just the time to bloom, and it is just right to eat during the Chinese New Year.

These seeds are the best seeds, and she is reluctant to give them to others.

And why did she give it to Tian Cui? Sister Wang, she didn't even send it!

Tian Cui was a little disappointed.

"Then, will you come back next spring? If you don't have time to come back to plant the fields, I will help you plant them, and you will just give me half of the fruit that will bear..."

They all knew that Sister-in-law Wang got half of the poultry, and they were instantly envious.

It's a pity that they have a good relationship with Sister Wang, and they have nothing to do with them.

This time, if she helps to farm the land, it's alright to share half of the results, right?

"I'll be able to come back after a day or two of work." Hua Zhao still refused.

She won't let her out if she's not free.

Seeing her firm attitude, Tian Cui left with a bad expression.

"Why is she looking for you?" As soon as the person left, Mrs. Wang came over and asked.

"She wants to farm." Hua Zhao asked her doubts: "Does her family eat well? The nearly 2 mu of land is not enough for her family?"

Sister-in-law Wang immediately looked around, there was no one, so she said mysteriously: "I tell you, don't tell me!"

Hua Zhao: "...Don't worry, I'm sure I won't say it. I'm keeping my mouth shut. Who do you think I said?"

However, Sister Wang was very relieved. Even Su Yue, she didn't hear Hua Zhao say no. If it was her, everyone would know it by now...

"Tian Cui's mother-in-law's family and her parents' family seem to be in a difficult situation. They are similar to Su Yue's family. They both point to them for help. Their salary is not much left over a month, and they are mailed to their hometown."

It's no secret, everyone knows it when sending money.

"But Tian Cui is thinking." Sister Wang looked around again and whispered: "She grows vegetables, but instead of eating them, she secretly sells them! Didn't you see that her house didn't dry the vegetables? For fear of others knowing , she doesn't take the shuttle, she rides out before dawn, and comes back after the sale."

She woke up early, had met several times, and then looked at the big bag on Tian Cui's car, and figured it out.

"Oh~" Hua Zhao was stunned, she hadn't noticed it before, and thought it was because Tian Cui's family didn't serve the vegetables carefully, and there were few vegetables in the field. Because she rarely saw Tian Cui working in the yard, it turned out that she was away from home during the day and went out to sell things.

No wonder she came. Tian Cui was very unhappy. After so long, she was still not pleasing to the eye.

She's blocking people's way of making money.

"By the way, this is for you." Sister-in-law Wang suddenly stretched out her hand and stuffed a bunch of things for her.

Before starting, Hua Zhao knew it was money.

"Sister-in-law, what are you doing?" Hua Zhao wondered.

"How can my sister-in-law want your things for nothing! Your chickens and ducks are not for nothing. It takes so much food to raise such a large size. And the pigs, which are dozens of catties, are sold for tens of dollars. !"

Since the beginning of this year, the price of pork has increased. It is no longer available for two or three cents, and more than seventy cents! Most people can't afford it.

Of course, I still need tickets, and I don't want to eat more.

Hua Zhao pushed the money back and said with a smile, "Sister-in-law, aren't you breaking the rules? We don't even mention money when we communicate with each other in our compound!"

Indeed, she discovered that the people in the compound only gave each other things and never talked about business, as if talking about money hurt a pure camaraderie.

Li Meijuan said at the time that she was buying fruit, and she even meant to cheat her.

"That's because the things they send between them are small things, a handful of vegetables, a few green onions, or they are exchanged with each other. Sewing air tickets for watch tickets or something, they are all equivalent anyway." Sister Wang said: "I don't have those rare things for you, I can only give you money, and this is an equivalent exchange."

She and her husband were both from rural areas, and behind them were a large family of poor relatives. The rare tickets they issued, such as bicycle tickets, watch tickets, and even TV tickets, were donated to relatives, and there was no extra in their hands.

That's it, there's still a line of relatives outside.

"It's not much, it's less than the market price, or I'm taking advantage of it. It's not good to look at my face if you don't take it. Brother Wang, you have to scold me when you find out." Sister Wang insisted on stuffing the money back.

Hua Zhao accepted it with a smile, so among so many people, she found Sister Wang the most pleasing to the eye.

After accepting the money and loading things into the car, Hua Zhao waved goodbye to the big yard she loved.

She hoped that she could come back to live as soon as possible, because that means Ye Shen also came back.

With a sigh, Hua Zhao waved his thoughts away and took the babies home.

She first put everything in the courtyard, sat at home for a while, and then took the babies to Miao Lanzhi to say hello.

As soon as I arrived at my husband's house, I saw Zhou Lihua and Ye Jia also there. Zhou Lihua was angry, Ye Jia was crying, and her eyes were red.

"Where's Ye Ming? Call him back! Give me an explanation!" Zhou Lihua shouted.

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